Chapter Three - Tabbie

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Pilar was right. I needed a movie night and I needed it bad. I was actually worse than i thought I was which must have been pretty darn bad.

Pilar and I are lying on her couch which her mom pulled out and turned it from the couch to the bed. We're lying there in our pajamas (Pilar's being long, white and spotty and mine being long, pink and scattered with monkeys and bananas and our white singlet tops), with out pillows under our chins, watching Titanic.

I know, I probably shouldn't be watching such a sad moving at night because I'd probably end up crying myself to sleep which... well, is kind of embarrassing - especially in front of Pilar's hot older brother, Connor,  who is watching with us on the floor in front of us.

Pilar leans down across her brother and without taking her sharp eyed gaze off the small flatscreen TV, takes the popcorn from Connor's lap and places it between us, careful that none of the popcorn is wasted by spilling out.

She chews on a handful of popcorn, making loud crunchy noises with her mouth open. Connor, without removing his eyes from the TV, reaches up to Pilar, and pushes her jaw up shut. I snort and Conner turns to me and flashes me a crooked grin.

Conner looks a lot like Pilar: same dark, wavy hair, same blackish colored eyes and same hilarious sense of humor and wittiness. We all turn back to the TV and watch it change colors. I try not to focus and concentrate to hard on the TV for fear of just bursting out into tears so I end up zoning out.

I remember, the first time I ever watched the Titanic was when mom and dad took us to Paris and then skiing down the south of France - I was watching it on the plane before I knew that watching a sad love story on the plane isn't a particularly good idea, I ended up bawling my eyes out and I was sitting in between Landon and Phoenix and they were just staring at me like I was a complete lunatic.

Well, come to think of it, I probably did look like a lunatic - my hair was probably all messed up, my eyes were bright red and pussy and my face would have been red and wet from all the tears. Landon and Phoenix just laughed.

So much for family support. Pilar rubs her nose. I can see her eyes starting to water. We are at The Part. The part where Rose and Jack are at the lower level of the ship and Jack's tighted up to the pole and Rose has just come to rescue him. 

I put a supportive arm around Pilar as Rose her test shot into the draw. 

Pilar sniffs and a tear rolls down her cheek.

Connor laughs and shouts 'FAIL' loudly as she crashes the draw set into pieces.

Pilar flicks him in the head and Connor simply puts up the finger. I roll my eyes. Pilar and Connor have always had the real sister/brother relationship that you get in movies and books. Its funny to watch. 

Connor starts something which leads to Pilar disagreeing which ends up being Connor VS. Pilar but in the end, even though most of the time they don't show it, I think Connor and Pilar couldn't survive more than an hour without each other.

Pilar sniffs loudly again and steps off the couch bed and walks towards the door. 'I need a moment,' She says, dramatically.

Connor and I both stiffle laughs as Pilar walks out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind her. I hear her start to sob as she walks down the hallway but the sobs get softer and less audible as I know she's turned the corner to get to the kitchen.

Connor puts the movie on hold and bursts out laughing. 

'No, we shouldn't laugh at her,' I say, disapproving but Connor just laughs, clutching his side.

I try not to smile. One of my problems is when I  see someone laughing, its almost contageous so I burst out laughing too. I bite my lip to stop laughing, but it doesn't work, I laugh too. 

Pilar walks back in, red nose and puffy eyed. She glares at both of us - Conner still rolling of the floor laughing and me, literally, with my fist in my mouth. She sniffs again and sits beside me. I sit up and smile at Pilar. She drops her act and returns a watery smile. She lies down with her head in my lap. 

I check my watch and my eyes grow big. 

'I've got to go,' I say loudly.

'What time is it?' COnnor asks.

'Almost ten,' I reply.

'Just stay the night,' Pilar says, looking up at me. I shake my head.

'I can't,' I reply. 'I've got to get home,' 

Pilar pouts but nevertheless, sits up and gives me a quick hug. I stand up off the bed and say bye to Connor, awkwardly.

I see myself out, shouting 'Bye Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmann,' before opening the door and walking out into the porch. I grit my teeth - it is bucketing with rain. I mean that literally, pouring with rain and a few miles out, it looks as if there is thunder and lightning on its way. 

At least I only live a few streets down... I mumble as I pull my hood up over my head and make a run for my house in the pouring rain.


now it gets interesting >:D

Well, thanks for reading and remember

1. Reaaaaaaaaaaad

2. Commmmmmmmmment.

3. Vooooooooooooooooooteeeeeeeeeeeeee

and I'll upload soon :)



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