"That's my girl!"

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"with good reason!!"

We turned around and saw Will walking to us.
He had bruises and didn't looked in a good shape, yet, he was still smiling.
I immediately ran to him and hug him really tightly.

"oh my god, your okay! I would never have forgive myself if something happened to you!", I said.

"I'm happy to see you Océ", Will whispered in my ear.

"Will! Your alright! Thank God! I came to find you!", Elizabeth ran to him.

I walked back to Jack who was still staring at him in disbelief.
And out of nowhere Will and Eli kissed.
Well, she won't be annoying my Jackie anymore after that.

"how did you get here?", Jack said, breaking their moment.

"sea turtles, mate. A pair of them, strapped to my feet.", Will answered mockingly.

"not so easy, is it?"

"but I do owe you thanks, Jack."

"oh no. It's gonna happen.", I said, trying to contain  my laugh.

"you do?", Jack answered confused.

"after you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones....", Will began

"what?", Eli asked harshly.

"what?"? Jack imitated Elizabeth.

"i was reunited with my father.", Will finished.

"oh, we'll... you're welcome, then."

"everything you two said to me, every word was a lie!", Eli said, pointing me and Jack angrily.

"pretty much. Time and tide, Elizabeth.", Jack letting a small chuckle.

Will got on his knees, infront of the chest, ready to stab the heart.

"Will! What are you doing?",I asked him.

"I'm going to kill Jones.", He said casually.

Jack took his sword and pointed it at him.

"can't let you do that, William. 'Cause if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?", Jack said calmly.

Will got up without saying a word.

"now, if you please. The key.", Jack said, opening his hand.

I eye sided Norrington.
He looked very suspicious and I know he was preparing something.
Will took Elizabeth's sword.

"I keep the promises I make, Jack. I intend to free my father. I hope you're here to see it.", He said, pointing it to Jack.

"I can't let you do that either. So sorry.", Norrington said to Will, pointing his own sword at him.

"I knew you'd warm up to me eventually.", Said Jack to Norrington.

At these words, he pointed his sword to him and Will pointed his sword to Norrington.
I took my sword and pointed it rapidly to Norrington.
Jack smirked at me.

"you're fast sweetheart .", He whispered.

I smiled at his words.
I looked at the side of our little circle of swords and saw Elizabeth standing there, clueless.

"Lord Beckett desires the content of that chest and the compass. I deliver it, I get my life back.", Norrington said.

"Ah. The dark side of ambition.", Jack said.

"oh, I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption.", Norrington then screamed.

We all started fighting with our swords, dodging and attacking.


Jack stole the key from Will's hand and began to run away.
I followed him and had to deal with Norrington.
We kind of ended up throwing swords at each other.
Will nearly cut my head off.

"what the hell, Will?? You want to kill me now??", I said angrily.

"sorry!", He said quickly.

As I fought against Norrington, I heard Elizabeth screaming at us like a goat.( I saw an edit of this and it's just hilarious) What's her problem?
Jack and Norrington ended up falling at the same time and Will took the key.

"bugger!", Jack yelled.

I ran after Will and fought with him, still being careful to not hurt him.

"that's my girl!", I heard Jackie say.

I caught up to him and the others came after a while.
Norrington pushed me and Will on the ground and threw sand in our eyes.
I knew Jack would come to help me but he needed to go as soon as possible.

"Jack, go!", I yelled to him.

"by your leave m, Mr. Turner and Ms. Swann.", Norrington said while laughing and 🏃‍♂️ away.

"son of a bitch.", I said.

"you ok, océ?", Will asked.

"yea yea let's go get this asshole.", I replied.

He helped me get up and we ran after them.
Jack and Norrington were fighting in an abandoned place, what seemed to be like an old church.
As we entered it, I saw Jack fall down in front of me, holding on to a rope and it made the church bell ring.
I gasped in horror, thinking that it would made Davy Jones beasts come here.

"by your leave, Mr. Norrington.", Will said

I chuckled at his comment.
The boys ended up on the roof.
I decided to go help William fight Norrington.
Jack finally appeared behind me. Norrington was swinging his sword to his left and right, without precision so I took this opportunity and  grabbed the key hanging from his other hand.
I threw it to Jack who easily caught it.

"thanks treasure.", He said while smirking.

"jackie, go get the chest, I'll take care of them.", I said quickly to him.

At the same time, Norrington threw his sword at him.
Jack's sword went flying away.
Will grabbed me by the waist and pulled me infront of him, behind Norrington.

"do excuse me while I kill the man who ruined my life.", Norrington said to Will.

"be my guest.", Will replied

"what? No!", I said trying to get free of Will, but his grip was too tight.

"We have to do this I'm sorry honey.", Will whispered

"Wha~", I started in confusion.

"let us examine that claim for a moment, shall we commodore? Who was it, that at the very moment you had a notorious pirate safely behind bars, saw fit to free said pirate and take you dearly beloved all to himself. Eh? So whose fault is it, really, that you've ended up a rum-pot deckhand what takes order from pirates?", Jack asked.

"ENOUGH!", Norrington yelled, while throwing his sword at my man.

Jack dodged it and jumped off the roof, while making a back-flip.
I was really impressed and he didn't looked injured.
The boys and I watched as he took his sword back.
There was a long silence.

"unfortunately, Mr. Turner, he's right!", Norrington said, cutting the silence and starting attacking Will.

I got off his grip and started fighting Norrington too.

"still rooting for you, mate.", I heard Jack yell.

I saw by the corner of my eyes that he walked away and fell into a hole.
Will then got onto a wheel thingy  like a water collector.
We followed him and I heard the wood cracking.
The wheel separated from the rest of the building and it began to move forward.
To keep fighting, we needed to run onto the wheel like hamsters.
If my life wasn't in danger, it would have been really funny.
I gazed down and saw Jack just infront of the wheel.



My captain II///JACK SPARROWOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant