Chapter Two - Tabbie

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Hii, here's the next chapter - I hope you enjoy it!!!

Asher :)


'What's worked up your last good nerve?' my best friend Pilar asks me after fourth period math. We're sitting in the canteen on the table closest to the exit doors - just Pilar and me as my other best friend, Belle,  is at wind symphony.

I reject the butter chicken curry for lunch and rest my head in the crook of my arm on the dirty, red, platic table.

'Ben...' I grumble, barely audible. 

'What did you do?' she sighs, sounding tired. 

'I did nothing. He did everything,' I reply, grumpily, sitting up, taking the red napkin from my tray and starting to rip it up angrily.

'Well, you must have done something to get him to do something so bad to you to get you to not even eat your curry...?' Pilar says.

I glare at her. She's right. I'm not emo at all and I'm barely ever angry - only when Ben does something so annoying to really rock my boat. Ben and I have a strange relationship - its love/hate... more hate than love. He is always pulling pranks on me to get me annoyed and therefore, I just do it back to him. 

'Nah, I'm just not hungry,' I lie. I am hungry but I'm just too aggrivated to eat.

'You're lying,' Pilar says simply. She's always been able to pick out when I'm lying or not. Its amazing but can also be slightly disheartening for me to make me stop lying.

'Fine, you got me,' I say and I drop the pieces of teared up napkin on the table and pull my tray of curry, apple and some coke towards me. Our schools weird. In all the movies that you watch of American high school canteens, you see them eatching junk food and what not but at my school, you get all of the health foods and stuff - curry and apple.

Not that I don't like curry, its my favorite food but i get it every Monday so one day or another, I'll grow bored of curries.

I spoon up a mouthful of curry and swallow it before my gaze is caught by none other than Ben's blue eyed gaze. He's surrounded by his posse of footballers, jocks, surfers and cheerleaders, all talking to him at once but I see it, even through the crowd I see Ben watching me. He smirks and winks at me. 

Pilar obviously notices his presence by the way I grit my teeth and clutch the neck of the plastic spoon so hard it snaps. Opposite me, she looks at me with a calm expression on her pretty face. 'Calm down, Tabbie, calm down, he's just an idiot...' 

I bite my lip to restrain from swearing at him and causing a riot. I bite my lip so hard, I can feel it splitting from my teeth. I taste blood in my mouth, but I keep my grip on my lip.

'Tabbitha, calm down,' Pilar says more sternly. I drop the broken bits of spoon on the table but I don't tear my eyes away from the gaze of Ben. He laughs at nudges one of his blonde football player friends who looks over at me and laughs in the same stupid way that Ben does.

I put the finger up at Ben, not caring who in the damn world is watching.

Pilar bangs her head on the table and I death glare Ben so hard it could have withered flowers. Ben flicks his tongue at me and I pull back and give him a murderous look. I turn my attention away from Ben as he sits down thankfully, with his back towards me.

I look at Pilar who looks exhausted. 

'I'd like to leave,' I say to her. I bend my head low to the table as Ben looks over at me. 

'What?' Pilare says. 

'I want to go home,' I say, desparately. Ben has turned my life around. I used to be a sweet innocent child who never thought of anything such as swear words or murdering people or committing suicide all over this one person. He's horrible.

'You have tech next though,' Pilar states.

'Yes, but its just tech, I'm going to bludge,' I say to her. Pilar raises her eyebrows and shrugs her shoulders as if to say, 'Your choice, if you don't get good marks, its not my fault,'

'Don't look at me like that,' I say, sadly.

'Well, if you want to bludge, its fine, but don't expect whoever you have to give you good grades if she knows you here today and your just not coming,' Pilar says, needling me.

I groan. I hate it when she does this: putting me on the spot. 

'Fine, I'll go!' I say after she gives me a skeptical look. 'Just don't expect me to listen well,' 

'Like I said, its your choice, mate,' She says.

I bang my head on the table, only then realizing it was a mistake to bash my head so hard as I can feel a headache coming on.

I rub my temples, hoping to sooth my anger of Ben.

'Are you working tonight?' Pilar asks after a while.

'Its Monday so... um, I don't think so?' I say, thinking back to my weekly schedule and answering more like a question than an answer.

'OK,  we're having a movie night, no excuses,' Pilar says. For as long as I can remember, I've been going over the Pilar's house on evenings just to chill out and watch movies. Normally, its a Friday night but when one of us is really down in the dumps, we change it.

I groan again and we stand up and walk over to the exit to go to our lockers.


I open my locker accidently a little too forcefully as the tin door smashes against the one beside me, creating a loud 'BANG' which echoes through the locker corridor.

'What do you have?' I ask Pilar as she opens her locker. It's good because Pilar's locker is completely horizontally opposite mine so its good so we can talk while getting our stuff.

'I have Modern History,' She says. I snort. 

'Modern History?' I repeat. Pilar just grunts. I turn around and look at her puzzling.

'Modern history... um, current events that happen. Opposite of ancient history in other words.' She says, noticing my puzzled silence. Pilar is smart. Really smart. She's tall and has long, wavy brown hair, dark brown eyes and tanned skin. She's Spanish which explains the name, looks, personality and all - her mom's Spanish or something which is really cool but her dad's from New Jersey.

She grabs her history books and I turn around and continue my browsing in my organized locker for my design and technology books and stuff.

I shut my locker, this time with less force just as the loud bell rings. Pilar says bye to me and walks the opposite way - towards the HSIE department classrooms while I turn around and make my way across to the other side of the building to the technology classrooms with the sound of the metal bell ringing and echoing through my ears. 


Hi there,

sorry its a little shorter than lasts one but I hope its still good... i know its a bit boring but I had to upload a boring one because the next one, I can guarantee is going to be so much better! I have a little surprise in stall for  the people reading this >:)

anyway, vote, comment, do your thing and I'll be uploading soon!

<3 Asher

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