{ Transfer Student Time }

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A/N: Sorry but I'm discontinuing this story because I literally have no motivation for it whatsoever.. but I do have other stories that I'm much more invested in, so I hope you enjoy those more than these (I also thought this book had no story or plot behind it and the writing was just really random)
But you can read what the second chapter would be(I didn't finish it yet but you can read what there is)

If I do get motivation though, I'll probably make a separate book and actually give it more depth and story

[Nagisa's POV]:

"Too bad our school trip ended too soon..."

"Yea.. now we gotta go back to normal days

"You call these days normal?"

"Hey guys!" Someone from behind said, it was Isogai, "Did you guys get the email Karasuma sensei sent?"

"Oh yea, something about a new transfer student"

"Seems pretty sketchy to me" Sugino said as he pulled out his phone to show the email.

"HAVE YOU SEEN A PICTURE!?!?" We all jumped back in surprise as Okajima suddenly appeared infront of us

"Don't just appear out of nowhere!" Yelled Sugino

After Okajima showed us a picture of the new student we all went to class, but when we look inside a big rectangular box was in one of the upper right side desks

Everyone in the room, including the other people who came in later all became surprised at the new student

The box had a small section that lit up and the picture Okajima showed earlier was there.

But the picture did not match her monotonous voice, "Hello Class-3E, I am Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery. I am your new transfer student."

The screen then blinked off

Everyone deadpanned at the new "student"

"Is this some sort of joke or something?"

This definitely wasn't the sort of new student we were really expecting....

As class was starting the new student suddenly pulled out a bunch of guns and started to rapidly shoot at korosensei and the area around him

Everyone braced for cover as everyone screamed

"Im sorry, but interrupting the class is a big no no!" Koro sensei said as he blocked a bullet with his chalk

After the set of bbs went off the Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery started calculating and saying things

She then went on to fire another set of bullets towards korosensei!

But when he went to dodge a bullet by using his chalk another bullet behind it shot his finger

"What the...!"

Everyone was shocked by this new student we had gotten

This went on for the whole day. And at the end of it, we were the ones left to clean it

"Ugh... can't believe we have to clean this mess"


[Y/n's POV]:

What the fuck just happened

I was busy trying to focus but my brain is currently committing suicide

I didn't even notice the large box right next to my desk

Kunakida(Korosensei) was starting a lesson on whatever when all of the sudden large guns had appeared next to me.

I rapidly turned my head to look at what it was and finally noticed the supposed new transfer student I sorta heard Everyone talking about

I mean I will say she does look pretty... but I mean she's a literal ai

Before I could think anymore thoughts the guns went off creating loud bangs everywhere

Everyone either ducked, covered their ears, or both.

I thankfully only needed to cover my ears since I wasn't infront of any of the guns

But my ears feel like they're going to explode so I guess it's still a lose-lose no matter what

After her first attack she began to calculate and add even more guns.

Please at least let my ears recover first before doing another round of shots!

But this time Kevin(Korosensei) got his finger blown up... the ai then said something that frightened both the class and even Kelly(Korosensei)

"Percentage to assassinating Korosensei before graduation: 90%"

She had more of a chance to kill him than us.. but it made sense

We're humans. We lack perfection

What makes you think that we can compare to an ai? An ai that can calculate the best possible outcome and every other possible one

Well I mean the one thing that ai don't have is emotion. They cannot fully express their own feelings


Damn that got super emotional for no reason..

I'm leaving early before I have to help clean

As I make my way home I notice someone standing by the main entrance gate

It was Assano?

Didn't think he'd skip class

I was about to approach him when I suddenly remembered that I'm not suppose to talk... and that I look like a 2018 ultra rare princess from gacha

I tried to walk past him but he grabbed me by the damn hand!?

The hell is his problem???

"I've never seen you before? Are you a new student that my father never told me about?"

I nodded my head quickly... he gave an easy excuse so I just agreed to it

"Oh.." He looked up at the mountain I just came down "You're from the end class?"

His tone definitely changed to a more threatening one... he really doesn't like E-Class... and even if I was rhe original me he wouldn't act any different. Or at least I don't think so...

I nodded my head to the question and his face became a more serious one "Well you seem like a decent person. If you ignore how you look at least."

This bitch-

I honestly didn't care at this point no one would know who i am at least...

I bitch slapped the little shit so hard that I swore his face could have flipped around

He looked up at me with an angry expression... reasonable answer to being slapped

"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

I stood still... before running the fuck away

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" He also began chasing me.. but I was a bit faster and made it to my house so I could lock the door before he could get it

He wouldn't break into my house, right?





I look to where he had broke the glass and...

What is this period head doing here?

"Hey Yokota!

"Have any idea why you're in my ex friend's house?"



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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