Tomb sharing

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That night Betyane and Otto slept together, Otto made sure to dispose of his seed after, as there were many women who were trying to secretly obtain a stake at the Parfacía bloodline. 

But even after disposing of his seed he could not stop thinking about Raya. So he set off to the cabin in the middle of the west village where tales of sex demons lived, the next day.

"My king I hope that we can meet and share moment of intimacy again, I really enjoyed myself," she commented as she stepped off the kings main horse in her Ruby silk dress, into the mud that made its way on the bottom of her dress, but Betyane didn't care, mud, dirt, was a part of life and the Eastern village was very nature conscious.

"I hope my request didn't leave a sour taste in your mouth," Otto said, "I too, enjoyed our time together. However I'm not sure if it can ever happen again" he said looking toward the west.

Betyane, confused but invigorated from the night before, patted the horse who looked at her funny, and walked toward her home.

Strange that Raya hadn't shown up in the morning however I'm glad that she didn't, Otto thought. He woke up before Betyane in the morning and went to the queens room, hoping she'd be there but to his dismay she was not. Usually Raya was only gone for a night, sometimes two but the strong feeling of separation caught ahold of him before he realized that he was obsessively making an excuse to go see her.

She is my wife, my queen, I need not an excuse and yet still, this is all so bizarre, he thought to himself as he trekked along the main town going from East to West. He thought about how everyone must've seen the queen travel to her cabin and knew why she was going there, so it didn't make it any better when he caught the stares of some of the town folk, who although were quite friendly like the easterners, were mostly suspicious of royalty and rules.

The West consisted of taverns, caves, and hollow places of residence. It was mostly dark, even when the sun was shining, and large dark violet, almost black trees covered the entire area. There was a lot of space between establishments and residency's so no one was without room to wander and explore. Rayas cabin was situated close to Jamesons familial property, yeton its own-- a small quaint wooden structure that blended in with the trees itself.

The pathway was no longer visible once Otto cornered past Jamesons property, so he knew he was close. And the closer he got, the more excited he became.

"I'll be right back Pegado," Otto caressed his shiny golden horse who he tied right in front of the cabin.

"Raya," Otto knocked, nearly pounding on the door, "it is me, Otto, I'm coming in" he swung the small door open, having to duck to enter as Otto was 7 feet, standing as tall as a Viking from another world.

Looking inside he noticed that nobody was there, and the cabin looked untouched from perhaps the last time she had been since.

The cabin used to be there place of solitude, to get away from the demands of running an entire land; the responsibility, and control associated with one's personality, too. It was not until Ottos infidelity that Raya began coming alone, clearly wanting to get away from blowing her gasket in front of everyone, although that did happen a couple of times.

Otto left the cabin and made way for Jamesons property, hoping to find out that perhaps she left when he arrived.

Veering into the forgotten path he walked toward the familial property. Jameson although the head of the kings guard, was extremely family oriented and with that he sees his country mates as family as well which is why he is one-- if not the best warrior. He is the best person to convince other countrymen who are scared or worried about war to join and stand with pride. 

"Hello King Otto," Jamesons wife Amarie greeted by bowing as Otto hopped off of Pegado, tying him to the post near the front gate. Amarie was born in the western village so she stays here often, although they have property on the royal grounds as well. 

"Hello Amarie, lovely to see you," Otto says, equally bowing toward her as is customary tradition. 

"I haven't seen you in these parts of town for some time. You are sight for sore eyes," she squints, "please come in," she reaches her arm out.

Otto takes her hand, and follows behind this time not needing to duck since their house was practically made for giants. Inside tells a different story from the outside indeed. From the outside you see a small, dirty white mushroom designed home, but inside is a large, magnificent expansive house that seemingly has new doorways each time Otto seemed to visit. 

"What brings you to this side of town my king," Amerie says walking into her larger than life kitchen, "I know Pegados hooves anywhere"

Taking a seat at the large, engraved steel table covered in a soft linen, "I was actually at the cabin looking for Raya. It seems that she is back at the castle, I must've passed her along the way," he convinces himself

"I have not seen Raya around these parts for a long time now that I am thinking about it," she hums, grabbing a large ceramic pot and other cooking utensils. 

"Jameson says that your daughter told him she was in these parts," he shifts in his seat

"Hmm, is that so?" she turns looking at something behind Otto.

"KRYSTAL" Ameria bellows into the same direction, "COME HERE RIGHT NOW!"

"How ever do you guys manage having so many rooms and hallways in this house?" Otto asks

"Think of this house as me, I am this house and this house is me. I know everything that happens because I am the house," she says throwing around meat and slosh across the kitchen

"O-okay," Otto stutters. She is just like Raya, all of the metaphors and analogies he thinks.

"Yes Amerie," Krystal, a 14 year old teen with medium length dreadlocs, a unibrow and short stature says as she walks in.

"Mind your manners Krystal, the king is here," Amerie directs her eyes toward Otto.

"Good gracious, sorry king," Krystal bows, "Hello nice to see you," she fidgets 

"No need to apologize Krystal," Otto stands and bows, "I came here because your father informed me that it was you that stated that the queen was in the cabin. I just left from there and she is not there. When was the last time you saw her?" 

"Oh, uh, let me try and remember," she laughs looking at her mom who now has an eyebrow raised. After several long seconds, Krystal is still rummaging through her mind

"What are you hiding Krystal?" Amerie stalks toward the teen, who backs away, and then dashes out of the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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