Melodies from a sirens call

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Betyane couldn't believe that the king himself invited her to his home. She was ecstatic and star strucked. The embroidery on all of the furniture was as fine as the portraits on the ceilings of the families ancestral legacy. She noticed the long corridors and even finer details throughout.

The Parfacías made Parfacía from a deal between the mermaids and creatures that we have no name for. It's a primordial deal that now has become over-told and made into mythological tales. There are secrets within the royal families that others don't care to know anymore, but not Betyane.

From the moment she heard the gossip, she was transfixed, obsessing over Otto and Rayas relationship. Wondering when she'd have her stake in the Parfacía bloodline. Maybe now was that chance.

"Thank you for cooperating with the guards really, I simply couldn't believe with my own ears what had happened so I had to go and check it for myself," Otto said at the long table where they were to have dinner, leaning back against his chair, legs open arms by his side

"Of course," Betyane beamed, curiously finding a spot to sit at where she could gawk at Otto "it is the least I can do for my King and Que—, where is Queen Raya by the way? I'd love to meet her" she asks, looking around the entry ways

"Raya is on vacation," Otto said carefully and curtly. "Now, I know that the water people are known for being mysterious and strange, but is this kind of event common for you?" He asks, eyeing the servants who begin to place food on the wooden table

"Not entirely, my king. See, there may be a lot of stories about us but we remain true to what we know best. I think you can relate to that," she smiles looking down

Otto chuckles, "what do you mean by that?"

"Well, there are lots of stories about the Parfacías and how you guys obtained royalty, is all. But now, unlike before, it's more like stories to keep people from not really caring anymore about the importance— the severity of such a situation," Betyane says taking a bite from the bread rolls.

As Betyane licks her lips, Otto fantasizes about Raya and their sexual connection. Becoming hard he tries to ignore his growing desire to use Betyane as a filler for his Queen. This is what he always seemed to do; use other women to satisfy what he lacked to give Raya. It was a slippery slope and as much as he thought about it to cope, his infidelity still haunted his mind.

He imagined a time where Raya stalked nakedly along the old long table like a cat crawling toward him. His beard was scruffy and hair tossed around his eyes and neck, his hands lay as they do now, on his thighs, his breath becoming hoarser and shorter as she crawls closer. Her eyes, hard and lustful, tight curly hair falling to around her breasts. During this time she was thicker than usual as she had given birth to their sun just a few weeks back. But even so they could not keep their hands or genitals away from each other.

Drawing near Otto, Raya now sits on the table in front of him, legs open—-
"My King, did I say something to offend you?" Betyane asks, snapping Otto out of his fantasy

"No dear, I was wondering if you'd like to sleep in my chambers tonight?" He asks dazedly

Betyane, stumbling upon her food and words nearly chokes up, "my King, with all due respect I think the Queen would have my head if she were to find me asleep in your chambers. I've heard many tales. Most of them of course being how generous and sweet she is. I'd like to think that, that comes from her mermaid genes, however I have heard about her wrath, one that they even say.... Scares you?" She bats her eyes at him, taunting him.

Otto laughs, suddenly missing the Queens emotional nature, "never mind that, the queen is on vacation. Taking a break from her wrath if you'll say. Keep me company please Betyane," he says.

Betyane full of conversation and food, gets up from her chair and instead walks up on the table, maneuvering her way around trays of food, crawling toward the head of the table.

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