Troubled soul

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"Yes daddy, right there" a woman's low moans is heard from the heavily guarded hallway where the king resides.

Raya walks seemingly unbothered as she passes the adjacent hallway knowing the guards would not allow her entry. A booming laugh and a slap travels across the air, Raya becomes more annoyed as time passes.

She has finished her commitments for the day so she thought she would surprise King Otto with a gift only of their own sharing, and yet she is met with the sounds of him and another one of his flings for the nights voice.

Raya is the Queen of Parfacía, land of the open ethers. She and Otto have been together for many lifetimes so the numbers mean very little to them; however they have reined in Parfacía since it's inception. Reincarnating as members of their family time and time again.

The land is infused with their blood and the Parfacíans have enjoyed the technologically advanced and community oriented lifestyle that is afforded in such a place.

"My Queen," Raya slightly jumps at the sound of Ottos voice from beside her as she was busy thinking of another life they had ruled in, seemingly so long ago.

Rolling her eyes she walks past him only leaving her scent for him to enjoy. "Guards" she seethes through mouth and eyes as enters the kings nightly chambers.

They sleep in separate rooms and have since the end of their 5th, maybe 6th incarnation. It works for them because the time where their soul leaves their body for dreaming is a very sacred act and they have learned that when one shares their bed, they share their dreams. She learned long ago that she would like to keep her dreams to herself.

"Our Queen," they bow without looking her in the eyes.

"Why must you be the jealous type? You know I have my needs," Otto says as he closes the double doors softly, lighting a pipe to smoke on.

"Don't act as if this is your first life Otto, I warned you that if you desire our life to be like this, I'll kill you," Raya spits, clutching her sheer teal dress at her sides.

"Then why haven't you? I know you heard us, which is why you are acting like this. So tell me Raya," he stalks toward her "when will you do it? I will find you again anyway, or did you forget that we are destined?" His eyes glow, boring into her soul

"GRAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screams, tears falling from her eyes, she falls to the ground her dress pooling around her, her hands flaying, shaking, trying to make sense of the life she chose to participate with him.
She loves him, there is absolutely no denying it.
He knows that too, which is why He does whatever he wants with no remorse anymore.
He sits beside her, brushing her soft brown skin, up and down her arm, nuzzling her face in his neck.

"I love you Raya, please know what that means," Otto says.

It wasn't always like this, many lifetimes ago she believed him, but now she wonders if he's always been a troubled soul.

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