Chapter One - Tabbie

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I'm Asher and this is my first wattpad story :) i hope its alright... anyway, you probably hear this a lot but i'd really really really really really .... REALLY appreciate it if you could just spend a few minutes reading it and voting and commenting so i know if its good or not and whether to continue o.O

Thank you soooo much for taking some time just to read it!!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> what their house looks like just so you know :)





I type my name up at the top of the word document and the date in the 'header' section and pause. My gaze somehow shifts from the screen of my laptop out to the window right in front of me. I live right opposite a park so I always get people walking along my street and today it is especially packed. Today is the first day of Spring and the starting date of the Annual Spring Fair. 

Mothers push along a baby kitted stroller with their other toddler walking beside them holding tightly onto their mother's free hand. Greasy teenagers slump along with their emo friends, throwing death glares at anyone who walks past them and stares. Parents watch as their children start to sweat as the rides begin.

Yes, while everyone, including my family are out there having fun, I'm sitting here doing a damn essay for my English teacher. I mean, the teachers could have used their common sense to know when the Spring Fair started because now a hundred or so students are sitting in doors, just as I am, wishing that some magical pixie fairy could end up writing their essay for them so they could join their families or meet up with their friends at the Spring Fair.

So tempting seeing it right in front of me. Really. The one day the Spring Fair was on and I had to sit in my room which FYI has a crystal clear view of the Fair as it is right in front of me I have a stupid essay to write.


I write the topic at the top of the page: "Should the Alcoholic drinking age be increased?"

I tap my fingernails on the desk as my eyes focus off the document and back onto the fair in front of me.

The grass is a lime green, so fresh and I can see small rain droplets sparkling in my eyes from the light of the fresh warm sun. The sky is brilliant blue with only a few fluffy white clouds scattered around. 

Children and adults all wore colorful Spring outfits, girls in their prime time were wearing pretty floral dresses while men wore polo shirts and shorts.

I could just picture myself out there with them wearing my new flowy, silk, pink top and my high waisted, dark washed shiny silver ballet flats... but no.

I am stuck inside. Writing. An. Essay.

I swivel round in my wheelie chair and watch my clock tick on my bedside table. The ticking echoes through my ears, sounding slower and slower by the second. It is only twelve thirty...which means I have eight more hours to finish my essay. I could probably start my essay at three which gives me five hours to complete it and I could most definitely finish one essay in five hours.


I get up out of my chair and walk over to my dresser and I grab my hair brush off it and walk over to the mirror, trying to brush out the knots from my long, red hair. Yeah, I didn't look particularly nice... My hair is all messy and all over the place as if I'd just come out of a clothes drier. My skin is paler than usual - probably because of the fact that I have been indoors all day. The only thing that really stood out were my green eyes. They were strange as they weren't just green, they have random flecks of gold throughout them which everyone says is nice but I just think its a little strange.

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