You Don't Recall..?

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"Sir Dainsleif, her highness wishes to see you in her bed chamber." the messenger announces.

("Looks like the princess wishes to see me.")

Dainsleif corrected his position to face her room and quickly headed off.

C"I must not keep her highness waiting.)" He continued walking until he reached her bed chamber.

He knocked on the door before entering.

"Oh, Dain. You're back!" she giggled happily and ran to Dainsleif and hugged him tightly.

After all, he was her personal guard and friend. However, lately. He had been too busy to even attend to her needs and wants as his role as the Twilight Sword of the Khaneri'ah nation was quite taxing on him. But whenever he saw her, it calmed him down a bit...for some unknown reason.

However, it was inappropriate for a princess to hug him so he brushed her off and said;

"Princess, you mustn't hug a commoner."
After all, rank plays as an important factor in whether it is deemed appropriate. A commoner dating a princess of a nation will be heavily criticized and laughed at by the press. In no way would I want her to endure such mockery.

"Why?" she inquired curiously. Intrigued by his comments about her behavior.

"I am but a commoner and you are the princesses of a thriving nation. We should not be together."

"But Dain..." she whined at him, but not like her typical whines. This one was sad.

"Hmmm?" he questions, wanting to know why she was upset at the idea that they shouldn't be together.

"We are married and I'm pregnant with your child..."

"Don't you remember all the times we had...?"

He gave this question a thought, he doesn't remember loving the princess in any way. He concluded that she must be joking as she would prank him from time to time.

"Lumine, this is absurd...I do not recall spending time with you and getting married. Moreover, I do not recall getting you pregnant." he snapped at her.

"Dain..." she begins to cry.

"I am not joking..." she bawled her eyes out while saying that as if I somehow offended her in a way.

"Do you not remember...?" she once again asked this question as if I was going to admit that I recalled all of our dates and love when I summoned all my memories and still don't evoke any memories.

My heart started pounding when she cried. Why does it hurt to see her in pain...? I only saw her as an acquaintance...nothing more...

She stormed out of her bed chambers while crying.

An instinct had told him to run after her but he shook it off.

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