Chapter 2: Goodbye

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It was another two years that had passed and Ylva was no longer a one-year old child but was instead a three-year old child now. Surprisingly, despite her beast-like and also mature personality, it didn't scare away Sinbad like the rest of the other children. She found it sad though that his family were being called expatriates just because they weren't contributing anything for the war. The villagers were fools, even her parents were. They ordered her not to go near them but she disobeyed their orders. She was her own person, no one would change that.

As of now, they were currently playing together when they heard his mother, Esla, calling for him.

"Sin! Hey, Sinbad~" His mother called out.

Then the two of them came out from the bushes and he ran towards his mother who pulled him into a hug. She noticed her slowly making her way towards them.

"Oh Ylva, it's nice to see you again. Where did the two of you run off this time?" She asked, she seemed really happy that the girl wasn't scared of being with her son despite the distasteful title.

"Hehehe, we went on an adventure all the way to the well!" He stated proudly, answering for her instead. "I'm not a kid anymore! So I can go anywhere I want!"

"Well, in that case, Sin, would you take this, please?" His mother requested while handing to him a huge bundle wrapped in a white cloth. "It's lunch. Looks like your father forgot his lunch again."

"Please go with him too, Ylva. I'd be happy that someone is with him." She added, this time directed towards her.

"Hai, Esla-obasan." Ylva answered politely before heading off to the port with Sinbad.

They soon arrived to find his father muttering mad things to himself. "DADDYYYY!!!" Sinbad yelled out. "You forgot your lunch!!!"

"Aah, you really saved me! I was starting to think I'd have to eat all the fish I've already caught!" Badr (Sinbad's father) said in a happy tone. "Thanks Sin! You really did great!"

He paused for a moment as if remembering something. "By chance, did Ylva come with you again?" He asked.

Sinbad's eyes twinkled. "Yeah, daddy! She came with me but then left as soon as I was here!" He pouted at the end. He seemed a little mad, Badr thought.

"I see."

Meanwhile, Ylva, who separated from Sinbad, came across something as they ran together. Her eyes noticed something similar to a fang when she passed by a random shop. She bid Sinbad goodbye and went to check on it.

She pointed to it whie looking at the seller. The seller was an old woman who seemed to have a kind aura around her. Ylva could immediately tell that she was trustworthy due to her beast-like instincts.

"Oh dearie, is that what you would like?"

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