Chapter 30

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"What do you want me to say? You want me to say that I like Louis?", I scream at him. My eyes are full of tears. I bite my lips so that it doesn't roll down.

"That I am falling for him, that no matter how much he annoys me I still wanna be with him?", I say as I start sobbing.
Edward comes towards me and wraps his arms around me. I am still sobbing. Why am I crying in front of him. But I feel like I really needed that. I hug him back and keep crying.

"Hey.. Shh... It's okay. It's gonna be fine.", Edward says.

"Oh God. This is so embarrassing.", I say as we let go off each other and I wipe my tears.

"No problem. It happens. I think I should cry. Come on, you just rejected me.", he says sarcastically and we both laugh.

"I'm sorry Edward. I didn't know about you."

"Hey no worries. Now go wipe those tears and say those to Louis."

"I don't think I can.", I say.

"You have to. On the first day of tour you are telling him. That's final."

"No, I can't."

"If you don't tell him I will.", he almost threatens me.

"No never. No way you are not doing this.", I scream.

"Then you have to."

"Okay okay. I will try. But I need to talk with Liam first.", I say.

"As your wish. Anyway enough melodrama. Now go home and get some sleep.", he says with a smile.

"Good night Edward."

"Good night Arya.", he says and I go inside.

I walk up to the stairs and open the apartment door. Megan is sitting in the living room watching TV. She turns towards me as I walk inside.

"Hey how was the..... Whoa what happened?", she asks me with a frown as she stands up.

"Nothing.", I say as I throw my purse on the couch and sit.

"Did you cry? Did Louis do anything again? I am gonna kill him this time. What does he think of himself. He can not do this to you again and again. He...", she keeps talking in an angry voice.

"Calm down. He didn't do anything. Rather he did something nice.", I say interrupting her.

"What!!", Meagan sounds surprised.

"Yes.", I say and then tell everything what happened in the wedding. How nice Louis was, then him playing Moon River, the two of us dancing, what he said while we were dancing, how I reacted and what I told Edward minutes ago.

"Oh my god! You really think you are falling for him?", She asks.

"I don't know. May be.", I say as I shrug my shoulders.

"Wow... You know what Edward is right. You should tell him. Besides what he did tonight I think he likes you too. And someone has to take a step ahead. I don't think he'll do it because he's an idiot. So why not you?", she squeals in excitement.

"You think?"

"Yes of course.", she says with excitement.

"Alright I will tell him. I'll tell him that I like him.", I say. "Oh my god Megan I like Louis. I really really like him."

We both squeal and hug each other. I can't believe what I just said. But that's the truth. I do like that boy.

I am lying in my bed and thinking. I can not stop thinking about tonight. When the band started playing Moon River and Louis asked me to dance. The way he smiled at me while we were dancing. The things he said about the night in Bogota. He thought it was special. He thinks it was special because I was with him. Damn, I should have stayed a little longer. Why did I have to react like that. Ughh... I am such an idiot. I think should text him. I didn't even say goodbye properly. I take my phone and start texting.

*hey Louis. Sorry had to leave like that. Wasn't feeling well but I had an amazing time. So, see you soon...
Oh and thanks for the dance. ;)*

I send the text and keep the phone beside my pillow. He's gonna reply me right? I take the phone but no reply yet. It's okay, he will. It's only been a minute. I wait eagerly for his reply. I keep looking at my phone, it's been five minutes now. Why isn't he replying yet? Oh god is he angry with me cause I left like that? Or did I write something inappropriate in the text? I open my messages to check my text when I receive his reply. I open the text with a big smile.

*its OK love. I understand. Hope u're fine now. I had an amazing night too.
Oh n u're not a very good dancer u know. :P
See you soon on tour.*

I leave the phone beside and laugh. Louis and his jokes. He just can't say a single think without being sarcastic.

I stare at the ceiling and sigh. And I nearly whisper to myself.

"God I like this boy. I am falling for him. I am falling for Louis."

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