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"What are you doing going through my stuff?" I asked weakly. I was just so exhausted and to have to deal with this.

"I asked you a question, what is this?" He growled lowly.

"Umm excuse me." Penny said and scurried out of the room faster than I had ever seen her move.

"Are you going to answer me?"

I sighed heavily and stalked towards him slowly.

"What do you want me to say huh? It's exactly what it looks like." I tried to reach for the envelope but he pulled it away.

"How- When?"

"Two, three, I don't know maybe a couple of weeks ago." I responded.

"Are you still going to keep defending him?"

This convention couldn't have come at the worst time possible. On any other day, I would have explained passionately why Craig being with some other woman wasn't a bad thing. But I was too drained right now, I just wanted him to let it go.

"Dammit Katherine, you've known this for quite some time and yet you still looked at me like I was crazy when I told you what he did to my mother. You lied to me and said he would never do such a thing then what do you call this? What hold does he have on you?" He shouted.

"Nobody is holding anyone." I said as calmly as I could. I didn't want to get worked up over this especially cause now I knew the truth. Nick was a victim as much as Craig was, if only I could tell him.

"Then explain it to me please." He threw his hands up in exasperation.

"He married me in order to help me get here, should I also deprive him of happiness? You said it once, my marriage to your father is a sham then doesn't that make this situation normal? He is a lonely man, why would I punish him by asking him to not see other women if his heart desires to? Wouldn't that make me a hypocrite?"

In his eyes, I saw Nick's anger slowly disappear. He knew I was right and couldn't find it in him to fight me on this.

"He isn't well so please don't go and make things worse." I pleaded.

Nick wasn't an irrational person so I trusted that he wouldn't confront his father.

"Is this de ja vu or something?" He let out a humorless laugh.

"I know I'm ask-" My words were cut short as unexpected bile shot to my throat, I was going to...


I waved one hand hysterically signaling him to move out of the way. With the other hand holding my mouth, I blindly staggered to the office bathroom. I have never been more grateful that those existed.

Thankfully, I made it to the bowl before everything violently erupted from my mouth.

My hands gripped the toilet seat as I spilled my guts out. Last night's dinner and breakfast all went to waste. I don't know how long I knelt there or when my hair was pulled out from my face and held back.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked handing me a bunch of paper towels.

"I might be coming down with a stomach bug." I groaned.

Nick's hand touched my forehead.

"Your temperature seems normal. Let me call Dr. Shaw." His hand was about to reach into his pocket when a small thought struck me.

"No, don't. I will go the hospital later in the day, I was going to pass by anyway to see Craig's doctor."

I would take Finn's advice and get a DNA myself. Maybe just maybe there was a chance that they had been wrong and Nick was Craig's son. Nothing would be certain till a DNA was done.

"Then let me drive you home, you probably need a change of clothes."

That and two DNA samples.


Craig's DNA wasn't going to be difficult to get, it was Nick's that had me tapping my foot anxiously.

He hadn't been to the mansion in a few weeks and with all the cleaning that goes on there, there would be nothing left.

Should I just him for a few strands of his hair? I thought to myself.

No, that would be too weird and I didn't need him thinking I was doing something suspicious. I had already lost some of his trust.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him glance at me worryingly.

"You feeling okay? Do you need to use the bathroom, my place is just around the corner?"

"No, I-"

Wait, his house? Of course, there would be tons of possible DNA samples there.

"I mean, yes. I think I need to use the bathroom." I gave out a fake moan.

"You should just let me drop you at the clinic." He grumbled under his nose.

Nick's bathroom sparkling clean, not a thing out of place but lucky enough there was a hairbrush in one of the drawers under the sink. I felt weird about stealing a toothbrush, thank goodness I didn't have to take that option.

"Feeling any better?" Nick asked the moment I appeared back into his lounge.

"Better than ever, I don't think it's anything serious."

"I beg to differ, you've been this way since our trip to Switzerland. You should really see a doctor." He argued.

"I looked it up on the internet, all I need to do is eat well and get some rest which shouldn't be difficult now that there isn't much pressure at the company. So please Mr. CEO, no more surprise trips across the globe." I teased.

A faint smile graced his lips as he nodded in agreement.

"Since you are feeling much, do you want to stay over for dinner?"

"Nick-" I started.

"Just dinner, I promise I won't try anything." He looked sincere and I couldn't say no to that.

"Alright, I will stay for dinner."

"In return can you also promise me something?" He spoke suddenly looking all serious.


"That there will be no more lies between us. I know it's a stretch but I want to trust you Katherine and I can only do that if you promise not to keep important things from me." His one hand reached out and brushed against mine.

How could I do that when I was already holding too many secrets? I was already lying to him about so much, what's one more?

I knew I was making a huge mistake, once the truth came out we wouldn't be able to come back from it. But I still looked him in the eye and made the promise.


Should she just tell them the truth?

AMB~she~OUSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon