Chapter 1: The Cycle of Rebirth

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Two years after the Singularity had been born, an infant with vibrant crimson hair and a pair of orbs that reflected the color of fire itself, was born. She was named as Ylva, which meant "she-wolf." The name was given to her due to the unique cry she had let out when she was born, it was similar to a wolf's cry.

As Ylva grew up in Tison Village, one of the villages located in the Parthevia Empire, her parents noticed that something was odd with her. Her first word had been "Yurul," it baffled them as to why that had been the first thing she spoke but nevertheless, they were overjoyed that she finally spoke.

Already a year old, Ylva struggled with all her feeble strength to learn how to walk. Her parents were very careful with her and tried to persuade her to slow down but she did not. At first, it had been that way but eventually she slowed down, albeit not as immediate as they had wanted to.

After a few months of practicing, she could finally walk although she needed help at times. Her vocabulary soon grew and she could speak a few words without the baby slur. It was a miracle for her parents, they thought that she was a genius and dotted on her as much as they could.

But that backfired against their attempts, she did not like their affection too much and often found themselves being bitten or growled at. She was really acting like a beast. They thought she was being possessed by an evil spirit but that was their mere assumption. It changed when they found their daughter acting civil with them at some times.

They had no choice but to back away when she refused their aid. She only came to them when she was hungry or when she could not do some things by herself. It was heartbreaking really, their one-year old daughter was acting too much like a stranger that it scared them.

She acted too formal or too wild, they could not decide what was scarier.

That changed when she spoke to them of how she made a friend whose name was Sinbad, the son of Badr, the single survivor of a recent expedition. The tale went like this:


Ylva was walking in streets without any of her parents again but the other villagefolk did not mind her, they were already used to seeing the child like that. She had simply roamed around until she bumped into another figure. She snapped out of her daze to find a three-year old boy with purple hair and a pair of golden eyes looking at her.

"I'm sorry!" He cried out to her but she shook her head and told him that she was alright.

"My name is Sinbad and I'm sneaking off to look for my daddy!" He exclaimed in enthusiasm.

"I'm Ylva." She introduced herself.

His eyes suddenly brightened and he tugged at her hand. "Come with me! We'll look for my daddy together!" He said without bothering to ask her what she thought about the matter.

She didn't bother to fight back anymore, it was useless to fight against a hyperactive child.

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