Chapter 1

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In a world full of quirks it's hard to be truly special. Everyone is expected to have some sort of ability because it's become normal. When I was a small girl I was just like everyone else. I was excitedly awaiting my quirk and in love with Heroes. I had friends, I went to school, I had two loving parents. When I started showing signs of my quirk was when I started to become an outlier. First it was water, then it was fire, ice followed not long after. Then the earth also came under my control. Finally I began to be able to control the growth and appearance of plants. It was a lot of power for one person and it was unheard of. I was classified as having a quirk that controlled all of the elements. When I was six my parents and doctors thought I was done and my powers were fully discovered but then at seven I found I could control shadows and light too. My parents went from proud to scared because I had so much power and so many people hunger for power. It turns out their fears weren't unfounded... My home was attacked by villains and my parents were killed when I was about seven and a half years old. They took me and told me I would have to listen to them if I didn't want to die. They started to train me brutally right away in a secluded place in the mountains, and through this training I discovered another power. Every scrape and bruise healed so quickly that the blood could hardly dry before the wound was gone. I was too terrified of my captors to tell them about this and I had hoped to keep it a secret but they took notice soon enough when they started trying to train me in close combat. They would hit me with everything they had and I wouldn't have a black eye or any signs of the beating just an hour later.
Two months of running, climbing, and being beat on after being taken passed before they realized and started to experiment by cutting and stabbing me to see how well I healed. They never left fatal blows because they wanted to use me even if I wasn't amazing at healing. They found my healing ability was impeccable though and therefore they became less and less careful with me. My captors told me I could call them all master and that I need not know their names. For two years I was put through rigorous training and lessons to make me the most deadly and capable weapon out there. It all happened in the secluded mountains where they forced me to struggle for everything. If I wanted food or water I had to work for it. By nine going on Ten they kicked things up in intensity and I had to do survival trips in the mountains while they hunted me down. If they caught me before time was up then they would tie me to a post and whip my back for every hour I hadn't completed. Every hour I didn't make it before the end of the training was one lashing. In the beginning I had only made it two hours out of 48. I thought I was going to die from the amount of brutal lashings I got that day. I could hardly move for two hours afterwards I was so sore. Three months of doing those trips every weekend was what it took to learn how to avoid them for the entire time.
By thirteen I could move through the mountains with ease, I knew every last part of them. I could fight marginally well but I wasn't great with large strong opponents in close combat. I preferred knife throwing and using my speed and agility to do quick jabs at pressure points before dancing away again. While using my quirks I was fairly capable and hardly lost in short sparring matches but having to use my quirks repeatedly over extended periods was exhausting. I liked fire, water, and ice the most for fighting but manipulating the ground and using rocks as projectiles also came in handy. I wasn't great at using plants to capture and fight. Growing them was hard and I struggled just to get a decently healthy plant going. It was just something I didn't work on as much because I had so many other handy options that came easier to me. At some point I became too comfortable and fell into living my life with these villains even after all they'd done. It just became easy and I forgot why I cared about getting away. By fifteen I had become a formidable opponent capable of holding my own and giving even the greats a run for their money... or so the villains would tell me. They wanted me to do my first job and kill a target. I suddenly remembered why I might want to get away when I realized they were going to make me kill someone.
The target was a CEO with sway in political circles and the media. They didn't like his pro heroes and quirk regulation views and wanted to silence him with their perfectly innocent looking weapon of mass destruction... also known as me, Yuki Tamayagi. Completely normal looking young girl who shouldn't be able to hurt a fly. They had me clean up and then had a female accomplice do my light honey brown colored hair in light curls along with some light innocent makeup. They stuck me in a school uniform and told me they were going to take me out in public and that if I tried to escape or ask for help that they would kill everyone I came into contact with and drag me back to torture me until I was thoroughly punished.
The woman pretended to be my mom walking with me through the city and talking about which schools I was going to apply to while she expected me to bump into the man and stab him. We'd slip away before he even knew what had hit him. I looked away from her to the man and in that glance I saw he was on the phone and from what I could hear he was talking to his daughter about when he'd be home. I chickened out but I couldn't change course because of the firm grip the woman had on my arm. I dropped the knife before making impact and it fell to the ground and was kicked by the man's shoe into the crazy crowd of people walking and out of reach for the woman to find. I had tensed in shock and anxiety as I bumped into the man and he carefully caught me before I fell and looked at me with concern. "Are you alright, young lady?" I was sure my hazel eyes were wide and full of distress and my pulse was racing under his hand on one of my wrists. He was so gentle and kind. He had a family. I couldn't kill him. "U-Uhm... I'm sorry sir. Are you alright?" I asked as my mind tried to figure out how to save this man from being killed. The woman had a knife hidden in her hand and she was getting closer to finish the job that I had failed to do.
"I'm perfectly fine. It's fine, I'm just glad no one got hurt." I looked at this man with panic in my eyes as I lightly shoved him back off of me. "I'm a distraction. Run." My eyes darted back towards her approaching with a fake sickly sweet smile before back at him as I made a stabbing motion with my empty hand. It seemed to click and the man only hesitated a moment before turning and running. He managed to get through the crowd and it kept the lady from being able to chase him. He looked back and found me in the crowd after getting across to the other side. I grimaced as the woman grabbed my arm painfully and got in my face to threaten me under her breath with her face in a snarl. "We could have been such a powerful team just us girls but you can't follow orders. You're a young woman now, they'll not keep treating you like a child when punishing you. You won't like how they'll punish you this time." I couldn't help it... I didn't know what she was talking about but I was terrified. I started to cry and my eyes caught the man across the crowd again who looked worried for me as the woman grabbed me by the hair and started to pull me away saying things like; "I can't believe my daughter would steal from her classmates. You are in so much trouble young lady!" Her random ranting about how bad I had been kept people from helping me but my eyes stayed on the man as I cried and she dragged me off. I wondered if he'd live to be old or if I only delayed his death a little. I also wondered if he'd try and get help for me.
That night when they dragged me back to the mountains I was smacked around before one of the men pinned me beneath him and began to run his hands over my body and coo maliciously about my little school uniform. I learned that night what she had meant about them not treating me like a child. They violated me in ways I hadn't ever thought possible. I had been told my chest and between my legs was my own private space and no one should touch me there but I hadn't known what adults did with those parts until that first night. I also learned that my training wouldn't be enough against all of them and not even my quirks could save me. They drugged me and kept me subdued, punishing me with more beatings and violations every couple hours for days and then weeks. Sometimes they'd let me go drugged up and chase me down for fun before punishing me some more wherever they caught up to me. Six months of being raped and tortured passed before I finally lost it and decided to kill instead of trying to incapacitate them. The woman was gone with one of the men and only two men remained to torture me. They had me chained up because they only let me free when everyone's there to be sure I can't escape.
I licked my dry lips and got up the courage to speak. "C-can I go to the bathroom? I-it's been seven hours..." I said as meekly and pleadingly as possible and one of them gave a long sigh before coming over to let me out of the shackles and take me to the bathroom. I'd planned this so very carefully and I was ready. As he slapped my ass and gave it a squeeze while I was about to go into the bathroom I froze him solidly in place with his mouth covered. I then used water to cover his nose and drown him. As he panicked and struggled I felt my stomach churn and had to look away and phocus on my breathing as I waited for him to die. When he finally stopped moving I looked up to see he seemed to be dead and I let the water go before moving quickly to deal with the remaining man. I couldn't leave more than the woman and other man who were away or I would have a hard time not getting captured again. He was watching TV and I took this moment to sneak up behind him and using a scarf I'd snagged on my way into the room I wrapped it around his neck from behind and strangled him. He fought and it was a harder struggle then I thought it would be. When he finally went slack I waited a moment before letting go and checking for a pulse. He'd scratched me but the wound was already gone before the blood could even dry on my hands, arms, and cheeks. I let out a shaky breath when I confirmed he was dead before turning to vomit on the floor.
After I took a moment to recover from what I'd done I stumbled back to the bathroom and prepared a bath to clean off the filth of their cum and my own sweat and blood. When I was clean I found the disguises they'd picked for me six months ago before they decided I wasn't ready to do jobs. I dressed in a school uniform that had UA on the crest. I didn't know any schools really or what was going on in the real world right now. I'd been isolated and confined to these mountains since I was seven and a half. I am fifteen and six months old currently. My birthday is in the spring and it's nearing the end of summer now. I dried my hair and did it in curls like the woman had done six months ago and I did the makeup just the same so I could blend into the city and not stand out. When I finished I packed a backpack of things to help me survive along with personal documentation they'd forged for me and then I put on the uniform's shoes. I hurried out of the house and into the woods of the mountain. I knew where to go to get to the city and I knew I could do it without getting dirty.
It took me about five hours to cross the mountains and come to a road. I carefully stepped onto the shoulder and began to walk along it towards the city they'd taken me to all those months ago. I was done with the pain and I want to find my own better future. It took me eight hours of walking to get within sight of the city and I knew it would take me eight or nine more to reach the middle of it. I was walking past a beach when a horrible scream came through the morning air and scared me half to death. I hesitated for a moment before approaching to see a sweaty teary and snotty boy standing on a pile of trash looking over a clean beach looking like he'd done a marathon with weights in his hands. I was about to ask him if he was okay when a man spoke and looked over the beach with wonder and excitement as the boy stopped making that horrible sound and then toppled over. I moved forwards as my heart leapt in panic at seeing him fall. The weird man that went from skinny to muscular caught him and suddenly I felt like I knew the man from somewhere. Fuzzy old memories of a life before pain came back to me.
"A-All Might?" I questioned a bit disoriented and confused. The boy flailed and the large man looked surprised and mildly panicked. I licked my lips that had begun to dry and wondered if he was a hero like I remembered if I could ask for his help... but he looked so sickly when he wasn't buff... maybe he couldn't help me. "S-sorry... is he okay?... That screaming was kind of terrible and then he just... fell." The boy seemed overwhelmed and All Might seemed unsure of what to say at first. "U-Uhm, yes, he's perfectly fine. He just finished cleaning this entire beach by himself. A big job and a big help to the environment!" I gave a small nod and then a small tired smile as I wobbled and then fell to my knees. All Might and the boy gasped as I braced my hands on the ground in exhaustion. "Sorry... I'm just really tired." The men looked at each other before approaching me. The boy bent down and tried to help me up by offering his hands.
"That uniform is from UA, isn't it? How long have you been a student there? What's it like? It's my dream to get in and become a pro hero!" The boy babbled off questions and spoke with enthusiasm. I blinked as I processed that the uniform I was wearing belonged to a school this boy knew well. I don't know what to say. "The entrance exams are this morning and I'm really excited!" I found that interesting. If I could get into a school for heroes it might help me become stronger and help me defend against my remaining tormentors.
"Oh, I just borrowed this from my friend because I spilled on my clothes this morning at breakfast. I stayed the night last night and I didn't have an extra set of clothes packed. Should have eaten in my pjs and I would have avoided inconveniencing her." I explained smoothly, trying to put some of my training to work. "I was hoping to get home and change before the entrance exam but I don't think I'll have the time. Do you think I could go with you to the school? I'm a bit lost." The boy seems intrigued and he gives me a warm smile. "S-sure, u-uhm..." He then turned red all the sudden and seemed embarrassed as he looked away from me. "U-uhm... I just have to talk to All Might a minute before we can go. W-wait here." I wasn't sure what to make of that but I smiled and nodded slightly. I waited while they went down onto the beach. When they came back the boy finally introduced himself and I had to figure out what to tell him my name was. I remembered that they used my first name in my fake ID but I couldn't remember the last name. "Uhm, you can just call me Yuki." The boy's face looked like it had caught fire and he might combust. "W-wh-wha?!" He panicked and I just smiled and shrugged. He seemed to recover and agreed shyly before having me follow him back to his house so he could get ready before going to the entrance exam.
I asked to borrow his cellphone and he luckily agreed. I used it to hack into the highschool interface and put myself in as an applicant from the same middle school that the interface showed Midoriya went to. I also hacked his middle school to make it look like I went there. Just hopefully I can dance around never having met Midoriya before this. When I finished I just had to wait for Midoriya to eat and come back out to walk with me to the school. His mom poked her head out and gasped when she saw me waiting outside holding Midoriya's phone. "Did he just leave you to wait outside? Come on inside, have you eaten yet?" I knew I hadn't and I was hungry but I had already told Midoriya I had. I frowned as my stomach growled loudly and the woman came outside to usher me into their home. I don't know these people but they seem really nice. I feel a bit bad lying to them but... I'm scared that if I tell the truth they'll be killed by the remaining people out there who want to drag me back to hell.
Izuku looked completely flustered when he saw his mom had brought me inside to eat. I ignored his awkwardness and gave him his cellphone before having a seat. His mom served me some food and my stomach cried out loudly again for it, making me hide my face in embarrassment while Izuku looked at me in confusion. "I... Uhm... I got so distracted by the accident that I forgot to finish my food so I really appreciate this." I said softly and his mom looked confused. "Accident?" She asked worriedly. "Y-yeah... I was staying with a friend and I spilled on myself at breakfast. This is something I borrowed from my friend, I'm not really a UA student yet..." That seemed to help, his mom seemed to better understand now. "How did you and Izuku meet? Why are you two going to the exam together?" She asked curiously and I wasn't sure what to say. "Well... I don't leave my neighborhood very often and I lost my cell phone so I got pretty lost. I ran into him and we started talking about my borrowed uniform. When I found out he was taking the exam also, I asked if he'd be willing to help me find my way to UA." I explained and it was close enough to what happened that Izuku was happy with my answer and I didn't have to explain the weird screaming on the beach to his mother.
After eating one of the best meals I've had in a long time I went with Izuku to the high school. As we were walking up to the school Izuku started to act and get really nervous. He tripped and I was startled but a girl seemed to stop his fall by floating him somehow... I blinked in surprise and interest as I watched Izuku become a flustered mess that couldn't even get one word out. I decided not to comment and we went into the building and got our information. I sat between Izuku and a blond as I held my card and listened to the man start talking at the front. He was some kind of DJ and the crowd wasn't getting riled at all for him. It was pretty silent. Izuku started talking about the man who is apparently Present Mike and gushing over him. The blond told him to shut up and I... Was feeling mildly amused and uncomfortable at Izuku's fanboy behavior. As he talked about the specified battle centers I looked down at my card and so did the boys on either side of me. The blond looked over at my and Izuku's cards before making an observation. "I see. They're splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends." Izuku agreed, sounding intrigued. "Yeah, you're right. Our examinee numbers are one after the other but we're assigned to different battle centers." My number was 2235 and I was in battle center C. The boys were in battle Centers A and B. Huh... interesting. I wasn't too worried. All I've done since I was seven and a half was train for battle, combat, and assassinations. And I had powerful quirks. The blond snapped at Izuku and scowled about not being able to compete with him directly. After Present Mike explained some more about the exam and how it would be scored, a boy spoke up to ask questions. He seemed pretty serious and motivated. When he called Izuku out I had to bite my tongue to not laugh and I almost choked because of the surprise amusement. I split off from Izuku and the blond to go to my own testing location. Izuku looked pretty nervous. I hope he makes it. He was pretty buff but I don't know what his abilities are.
When I got to the start gate I started stretching and trying to ignore the students who had started staring at my uniform. I really didn't want to talk about it or to anyone at all. Luckily no one approached me. When it started I rushed in and began taking down robots with ease and my flexible usage of my fire, water, ice, and earth quirks seemed to be a real jaw dropper for the other students. I took down ten one pointers, nine two pointers, and twelve three pointers before the big zero pointer showed up. I had 64 points already and I was feeling rather comfortable. I noticed as I tried to avoid the big one that it was more of a pain going around attacking then if I just took the thing down so I froze it then heated it up quickly and it exploded as I walked away and began looking for other targets again. An excited voice called out to me from back by the destroyed type four robot. "That was awesome! I thought that thing was going to crush me and you just took it out! Thanks!" I looked back to see a blond haired boy with fairly golden brown eyes. He looked a little stupid and looked a bit out of it. "No problem... was getting annoying anyways." I then waved and tried to go off on my own but the idiot kept following me and gushing over my crazy quirky powers. I finished off two more three pointers before time was up while the idiot killed the small one pointers that were mixed in. By the end the idiot was wandering around drooling and yayying and putting his thumbs up. I decided to walk away and this time he didn't follow.
Total points from the battle exam should be 70 points. I did the written exam and felt fairly confident but we shall have to see since I was being educated by random villains since I was seven. Now I just... needed to figure out where I was going to hide tonight. I shuffled around by the school entrance as I waited for Izuku, hoping to catch him and maybe get him to take pity on me... The girl who stopped his fall this morning was walking out of the gates when she stopped and seemed to recognize me. She came over to me and smiled before greeting me warmly. "Hello there! I'm Ochaco Uraraka! You were hanging out with the green haired boy this morning, weren't you? He's amazing but it sounded like he might not pass the battle exams... It's crazy because he saved me." She rambled a little, seeming a bit upset about Izuku possibly not getting into UA. I frowned softly as I absorbed what she had to say. "Oh... I really like him. He's a nice guy. I hope he gets in. This is his dream." I explained softly and she nodded. "Oh! Uhm... My name is Yuki Iyama. Just call me Yuki though, please?" I asked softly with a small smile and Uraraka smiled and nodded in agreement. "Well... I'm going to wait here for him so we can walk back together." Uraraka seemed surprised but nodded and waved. "Okay, It might be a while because he's in the nurse's office." She said as she left and I blinked in shock and surprise. What the heck had happened during his entrance exam? Still... I had nowhere else to go so I waited. When he finally came out he looked surprised to see me there. "H-hey... were you waiting here for me?" He asked, sounding surprised and a bit guilty.
I just smiled softly but sadly. "Izuku, I have a favor to ask of you... I hate to ask when you've already helped me out so much but... Do you think I could hang out and have dinner at your house?" I asked as I played with my fingers nervously. "No one is waiting for me at home because my parents are away and your mom's cooking this morning really cheered me up. I've been really lonely, missing my parents, and the house is just really empty and quiet when it's just me. I'm also not a very good cook so I've not been eating too well... I know it's a lot to ask since we just met and everything... maybe it's really selfish of me but it just felt really nice sitting with you guys at the table." I explained softly as I peeked up at him. His gaze was soft and kind and he smiled at me shyly as he blushed a little. "U-uhm... of course! L-let's go..." I sighed in relief and smiled at him warmly. It wasn't a sleep over but it was better than nothing. Another meal today so I don't have to go hungry. We walked back together in silence and when we got back to Izuku's we took our shoes off at the door and he told his mom he was home. She peaked out of the kitchen and gasped with delight and surprise at seeing me. I smiled and waved. "Hello again Mrs Midoriya. I hope you don't mind me hanging out and staying for dinner? I wouldn't want to intrude..." I said softly with a small smile.
Izuku stepped further into the house so I followed as his mom reassured me it was fine and she was happy to have such a nice girl be Izuku's friend. "I'm the lucky one, he's so sweet, he has a heart of gold." I said and Izuku turned many shades of red as he squeaked shyly and I giggled into my hand while his mom cooed and laughed at him. I followed Izuku to his room and took in all the All Might posters and action figures for a moment. "You seem like a really big fan... It was a little surprising to see him go from so frail to so buff this morning. A cool quirk but I'm a bit worried for his health." I admitted softly as panic flashed over Izuku's face and he seemed to flail for something to say. "Y-you can't tell anyone about his true form! T-the villains can't know that he's sick and weakened... " I considered what he had to say and smiled reassuringly. "Okay, I won't tell anyone." He relaxed slightly and shifted around nervously as he became shy again.
"Hey Izuku, do you mind if I have a seat at your desk?" I ask softly and he panics and rambles nervously and shyly. "N-no, of course you can! I-I'm sorry! Do you want something to eat or drink?" He asks and I take a seat in his desk chair and watch him with a mildly amused smile."I would love some water and a snack. Whatever you want to snack on is good with me." I said softly and he smiled and nodded before scurrying out of the room. When he left I turned on his computer and started getting to work on hacking into the quirk registry and making sure my fake identity had my quirks registered so I wouldn't get in trouble with UA for using a bunch of unregistered quirks."Hey! I think I found something good-..." I was startled when Deku spoke up behind me, about to happily talk about the snacks when he realized I'd somehow gotten into his computer and was doing something on it. I panicked for a moment and wasn't sure what to do. I quickly finished what I was doing and closed the page before turning to Izuku with a sheepish smile. "Sorry... I'm good with tech and I realized I needed to update the quirk registry so that UA didn't get mad about my quirk not being properly registered." I explained as best I could and Izuku seemed a little less freaked out. He still seemed a bit uncomfortable so I shut the computer off and stared down at my lap feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
"U-uhm... I would have preferred if you asked me but... I understand that you're probably anxious about getting into UA and that might have clouded your judgment." Izuku said and I felt my stomach churn as I felt even more guilty and exhausted. I hadn't slept in 24 hours now and I'd walked for 13 of those hours before taking a rigorous battle exam, not to mention killing two men to make my escape. I wobbled before my vision blacked out a moment and I toppled forwards and into Izuku's arms. My knees hit the floor but he kept my upper body from falling as I leaned on him until my vision returned. "S-sorry... I haven't slept in like 24 hours..." I admitted weakly. "I don't feel so good..." Izuku seemed worried as he carefully felt my forehead and gasped as he pulled his hand away. "Y-You're burning up!" He panicked and I groaned and grimaced. "M-must have overdone it." I said meekly and he seemed to be trying to figure out what to do so he called for his mom who walked in to find me on my knees in front of Izuku with my face flushed from my fever and Izuku was also flustered and still had his arms wrapped around me holding me against his stomach as I leaned on him.
"I-Izuku!" His mother gaped and I groaned miserably at the misunderstanding and the way Izuku started flailing when he realized what she thought. He pulled away from me in his panic and I hit the floor hard with a small whimper. Izuku's mom seemed to realize her mistake and that something was wrong with me as she came more into the room and knelt over me. She checked my temp and gasped similarly to how Izuku had. "Izuku, do you know where she lives or how to get a hold of her family?" She asked and he shook his head. She looked down at me as she stroked my hair out of my face. "Sweetie, where do you live? Who can I call to come get you?" I furrowed my brows and looked away guiltily. "N-no one... I have no one. J-just me... S-sorry... I kind of stuck you with me. I... I didn't know I was getting sick." I said softly as I curled into myself. Izuku frowned and looked at me with worry and confusion as his mother seemed to be trying to figure me out also. "Well, do you have an address we can take you home to?" I was quiet as I curled up into a smaller ball. "N...No, I don't have a home." I admitted and Izuku's mother and Izuku seemed even more concerned and confused.
"S-sorry... really sorry about this. Didn't mean to saddle you with taking care of me. I.. I can go. I can f-figure something out. I always do." I said and I started to get up. I struggled to my feet only to get light headed and topple over when I went to take my first step. Izuku caught me as his mom and him fussed. "No no no. You aren't going out onto the streets like this. Someone might take advantage of you." Izuku's mom said and my feverish and loose-lipped self quipped back at her. "Some people already did that." I grimaced and gripped onto Izuku to try and get more support as he kept me from falling. Izuku's mom seemed horrified and sad. "Sweetie..." She said sadly and I looked up only to realize Izuku was staring down at me with worry and concern. "You wanted to come back here because it was safe and you could get a free meal." He said softly as he looked down at me. I looked away ashamed. "I-I'm sorry Izuku... But I really do like you and would hang out with you even if I didn't need help. You're a really nice guy." I said and he gently helped me to his bed and tucked me into it to my surprise. He didn't look hurt or mad at me. "I understand..." He said softly as I looked up at him. I blinked and tried to stay awake but I was so tired. "I... Walked for nine hours... ran for four... h-had to get someplace safe... d-didn't want to be raped again. A-and then there you were and... I just knew you wouldn't hurt me and... I latched onto you hoping maybe I could find a safe place." Izuku's mom covered her mouth and sobbed softly at the thought of what I had gone through and I felt bad for saying anything. Izuku looked to be in pain also. I covered my eyes with one of my arms as I tried to think straight. "Izuku, baby, I'm going to get her medicine. You make sure she drinks some water and gets some rest." Izuku nodded before helping me sit up so I could have a drink of the water he'd brought me before I collapsed from fever and exhaustion.
The Midoriya's took care of me and I ended up sleeping and barely aware until sometime the next day when my fever broke. Inko, Izuku's mom, still wouldn't let me get out of bed though until the next day. When I'd finally been aloud out of bed I thanked them and apologized. They both dismissed my apology and told me I had nothing to be sorry for but I still felt bad for bothering them. I tried to leave after breakfast but Inko and Izuku stopped me and told me I should stay with them since I don't have a home. I'm just... shocked and completely unsure of myself. What if the remaining two villains find me and kill the Midoriyas? I thanked them softly and settled in on the couch to consider what I was doing and the risks. A week passed and Izuku was growing more and more nervous about the exam results. He often spaced out and acted odd, which I found mildly hilarious at times. But I did feel bad that he felt he had done badly. I worry about what will happen if he doesn't make it. I changed my address to Midoriya's for UA so I would be able to get the test results without going to a post office to pick it up.
When the test results came Izuku's mom was adorably frantic when she came in with them to tell us. Izuku ended up in his room with his so he could look at them in private. I opened mine in the living room and it was a fairly generic welcome to UA from All Might except he did bring up something about rescue points and praised me for my unique quirk that seemed to be able to do so many things. My overall score was 70 combat points and 60 rescue points. Apparently I managed to pass the written exam too somehow. All Might seemed completely cowed that I'd managed to get so many points, so I guess I did pretty well. When I'd finished I went to wait with Inko to hear how Izuku did. She was pacing the hall while I leaned on the wall. When his door opened and he looked at us he gave the cutest smile and we knew he had gotten in. Inko started crying while I just grinned. I'm so glad... I don't know if I would enjoy UA as much without Izuku. Izuku went out alone the next night and he came back looking like he'd gone for a run. I wonder what he's thinking about so seriously all alone.

Outlier (MHA Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें