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Lambeo tracked Benter! (Corrupted version of the letter B)
Benter looks like a Raptor with Pterodactyl wings!
Spanish I shoots the dot and runs away because he has an emotional meltdown.
Cabnotaurus infects more creatures (except Sammy, Jeffy, Blue and Homalo).
Senmulia fights against Senmule, but Senmule didn't got infected by his disease.
Arnoldis uses the question mark (?) to make Cabnotaurus confused.
Cabnotaurus throws the question mark on Arnoldis but Arnoldis dodges the question mark.
Benter eats Sammy's left leg skin (not the whole leg skin).
Sammy eats Benter's tail on purpose.
Lambeo sees a silhouette that looks like F, G accidentally shoots it again!
Benter flies away and accidentally scratches Carenat's right leg.
Cabnotaurus eats a Pink bubble gum.
Senmule gets eaten in the legs by Cabnotaurus and loses them.

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