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"P'Saint, this time you will never be out of my life again! Even if I have to use force, as long as you are here, I wouldn't mind." He said to me slowly as if giving emphasis to every word. My body felt stiffed and numb., I think he was successful in whatever message he wanted to convey.

And true enough, he grab me by the arm with a force that made me winced in pain, this will bruise tomorrow. But I think that's the last of my concern because I felt my back slammed so hard that my body bounce back when he throw me to the bed causing my lips to knocked on his shoulders. Tssshhh! I hissed as I licked my lips and tasted blood.

"Does it hurt?" is he asking me? because hell it is! but my mind went blank when he traced my lips, the warmth from his fingers surprised my whole being. I found myself nodding as an answer. "Good!" and savagely went to claim my lips. I flinched at the ruthlessness of his action and I am feeling so well the sting from my ripped lips.

This kiss is so forceful that I cannot feel any passion from this- only blood...

Woah! that was only a prologue. 

What do you think? Should I continue?

I am a PS supporter, but I really did not want to write something using their names but I am heartbroken this time after the announcement for next year's BL.

Don't get me wrong, I will still support Perth and will watch every project of his this time and the following years and I am genuinely happy to see his smile again after a long while.

But I am feeling this pain again, it was the same pain when Saint did the WHY R U, but I still went and watched that.

This is again a work of pure imagination. This story is different from their lives. I just have to let this out. I want a story that has the two of them in it.

And oh! apologies for the wrong grammar and spelling and all the technicalities in English. This is not my first language. Please bear with me.

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