Chapter 3

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The media storm makes coming to school a terrifying nightmare for me because I can't get seen! How the heck do I get into the school now that the media is everywhere?! I end up sneaking in while the media is distracted by some guy but I'm already late for class. God damn it... I'm going to have to explain myself to Mr Aizawa... I come jogging into class and almost slip and fall, interrupting Aizawa and probably signing my death warrant. Maybe it's the anxiety and fear in my eyes or that I suddenly can't breath and collapse on the floor on my knees but he doesn't start yelling at me. "Iyama, what's wrong? Why are you late?" Aizawa asks as he slowly approaches me but I can't breath! I choke and sob as I clutch at my chest and Deku wanders over towards me in concern, only pausing when Aizawa tells him to sit back down. "Sit down Midoriya, she doesn't need to be crowded." Deku doesn't sit down and even tries to argue. "S-she's living with me and my mom... she's like family. Let me try and help." He insists and this seems to get the entire class's attention. "Hah?! When did this happen, shitty nerd? Who the heck is this chick anyways? I've never seen or heard of her before. She just appeared at the entrance exams and then you say she lives with you?! There is no way with a quirk like hers that we wouldn't have at least heard of her in our junior high!" Deku seems a bit thrown and unsure but suddenly I fall forward as I hyperventilate and my vision starts going dark. Aizawa catches me and kneels in front of me. I'm sobbing and word vomit just starts coming out of my mouth. "I-I c-can't! T-too many p-people! I c-can't breath! I-I can't!"
I find my hands curled into tight fists and gripping Mr Aizawa's shirt. I don't want to let go. He's safe and I want to be safe. He might be a strict teacher but I know he does what he does because he cares about what happens to us. I bury my face in his shoulder as I shake, cry, and gasp desperately for air. Aizawa hesitates before wrapping his arms around me while he seems to be trying to puzzle out what has me so freaked out.
"Midoriya, go get Midnight, she's not looking like she'll calm down. Also get Recovery Girl while you are at it. I'll wait here with her until you get back." Izuku nodded and rushed off leaving me and Mr Aizawa on the floor in the classroom. I continued to struggle and sob, my breathing erratic. Aizawa started to speak to me. "Everything is fine, you are perfectly safe here at UA." His reassurances took a couple minutes to process but they didn't really help. If they find me then nowhere is safe. He probably has a million questions but he hasn't asked them. After a couple minutes I calmed down and was just resting against Aizawa and trying to come back down to earth. Aizawa seemed to relax a little when my breathing went even and I just laid against him quietly. "Iyama, are you feeling better?" He asked and I was quiet for a long moment before I spoke again. "Can you call me Yuki? I don't like my last name..."
Aizawa seemed hesitant but grudgingly agreed. "Alright, Yuki... Can you go with me to the hall?" Aizawa asked calmly and after a moment of just breathing I gave a small nod. "O-okay..." I said softly and he gave a small nod before getting up and helping me to my feet. I wobbled a little and he steadied me before leading me out into the hall.
"Yuki... What were you so panicked about when you came into class?" He asked curiously and I swallowed anxiously. "T-the press... I-I don't like crowds or getting videos or pictures taken of me." I tried to explain while Aizawa studied me. I knew that this was going to be hard to fix. I have to get their attention back off of me. Midnight and the older nurse arrived with Izuku and they looked from me to Aizawa with confusion. "Is this the one who was panicking? She looks okay now." Midnight said and Aizawa sighed and nodded. "She surprised me and calmed down on her own. I thought we would have to sedate her." The thought of being drugged again even for my own good had me backing away from Aizawa and the woman as I tried not to freak out again. The old nurse spoke up softly, "Sweetie, are you feeling okay? What had you so upset?" Aizawa answered for me. "The press sent her into a panic attack. She's scared to be in the public eye but that'll be hard seeing as the UA tournament is broadcasted live and she plans to become a hero. She could do things on the down low but that's not how you reach the top..." He explained and the nurse nodded in understanding. Midnight waved and they both left just leaving Izuku, Aizawa and me behind. I shuffle uncomfortably as Izuku looks at me with confusion as he thinks hard like he's solving a puzzle. Now I don't even want to be around him... that's depressing... This is all depressing. I have to explain my panicked outburst. More lies... I feel like the worst.
"Yuki... You okay?... I've never seen you so panicked before. What is it that you are scared of?" Izuku asked, sounding worried about me. I looked away from him as I fiddled with my fingers. "I don't want you to look at me like I'm broken. I... I mean I probably am but I don't want to be. And honestly I've never really talked about it before so... I don't know what kind of state I'd be in if I did. I've... Told you what I can. I'm sorry." I said as they both studied me. "I don't know what to do with you, problem child.'' Aizawa said and I frowned softly. I've caught his attention and that'll be a problem. "For now let's get back to class. We have things to do today and we are wasting time." Aizawa said as Izuku looked at me with worry, I could tell he didn't think I was well enough to go to class. I nodded and hurried into the classroom with my head down and slid quickly into my chair as the class seemed to stare at me.
They probably thought I was some sort of disaster and weirdo. Aizawa entered and Izuku also took his seat. Aizawa talked about the battle exercise results and then had us vote for class rep... whatever that means. Why is everyone so excited? I listened to them talk over each other and discuss until it was time for us to vote. I guess the person I trust most to follow would be... probably Izuku. The results turned out that no one voted for me which was fine, Izuku had four votes and Yaoyorozu was vice rep because she got the second most votes. Then Izuku pretty much freaked out and Bakugou lost it. Izuku is so awkward and shy so he's of course doubting the results and shaking like a leaf.
When it was time for lunch I ended up standing a bit off to the side as Izuku got ready to go to the cafeteria. I just... I want to eat with him but... What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore or he's angry at me? He noticed me awkwardly and a little anxiously standing nearby watching him and he smiled his warm smile and motioned me over. I found myself at his side almost instantly as I felt some relief in him not shunning me. "You want to eat together, Yuki?" He asked softly and I relaxed and nodded. I hadn't realized it but a couple tears slipped... I guess I really had been feeling bad about Izuku possibly being angry at me. I wiped them away quickly and Izuku looked at me in concern as I gave him a small reassuring and embarrassingly wobbly smile. He finished packing up his stuff and we started to leave the classroom as Uraraka and Iida came over to Izuku and greeted him. "Let's have lunch together Deku." Uraraka said and he agreed as I nervously stood beside him and played with my uniform skirt.
"Hey, you're Iyama Yuki right? You've been pretty close with Deku since the first time I saw you both at the entrance exams. I'm surprised you two live together though." She said and Deku flailed and got flustered. "I-it's not like that! W-we are just f-friends!" He said and Uraraka hummed thoughtfully but nodded nonetheless. Iida looked uncomfortable with the topic so he changed it. "You have a pretty impressive quirk. I'm surprised you weren't more well known and popular in your junior high." He said and I shrunk back and accidentally ended up pressing into Deku who flushed but looked at me with concern. "U-uhm... I get really anxious around a lot of people so I mostly keep to myself... and using my quirk always draws in a crowd so... I didn't use it much." Iida accepted that but he seemed to be studying me. "You had quite a spell this morning... Was it because of the media overwhelming you?" I shrunk more into Deku and nodded as I started to feel the panic rising again. I had grabbed hold of Deku's sleeve tightly without realizing it and he gently placed a hand over mine as he looked at me with concern.
"Hey... You're okay. No one is going to hurt you." He tried to reassure me and I weakly nodded my head as my throat tightened with panic. "Maybe... don't talk about crowds... it seems to be making her upset." Izuku suggested and Iida apologized. "N-no... It's not your fault that I'm... The way I am. L-let's eat..." They agreed and we went to the Cafeteria while I tried to calm down. I hadn't realized until we got to the trays that I had still been clinging to Izuku's sleeve this entire time. I let go and he smiled at me shyly before we both grabbed our trays. When we sat down they started talking again. "Ugh, it's always so crowded in here!" Uraraka said and I found myself gripping my skirt tightly in my fists as I stared down at my shoes beneath the table. It is very crowded here. "It's because students in the support management and hero courses all share the same cafeteria." Iida explained and Uraraka started in on her rice happily. "Mmm!" She giggled. "This rice is delicious!" She exclaimed and Deku stared anxiously down at his own bowl of food. "Guys I'm kind of worried about the class rep thing. I don't think I'm qualified." He said anxiously. "Sure you are." Said Uraraka. "You'll be great." Iida said and Deku made an uncertain sound. "Your courage and quick thinking under stress will help make you a worthy leader. Not to mention the strength you demonstrated. Those are the reasons I voted for you at least." Iida said calmly and confidently. "You were one of the three?!" Deku exclaimed in shock.
"Didn't you want to be the representative really badly? I mean you look the part because of the glasses." Uraraka asked Iida curiously. Honestly I still barely understand what the representative is about. I mean they lead the class I guess but what does that have to do with glasses? I feel so confused. I've been living under a fricken mountain basically so I know hardly anything it feels like most of the time. "Wanting a job and being suited to it are quite different things. Observing the Iida family's hero agency has taught me that much." Iida explains. Interesting concept... "Agency?!" Deku and Uraraka ask at the same time. "Hold on, what does your family do?" Deku asks curiously. "Uh oh, it's nothing." Iida says nervously and Uraraka doesn't stop her investigation. "You know I've been wondering something about you... Admit it Iida! You're filthy rich!" She exclaimed excitedly. Iida panics a little. "Uh... I was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family." He seemed resigned. The other two stared at him seeming awed while I just... wondered why the heck it mattered. I did understand the not wanting to be treated differently though... then again I don't get much attention at all so I probably don't have to worry about that. Iida actually has friends he has to worry about losing. I just have Izuku and... I might already be failing and losing him.
Iida sighs before going into explaining his family's hero agency and how it runs in his family to be pro heroes. Uraraka and Izuku gush and fan boy and girl a bit over Iida's family. "Are the three of you familiar with the turbo hero Ingenium?" Iida asks and Deku gushes. "I know all about him! He's a super popular pro with 65 sidekicks working alongside him at his Tokyo agency!" Deku then looks shocked and excited. "Don't tell me..." He says and Iida stands up to pose proudly. "He's my elder brother!" Uraraka practically screeches. "Your family is famous!" And Deku gushes. "I can't believe it!"
"Ingenium is an unmatched commander who honors the hero code! As the second oldest Iida son, I strive to be just like him! However, I think it might be a bit soon for me to be in a real leadership role. You, for example, you figured out what the judges were looking for in the practical exam. A rep needs that sort of insight." The other two were staring at Iida in awe for a moment and I couldn't figure out why until Uraraka spoke up. "That's the first time I've seen you smile, Tenya. You should do it more." Tenya seemed to get flushed. "What are you talking about? I smile all the time!" He insisted indignantly. Deku then speaks up looking a little apprehensive. "Hey yeah... so about that practical exam-" And he gets cut off by a bell that makes me jump. "What is that?!" Izuku asks as I cover my ears and cower. Gosh I was having a rough day today...
"WARNING LEVEL THREE SECURITY BREACH. ALL STUDENTS PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUILDING IN AN ORDERLY FASHION." A loud recorded female voice said over the com as I began to feel panic rising up inside of me again. "What's a level three security breach?" Iida asked an older classmate at the table. "It means that someone managed to get past the school's barriers. This hasn't happened in my three years here! We should get going!" The kid panicked and ran off towards the exit. I snagged Deku's sleeve as I panicked more and I found myself holding tightly to his arm. We ended up in a packed crowded hallway where we were being pushed by many people. I clung desperately to Izuku and tried to keep my crying quiet as I began to have another panic attack. I buried my face in his arm as I hyperventilated and sobbed softly. He looked at me with concern but it was obvious he didn't know what to do as we were practically ripped on and shoved in every direction.
"Ow! This is a total mob!" Said Uraraka as she was crushed between people. "Everyone was quick to react, as I'd expect from UA students." He explains while Izuku and I are almost ripped apart and he grimaces at the way his arm is being forced because of me. "Sure, but they are also causing a huge panic!" He says, sounding distressed. Deku got dragged away and I panicked as his arm was ripped from me and he reached for me as I desperately tried to grab his hand again but he got pulled too far for me to reach. I started to cry more openly and Uraraka and Iida looked at me with concern as I struggled to breath. "Yuki. Grab my hand!" Said Uraraka and I tried to reach for her but we barely managed to grasp hands for more than a couple seconds before I was pushed further away from them.
Iida disappeared and I could barely see Uraraka. To my luck I ended up running right into Kirishima the red head and he took one look at me and wrapped his arm around me and shielded me from the crowd as I clung to him. "I-I'm sorry... I just hate crowds so much." I sobbed and he simply nodded as he protected me from the mob. I could feel us getting dragged along but Kirishima kept a good hold on me. Just then Iida went flying over the entire crowd and hit the wall above the door hard before he started yelling to be heard over everyone. "LISTEN UP! EVERYTHING IS OKAY! IT'S JUST THE MEDIA OUTSIDE! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! EVERYTHING'S FINE! WE'RE UA STUDENTS. WE NEED TO REMAIN CALM AND PROVE THAT WE ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST!" And the crowd quieted and people relaxed. Kirishima's hold on me relaxed but I ended up falling to the floor because I was feeling faint and the loss of support was all it took to take me down.
"Woah! Yuki, are you alright? It's fine now. No villains." Kaminari, the blond who uses electricity, said as he knelt beside me and Kirishima quickly followed but I kept crying and struggling for air. "She told me she hates crowds... I don't think it's the villains. I think she's feeling crowd anxiety." Explained Kirishima, and Kaminari stared at me in surprise and shock. "Wow... That must have been why she was freaking out this morning. The media made her panic..." Before they could continue this conversation Deku and Uraraka found us and knelt down to try and comfort me. "It's okay Yuki, You're alright. Stand up so we can get you out of this crowd." Uraraka said and both her and Deku helped me up before trying to move through the crowd with me. They got me back into class and I sat in my seat and drank some water Deku got me until I calmed down and stopped crying. I feel like such a weakling. No way I could be a pro hero with social anxiety that is this bad.
They started class and poor Deku stood nervously up front with Yaoyorozu to start the elections for the rest of the class representatives... whatever that means... When he gave up his position to Iida I was surprised but it was a really good call in my opinion. They finish up whatever it was they needed to do... I don't really care because no direct attention is what I want. I don't want to have any position of power in class. The rest of the day was rather uneventful and I made Izuku promise not to tell Inko about my panic attacks so I didn't have to worry about talking about it with her. I just relaxed and enjoyed their company and the warmth of their home.

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