The unexpected

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Chapter 2

Emilia here, the title is what happens in chapter 2, something you would not expect, and it is not something good. I need to wright the story now, bye.

So, its the next week, and i have training in a few hours, but i have lost a skate, i need to find it before training.

"Come and eat lunch now, the food is getting cold." My father said, he has his summer break a week before mine ends. And i did stall a bit earlier, because i was looking for a skate.

"Fine, but don't let me forget to look for my skate. Then i walked to the freezer and opened it to get some ice for the water, and there it was, my skate. "Dad, what on earth is my skate doing in the freezer?" I asked knowing he was going to say that he did not know. "Don't ask me. How would i know?" He replied and asked a question that i could not answer.

I sat down to eat after i put my skate in my bag completely forgetting about the ice for my drink.

I finished my food and then went  to get things ready for training.

2 hours later

"I'm here, i'm here!" I said hoping i was not late.
"Like i was saying, i am really sorry that the show has been cancelled----" our teacher said, i was so concentrated on getting my skates on that i could not hear her at the end.

"----5 people could come, and we needed 6-12 people for the show." My teacher continued and i did hear that part.
I think she was saying that only 5 people would be able to come.

40 minutes after we got on the ice, i was not concentrating and i fell. And after that i could not get back up.

The coaches and a few of my group members came skating as fast as they could towards me, and the rest stood where they were in shock, all looking at me, and only me.

It was the scariest moment in two weeks, the rest of my group who were standing in shock were not the only ones who were shocked, but all the coaches and my group members were.

The coaches helped me up and into the dressing room.
They looked at my ankle and realized it was sprained.

"We are going to call your parents and after that you will be picked up, ok?" One of the coaches said.
"Ok." I said slowly.
(Calling on a phone)
"Hello, i'm a coach from ice rink star, are you Moonlights mother or father?" The coach asked.
"Yes, i am her father, what happend? Is every thing ok?" My father said.

After the call that was 5 minutes long my parents started driving here and after that i saw them running in.

I do not remember much more, i was so scared that i was not focussing properly, so i don't remember much. I remember my parents running in.

They carried me to the car and drove me home. Once inside the house, they carried me up the stairs and into my room, on my bed of course.

Then they bandaged my ankle.
My parents brought me a water bottle, a snack, more blankets, a pillow for my ankle and brought my book on to the table next to me. And also a few other things.

It was even more sad, because it meant i would not be able to do figure skating for at least 5 days, i ended up reading most of the time. I finished Kasper The Prince Of Cats, then my mum brought me another book, it was a series with 13 books in it, it is called A Series Of Unfortunate Events, and today was an unfortunate event.

The first book is called The bad beginning.

Emilia here, and yes, today was a unfortunate day for Moonlight, i don't think her day is going to get any better while reading the book which has the very unfortunate lives of  Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire.

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