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This takes place in episode 1, first portion.


Clyde was on a run-down bus, though thankfully he didn't have to share a seat with anyone. He stared blankly outside the window of the bus, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, and tuned out any conversations around him.

The scenery passed by quickly, until the bus suddenly came to a stop. He peeked his head out towards the front of the bus, and saw some old country man holding a.. puppet? The fu-

"What in the-" he whispered.

"Listen everyone, Nina here has an important message for all of you." The man holding the puppet said, and then proceeded (Clyde guessed) to made the puppet talk? (That's not some mentally sane shit. No way the puppet was talking on its own.)

"Attention campers, the bus broke down so I decided to call the host, she says that you must follow the path along the road while running and the last two to arrive will be eliminated.. FOREVER." The.. "puppet".. said dramatically. The old country man had a good impression of a girl's voice.

Clyde's eyes widened a fraction.

"So run, morons." Rude.

"Nina, that's no way to talk to strangers."

Clyde stood up from his seat and subconsciously grabbed at the choker he'd been wearing.

"Sir, have you considered seeing a psychiatrist?" A blonde girl with a flower in her hair asked. That's a good question. Clyde agreed wholeheartedly.

"Let's go!" A short, chubby guy with glasses ran off the bus, and Clyde followed behind, running at a steady pace.

Clyde let the wind blow through his hair as he ran, feeling the pendant on his choker lightly thump against his neck.

A group of four people ran next to him. One had a fire crop top (kinda tacky, if you asked Clyde), another wore a yellow dress, a black dude wore a yellow shirt (that sounded racist I'm so sorry), and the last with split black and blonde hair who looked like a dollar store emo.

"..and that's how I reached a million followers on Instagram with my choreographies." The crop-top guy said. Clyde couldn't imagine that this guy was famous. You didn't hear this from Clyde, but he's kinda ugly.

"Wow! How come I didn't know you?" Yellow shirt guy wondered. Clyde also thought this guy was a little dumb, not everyone should know someone who's quote unquote, 'famous'. This guy didn't look famous either, but he seemed to have the snooty attitude.

"Why does that even matter." Clyde muttered, rolling his eyes. As he should, pop off gay king (please help I'm not mentally sane)

"I'm popular in Korea but not so much on this side of the world, that's why I like to come here, to go unnoticed." Crop top guy responded to the yellow shirt guy. Uh huh. Like anyone wants to see your ugly-

"Cocky much?" Clyde raised an eyebrow. This crop top guy sounded gay. You didn't hear that from me, but every guy in media that is gay is stereotyped with that voice.

"What, you got a problem with me?" Gay asked.

"No, not at all." Clyde smirked, holding back a laugh. He definitely had a problem with this gay ass bi-

"I hope during these weeks I can reach a million followers on TikTok." Yellow guy ignored Clyde, and this caused yellow dress to say,

"I think I should pay more attention to my social media, maybe that's why I haven't gotten a big role in a movie." Nice. Clyde liked this chick, he'd pay to see her in a movie. She was pretty and seemed quite chill, unlike certain people.

wonderfly. // disventure camp x ocOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant