I didn't know freedom cost this much

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Leslie and Raya had been traveling in the night for quite some time it seemed. The adrenaline rush from knowing Otto wouldn't have a clue what happened until it was too late, kept her aware and in tuned with her surroundings.

The two ladies hadn't said a word to each other other than when they had left the castle, and traveling in the woods, all that was heard was pants and the steps of their feet.

Finally making it to the shoreline and boardwalk where Raya had last seen Leslie long ago, Leslie speaks, "this is where I shall leave you Queen. The others will come fetch you at the end of the boardwalk where you will jump into the portal. Remember, you will not remember this life or the others in the world you go to. You will have a new life, new name, new family. You will meets others that remind you of us but you will not know why or how. Follow your heart, don't repeat the same mistake." She gives Raya a tight bear hug and they kiss on the cheek, a tear dropping from Rayas eyes.

"Thank you for everything Leslie," Raya says as she walks, nearly jogging along the boardwalk. As she draws nearer she notices 4 mermaids in the water, turning their attention to her.

"I'm ready," is all Raya says, and the mermaids gather together holding hands. The glitter of the moon on the water perfectly aligned with the circle in between them. The ritual has commenced and the water erupts, swirling beneath her eyes. The mermaids look toward her, telling her through their minds that they wish her happy travels and a peaceful yet discreet new life.

Raya jumps into the small portal and floats, suspended in the void of the cosmos, hugging herself. Wandering amongst the specs of gold and flashing lights. Leslie had told her long ago that souls traveling at night is the reason for the flashing and zooming of these lights. Many people don't even realize they are doing it, but many do.

Suddenly she was falling, furiously descending from one sky to another. Multiple skies but different places all of various colors and sounds. It felt as if her soul was leaving her body all together and her body was being torn apart. There was no pain, only a sensation that did not feel familiar.

Rayas thoughts when from Otto, to her other lives where she's carried and raised children, to the primordial ancestors through which granted her longevity of life. She thought about somehow remembering parts of her life in Parfacía so that she would have a piece of her old life.

These thoughts swirled within her auric field, dancing with the new minerals used to create a new life for her.

This lasted for quite some time, and then there was only blackness, no feelings, no thoughts. Just black.

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