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At the supermarket Perth made it like his playground. He would stop at every gondola and aisle and scan every item then asks nonsense and silly questions. He would be amuse with simple things like how the products are arranged neatly and are group accordingly. And if he sees a product not in the proper place, he would get it and put it where it should be. Like? Is this his first time in a supermarket? Why does he look so impressed?

When we got to the wine section he made a stopped and started getting wines and liquor and put them in the cart. At first I thought he's not serious, I followed him and check on the prices. Gosh! so expensive! and I can't even pronounce the name on the bottles. I had to snap out of it, and stopped him. He's still a kid, goodness gracious, I put back all the wines and the liquor then he's looking as if I was bullying him.  He pouted and run along.

Jesus Christ! Remind me not to bring this kid again! Again? Is there a next time Saint? Whatever.

We are now heading to the vegetables and fruit section, and this kid started putting whatever he fancy. At first it's fine but when I looked at the cart, he put not a piece but a box and a whole pack of fruits and vegetables. Is he planning a feeding program? or does he think I eat so much? What is really going on this kid's mind. 

"Perth!" I can't anymore with this kid. I held his arms and called him. "For goodness sake! Please let me take care of what we should be buying. Okay?!" He just smiled and gently took my arms off of him and he run to the frozen section. I hit my forehead and look at the cart. After putting those things back, I followed him at the frozen section. Does he think he's in a field trip?

"Phi, let's buy steak. Can you cook steak? Na,na,na--na, cook steak for me na." he said while holding my arms and swinging them back and forth. I stopped him and looked at my watch "For dinner?" he nodded eagerly as a response.

"Will your parents not look for you? Are you not going to eat at your house?" 

His faced change and I could see the anger in his eyes but it was for a while, sadness and pain took over. He got silent after that, and I don't know why but  I felt sad for him and had the need to comfort him.

I patted his head "I'm sorry for asking! Go get the steak for me. Phi will cook for you!"  he went back to his usual self and we had another round of his field trip, until I surrendered and told him we should pay and go home.

And right now I am in the kitchen cooking the steak that this kid requested, while he's in the living room watching TV and munching on some snacks.

"Don't eat too much of the snack Perth! Leave some room for dinner. And it's not good to eat so much snack at night!" I called from the kitchen. "Yes Phi!" he answered and I went back to cooking and focused on the meat.

After a while, I finished the cooking and has set the table again for two. When I looked at the number of plates laid on the table, a feeling of nostalgia kicked in and I like that. Reminded me of my parents when we were still together. "Perth? I'm done let's eat." 

"Perth?" No answer.

Hmmm. "Perth?" I called again but this time I am heading to the living room. I found out the reason for the silence, the kid has fallen asleep while sitting and he's crossed over his chest.

I gently shook his shoulder to wake him up.

"Perth! We have to eat dinner. Wake up!." he moved slightly and opened his eyes slowly. His eyes were unfocused so told him again. "Let's have dinner." He's still maybe half-awake because he reached for my face and caress my cheeks. "You're so beautiful Phi!"

I froze and blinked a lot of times to steady my heart as it skip a beat because of his complement.Is he still dreaming? He continued to caress my face while smiling like an idiot, but thanks to that I was able to snap back. I shook him a bit harder this time "Perth!" He got startled for he almost fell from the sofa "Phi!" and I laughed at his reaction. "Come on, let's eat, I'm hungry!" I walked back first holding my chest! What was that?

The dinner went surprisingly calm and fun. I never thought Perth would be as talkative as he is now. He kept on mouthing jokes that are really funny. He's such a nice kid, not bad. He was still talking to me endlessly while I washed the dishes. He initiated to wash it but I told him not this time. We ate some fruit for desserts and now it's time for him to go home.

"Thank you for today, Phi! I had fun..so much!' he said and gave me a hug. I hugged him back "I also had fun. Drive carefully!" he let me go and drove off after we waved at each other.

 I did my night routine and when I was about to tuck myself in, my notification sounded. I gaze at the time and it's almost midnight. Who could it be from?

"P'Saint I'm home"--Kiddo (His contact name on my phone)

It's from Perth, I replied 

"That's great!"

"What are you doing?" ---him

"About to sleep."----- me

"Oh!"--- him

"Yes! I have work tomorrow."--- me

"Oh! I see. Goodnight then P'Saint"--- him

"You too, for sure you have school tomorrow! Don't stay late. Goodnight"--- me

I put down my phone and uttered some prayers and finally went to bed.

The thought of a one-time dealing with this kid never came as Perth would always visit me. At first it was just during weekend. He would pound my gate and show his adorable face as early as 7:00 am. My God! I couldn't even finish stretching and I can no longer savour my morning coffee. Perth would stay until dinner time. Doesn't he have a house? I'm really curious and also worried about his parents. Then the weekdays got involved as he would wait for me and offered to give me a lift. I refused because I don't want any problems and his a university student, he needs to focus on his classes, and after arguing back and forth, he settled with dropping me off at the station.

Every morning that he comes over, he would request for breakfast. "Phi! Perth hungry, make me breakfast please na." that it is so cute it would always sent my heart beating faster. I really believe this kid is not good for my health. But I have to admit, I'm starting to look forward to this  every morning. Having Perth around made me happier than I was. 

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