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Homalo sees an unknown creature blocking his way to go find a gun.
The creature that's blocking his way is P who got killed by Cabnotaurus!
Her name is Parnoïd!
Homalo does a Pokémon reference battle against Parnoïd to find a gun.
Ƒay flies away to not get eaten by Cabnotaurus and infected creatures.
Percocentra sees infected creatures having s** and he hates it when creatures have s**.
Ƒay said the long word and everyone hears it.
Meanwhile, Percocentra is spying on 2 h*m*s*x**ls named Pentlov and Смайл Телевизорович's Г.
Cabnotaurus breaks Percocentra's horn and Percocentra is infected.
Homalo ends the battle but he ends up getting eaten in the arm by Parnoïd.
Homalo also gets infected.
Handler holds Cabnotaurus because he has power to hold anything with just 1 finger.
But Cabnotaurus eat's him right away.
Lambeo tracks Parnoïd and recognizes it was P who got chewed in the same part and got shot.

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