"I'll die for him"

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Elizabeth climbed down to sit with us on the boat.
I couldn't look at her.

"Where's Jack?", Will asked.

I glanced at him and he looked really hurt.

"He elected to stay behind to give us a chance.", she replied.

"You should be the one staying on the Pearl.", I said harshly.

I finally looked at her.
She was gonna cry and looked really sad.
Bitch you are the one who betrayed us.
She didn't answered and the crew rammed away from the ship.
Even if Jack kissed her, I still loved him so much.
I wanted to go back to him so much but I couldn't.
I saw the kraken attacking the ship.
I cried even more.
My sobs were now very loud.
Will pulled me close to him and hugged me.

"It's okay darling", he whispered shakily.

"I can't loose him.", I cried.

I pressed myself closer to Will and tried to calm my sobs.
He caressed my back and when I looked up, his eyes were watering and his gaze seemed worried about me.

I caught Elizabeth looking at us with confusion and then sadness.


After a couple of hours we were near Tia Dalma place.
I didn't talked to Elizabeth since Jack died.
I only said a couple of words to Will.
We entered Tia's place in silence and sat there without a word.
The only sound was Will throwing his knife on the table over and over again.
I watched him carefully and gave him a hug.
The witch entered the room with cups.

"Against the cold and the sorrow", she said to Elizabeth.

Tia then kneeled down to us.

"It's a shame. I know you're thinking that with the Pearl you could have captured the devil and set free your fathers soul.", she said to Will.

"Doesn't matter now. The Pearl is gone, along with its captain.", Will said gazing at me.

Some tears rolled down my cheeks and I hid my face in Will's chest.
He gave me a hug back and played with my hair.

"Aye. And already the world seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all right till the end, but I guess that honest streak finally won out. To Jack Sparrow.", Gibbs said, raising his glass to us.

"Never another like Captain Jack", Ragetti said in a sad voice

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was.", Pintel added.

"He was a good man", Elizabeth said.

I gazed at her and saw she was crying.
We had an eye contact and I had the urge to go apologize to her because after all she's my sister and I love her.
But the loss of Jack was so huge and I couldn't help but blame her.
I took a deep breath.

"And if you opened your heart to him, he took care of it and loved it more than anything.", i said, my voice shaking.

Will raised his cup and there was a long silence between us.

"If there was anything could be done to bring him back... Elizabeth.", Will started and got up.

"Would you do it? Hm? What would you... Hm? What would any of you be willing to do, hm? Would you sail to the ends of the Earth and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and him precious Pearl?", Tia Dalma asked.

"Aye.", Gibbs said.

"Aye.", Pintel said.

"Aye.", Ragetti said, not convinced.

"Aye.", the parrot squawked.

"Yes.", Elizabeth said.

"Aye.", Will whispered.

"Like someone told me, I'll die for him", I added giving a small grin to Will.

"All right. But if you go and brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end, then you will need a captain who knows those waters.", Tia Dalma said mysteriously.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the room as I saw a man climbing down the stairs to us.

"So tell me, what's become of my ship?", he asked, biting in an apple and laughing.


My captain II///JACK SPARROWWhere stories live. Discover now