Endolphin Surge

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    "Mizole! Mizole! MIZOLE!" Ryan started screaming at Mizole. Why? Because, he had spaced out half way through the song they were making for their talent show at their school.
"Sorry Ryan. I had kinda just-" Ryan rolled her eyes. "If we don't write this song by the end of today, we're toast dude! Everyone expects the best from us since apparently we're the cool 'guitar guys." Mizole started getting stressed. "Okay. I'll get everything down by the end of today. I have one problem with the song though." Ryan made a weird face at him. "What do you mean? Do you have something against the song I'm writing?" Ryan picked up the paper and handed it to Mizole. He read it. "No I don't but I just don't think a beat like this would catch people's attention. No lyrics like 'I can't believe my eyes' carp (crap) doesn't get the job done." Ryan rolled her eyes again. "Let's see what you got then. I'll give you some time to think of something, but I bet you it won't be any better than mine!" Mizole got angry. "Challenge accepted." They both grabbed their guitars and the papers and stomped to their houses.

   "Mizole, dear. Why are you home so early?" Mizoles mom asked. "Me and Ryan are challenging eachother to see who can write the better song for the talent show." Ryan said. "Well that's lovely but, why can't you guys just work on it together." She asked. "You'll see Mom, I'm gonna write something fantastic." Mizoles mom nodded and continued listening to music.

  Mizole walked into his room and went to his desk. He grabbed some paper and pen and started thinking. "What would I write though..." He tapped his pen back and forth on the desk. A small idea popped into his head. "I could write something that makes me happy." He wanted to write but still did not know what to write about. "I'll grab a cup of water and maybe that'll help." He ran to the kitchen and got a cup of water, then returning to his room. He sat back at his desk and chugged the water. "That felt like it lifted some stess off my shoulders... That's it! I could write a song about trying to get rid of stress. People deal with it every day. Not only will the song sound good but the lyrics will be motivating in some sort of way." He got to work. Starting with the beat, he hummed a couple different notes and tried them out to see how he liked them. He suddenly landed on one he liked. He wrote the notes on the paper. "Now for the lyrics. I'm thinking maybe something like, 'we're gonna try and see-' neh that doesn't sound good. How bout' 'Tell me to run and flee, I have the key.." He thought for a moment. "You're telling- ' no no.. 'You're feelin' misery... So can I.'" He liked it but- "GAH! that's only the first little part! Maybe I can do like some sort of thing like.. A play on words or something.. Eh... Maybe I can ask my brother or sister for help."

  "Mizole what's wrong?" Mizole started talking quickly. "I got 22 words for ya! I have until the end of the day to write a song about getting rid of stress what should it be called?" Mizoles sister stood there frozen in thought. "I dunno, your brother's the and I quote 'cool one' unquote. Ask him not me." Mizole felt a strong amount of stress and ran all the way to his brothers room. "And I also have 22 words for you." Mizoles brother stopped him. "I heard you talking to your sister don't worry. Gimme a good feel of the lyrics." "okay! One part goes like, 'Tell me to run and flee! I have the key! You're feelin' misery, so can I. ' And another part is basically the same thing but worded slightly different like, 'Do what you want with me! I have the key! We're ending misery, or am I?' And I have no idea what goes after, I know it's gonna be the title but I don't know the title and I don't wanna lose the challenge to Ryan!" Mizoles older brother was shocked. "Gimme a second to process that..."


"I think I got it! What about Endolphin Surge or something like that." Mizoles brother said. "I like it! I'm totally not gonna question why it's named Endolphin Surge but who cares! I don't want a lecture about why it's named Endolphin Surge! Actually I'm surprised I didn't name it that anyways love ya bye!" Mizole rushed back into his room and wrote "Endolphin Surge."

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