Forget About Him

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"Your majesty, your sister had a miscarriage."

The servant's words made the King look at him in aghast. Just a few days ago. Lumine was fine. She was looking to become a mother but unfortunately, fate is cruel.

"Lucien, arrange my belongings. I am going to give my sister a visit."

"Very well, your majesty."

(Oh Lumine, you must be sad....)

The King continues to think about his sister.

He remembered the days when their parents would assign them royal duties. Aether being the slightly older one had schooling made for the next monarch that will take the throne. Lumine was like a spare to them. She was never meant to be the next monarch so she was taught things that a princess should be taught. Dancing, etiquette, and music. All things that a typical prince would find attractive. Being the King, Aether doesn't have time to visit his sister. He has to rule an entire nation but he tries his best to find the right time.

"Your majesty, your personal belongings is packed."

"Good, tell Daven that I will be away to see the princess."

"Yes, your majesty."

The servant bowed and King Aether went into his carriage.

(I hope that Lumine is fine....)

The carriage started to move by itself. The distance between the dawn and eclipse palace is long. It would be around a few days before they can reach the dawn palace but Aether doesn't mind. As long as he could see his sister. It would be fine.


"Ojou-chan! I heard what happened."

The ginger quaked.

"Did that bastard make you upset?!"

"You should leave him!"

Childe angrily declared, he for one. Never liked the man ever since he was a kid. He stole Lumine away from him.


"Lumine, I am sick of him treating you like that."

"Why don't you date me, instead?!"

He goes nearer to Lumine until his nose were just inches away from hers.


With no warning, he kissed Lumine on the lips.


At that moment, he wants to make her, his so she can enjoy a happy life with him instead of that self-loathing bastard of a knight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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