{ Prolouge }

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Man...I just want school to be over.

Y/n was stuck in Class A which was probably her least favorite place to be because of all the geeks and nerds in it.

I was as smart as them but I wasn't cocky or acted like a royal person to people who weren't as smart as you, like the End Class.

The people in there weren't half bad but because this was such a prestigious high school others acted like they were just filthy rats that get in the way of their grades.

I used to be friends with one of them what was his name?

I think it was something along the lines of Kameron? No Keith?

I kinda forgot his name since it's been so long, we parted ways right after middle school I'm pretty sure but then again I forget everyone's names even my own name

He was a nice guy, well at least I think so. I remember that he would annoy others until they had enough and threaten them but that's just about it.

I've experienced worse so it didn't really bother me

But I have been wondering every time I see him and try to say hi he cocks his head away and walks to where ever he was going.

I didn't know why but I think it's because I became friends with his rival, um Ayano was his name I think. Wait that's a girls name then it has to be Ayato yea it has to be!

I should try confronting him about it but it's too difficult to get close to him so I'll have to do something else.

Maybe a letter...?

Words: 301
A/n: Sorry it's so short I may revise it in the future once I'm done with this story

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