Chapter Four - Ben

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'GO, GO, GO! TACKLE, GET DOWN THERE MORRIS, DON'T DAWDLE! MOVE YOUR FEET!' Coach shouts from the sideline.

I head buck one of the players and no sooner than I had, does a loud whistle ring. Coach stands there, bald with only a few strings of white hair and gray, aged eyes, in his red and yellow tracksuits with a black whistle in his mouth and a disappointed look on his face.

Mind you, Coach Robinson always has a disappointed look on his face. He's such a downer. I mean, always frowning... you'd think he'd be happy some time in his life but no - he lives to scream at kids. What a loser.

I stand up and stretch my arms above my head, taking a quick of my armpits, just to check it wasn't me stinking out the gym. 

'Alright, well played, ladies,' He says sternly, walking over to the players and eyeing each of us with his stricked gray eyes. Buff, a big, tough looking black player snorts at Coach's humor. Coach's eyes flick to Buff who falls silent. 

'The first game of this season's on this Saturday, you'd better be there or I'll have to feed your bones to the dogs. We're versing Collingwood and those who were in the team last year know they'll whip your asses from right under you pink noses. Be there or your off the team,' He says sternly, eyeing another player, Sam Wiper otherwise known as Swiper, don't ask, its a long story how he got caught up with that name even though its simply put - Swiper has a long history of taking a bye for every game.

Swiper snorts and Buff punches him on his shoulder pad.

'Morris!' Coach shouts, making me jump a little bit. 

'Yes, sir?' I say, as if he were a Collonel for the Marines or something. One of my mates, Hayden, winks at me and I grin. 

'You're captain of this game. It is your duty to assemble the team before the game starts - warm up and everything,' He says

'Yes, sir,' I reply. Coach whacks my shoulder pad and walks off, meaning its the end of training.

I start to walk towards the training room when someone slaps my back. Hayden walks beside me and grins.

'Nice one, TP!' He laughs.

'I'm not a TP,' I say flatly.

'Yeah, you are,' He says, skeptically. He spins around so he's facing the rest of the team who are walking behind us and walks backwards.

'Who else thinks Ben's a TP?' He shouts. A bunch of yeah's hit me and Hayden laughs and we turn into the changerooms. I walk to my red locker and open it. I grab my deoderant and spray it around the room, getting rid of the 'Teenage guy stench' that had floated from the gym into the small, claustrophobic changing room.

I grab my clothes and grab a shower, quickly getting rid of my smell of Lynx. I turn the tap off and pull on a hoodie and skinny jeans before getting out and pulling on my Converse.

'That was quick,' Hayden says, still in his football gear.

'Yeah, I've got to be home for my sister,' I say, truthfully.

'Well, its like ten,' Hayden says, checking his digital watch. 

'Still,' I say, grabbing my homework folder and gym bag.

'Dude, she's how old?'

'Fifteen,' I reply.

'She can stay at home by herself till midnight, come on, stay a while longer. Buff's gonna egg the music department,' Hayden says.

'Nah, I don't want a whole month's worth of Friday detentions, but thanks anyway,' I say, slapping him on the arm.

'Meh, your choice,' He grumbles and walks off to the showers after mumbling a 'See yah,' to me.

I rustle my hair and walk out of the change rooms, back through the gym and towards the doors at the exit. 

I open the doors, only to be hit with a wave of freezing cold wind and the sound of rain hitting the pavement in front of me.

'Shit,' I say quietly to myself. I have to walk home. I left my damn car at home. A flash of light cracks a few miles in front of me. Pulling my hood over my head, I start my awful journey through the pouring rain.

I run a few minutes before feeling exhausted. It's ten o'clock at night, I've been doing training for four hours straight and I'm running home in the pouring rain. I turn a corner and see someone up ahead, a girl, just standing there, sopping wet.

'What the hell are you doing?' I yell at her. She turns to me and I'm half expecting her to be some vampire-Edward-Cullen's-creepy-sister with strange red eyes but its not. It's my favorite person in the world - Tabbitha Diamond (Please note the sarcasm).

I look at her, I see she's crying and not just by the tears, but by the way she's looking at me. Her pretty face is all screwed up, her mouth is slightly open and her eyes look red and puffy. 

I run over to her and grab her by the shoulders and start shaking her. 'What the hell? You should get inside now!' I shout.

She sniffs, I'd never seen her look like this before. She looks completely petrifyed to the bones about something. 'Tabbie? Tabbitha!' I yell. She doesn't respond.

Then, the most unlikely thing happens. There is a huge smash above us, a burst of eye-blinding light and two people scream.

Tabbitha and I lie on the floor, unable to move in the pouring rain.


Hehehehehe, kidding, I love these characters.

Don't worry, this is my first time almost killing my main characters - THEY HAVEN'T DIED so don't think they have.

Don't judge me, I don't normally electricute my people. I've just done this right now because its relelvant >:)

It gets better, trust me.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2011 ⏰

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