Peace Was Interrupted.

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I was walking down the hallway, holding my bag strap while I scrolled through Instagram, making my way to my next class. It was a new semester, so I had new classes. I didn't really care who I got put with, except for one person ; Alex Maldonado. Everybody knew him by his gaming name, Quackity, but majority of the people who knew him outside of the gaming realm called him by his real/dead name. I walked outside the lunch room, being lead to a beautiful garden, full of flowers, Cherry Blossom, and Magnolia Trees, and a bunch of animals. I usually came here to eat lunch, along with my friends but I hadn't seen my friends all day. I sat down at my usual bench, leaning against the back while spreading my legs out, opening my lunch box while sighing. I turned my phone off, taking my books out while taking a bite of my salad. I started studying for next weeks exam in Chemistry. I suddenly seen multiple shadows that covered the sunlight from my face. " Hey Y/n! " A familiar voice exclaimed. I looked up to see my friends with their lunches. " Oh! Hey guys! " I smiled, crossing my legs to make room for them. They sat down on either side of me, one infront of me while we all started a conversation about our new classes, and sometimes it drifted into gaming subjects. Clay, whom was sitting on my left side looked over in the opposite direction and then started talking to someone, or something. I looked over, seeing Alex, my best friend Karl, and Nick. I frowned as me and Alex made eye contact. He smirked in a devious way, crossing his arms while Nick talked to Clay. I huffed, rolling my eyes while turning back towards George and William. Minutes after the other men joined us, I closed my book, putting on a annoyed smile while looking up. William could tell something was wrong, as I never smiled like that. I sighed, closing my lunchbox calmly. I stood up, going to walk away before Clay stopped me. " Akiiro? Where are you going? " Clay tilted his head, looking at me. I paused, clenching my jaw before turning to him with a fake smile. " Oh! I forgot I told Niki I'd study with her during lunch! " I told the most blunt fib I could think of while eyeing Alex. " Oh, alright. Have fun I guess! " He smiled, waving at me. I nodded, walking off while shoving my stuff in my bag. " I.. have to go use the bathroom. " Alex coughed, standing up and following. William frowned with a suspicious expression, furrowing his brows. I walked back inside the building, leaning against my locker while sighing. " Look who it is~.. " Alex cooed, walking up and pulling my hair. " ¡Hijo de puta! " I yelled, kneeing him in his pressure point while huffing. He groaned in pain, leaping towards me with anger in his eyes. He grabbed my throat, pinning my to my locker while practically choking me until he was punched in the head. He was sent stumbling sideways while William stood there, clenching his jaw. " Have to use the bathroom huh?! " He shouted, walking towards him and kicking him in the stomach. I grinned, trying to catch my breath while rubbing my throat. " Bastard! You'll be lucky I don't snitch on you! " He yelled, kicking him in his pressure point while huffing, walking towards me. I smiled, patting Williams shoulder. " Thanks Will, but I could've handled him myself. " I chuckled. He rolled his eyes, telling me to be more careful while walking back out to the others. I glanced over at Alex, laughing like some kind of maniac. He sat up, gripping at his gut while he clenched his jaw. " You idiot! ¿De verdad crees que podrías salirte con la tuya haciéndome daño...? " I smirked, grabbing his tie and yanking him up, our faces inches apart. " Piénsalo de nuevo... idiota. " I scoffed with a sly grin, kicking him back onto the floor while walking off like those villains when the building explodes behind them. The bell suddenly rang, students flooding the hallways, whispering and talking as they passed his body that laid on the floor. I walked up the flight of stairs, pushing open the classroom door and taking a seat. I sighed, rubbing my throat as my head started to ache. A few minutes later, the door swung open to reveal a weak Alex. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I knew he was going to be in at least one of my classes. The class was surprisingly peaceful, beings he was to weak to do anything to me, but after a few more hours, we were sent back to our dorms where'd we'd spend the rest of the day.

Friend Group Rivals~QuakityxLatina!OC~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant