Chapter 4

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The next day was a lot less eventful getting into the school and I was calm when class started. "Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." This seemed to awe, concern, and excite my classmates. I myself am a bit excited to start using my abilities and feeling less like a liability. I've been feeling really weak and pathetic. "Sir! What kind of training is this?" One of the boys in the class raised his hand and called out to Mr Aizawa. He held up a card with the word RESCUE on it in all capital letters and said, "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that." The class all seemed to get riled up in response to this revelation. I've never thought about this kind of thing before and my tormentors certainly never taught me anything to do with this area. Maybe I will be just like everyone else at the starting line for this particular area.
"Guys, I'm not finished yet." Aizawa said, unimpressed and managing to get everyone's attention back to him. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes." He said and used his remote to bring the costumes out of their storage space in the wall. "Keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities. This special training is at an off campus facility so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all, start getting ready." Aizawa explained and he walked off and out of the classroom. Everyone was rather on top of getting up and moving. I went for my costume because I know it's simple and versatile. Much easier to move in than the UA gym clothes and even better at protecting against heat and cold. It's resilient and well insulated. It wouldn't get filled with water either if I had to go swimming. My hair though is long and puts me at a disadvantage. My captors liked it long enough to give me a handicap when they wanted to get their hands on me and it also looks better for undercover operations. I actually like it long so I've come up with the Idea to braid it tightly back and out of my way. One french braid down the middle of my head and back works well enough.
I got ready with the girls in the locker room and they chattered happily. They were leaving me alone as usual when Uraraka tried to pull me into the conversation. "Hey, Yuki, how are you feeling today? Yesterday was really stressful." I looked up from my boots to look at her and she smiled. I can't just ignore her... "I'm... Calmer. It was easier to get onto campus this morning because Mr Aizawa showed me a back entrance I can use." The girls looked shocked and confused for a moment before they remembered my freak out yesterday morning. With the evacuation and infiltration of the UA security, they must have forgotten. I wish I could take it back... "Oh! That's really nice of Mr Aizawa. I didn't know he could be so nice." Uraraka said, still smiling at me in such a friendly way. I smiled back slightly. "I think he just wanted to avoid me being a disruption to his class again." I joked and this actually made all the girls giggle and smile. That makes me feel better and before I know it an unfamiliar feeling comes across my face and I realize... I'm smiling and not just a little. I'm grinning happily at them and they all smile back just as big.
"You have such a pretty smile, Yuki!" The pink girl gushes and... I can't remember her name and it makes me feel really bad. "U-uhm, thanks. I haven't really truly smiled much since..." I trailed off and the smile dropped from my face as the memories of what happened to my parents hit me. The girls looked concerned as they all looked at me waiting for me to finish but... What can I say? "Well... Let's just say it's been a while.." I said softly and they all seemed to accept that even if they were curious and concerned. "So how is it living with Deku?" Asked Uraraka and I honestly had to think about it. "His mom is sweet, she makes me feel cared for and safe. I'm lucky... so lucky I ran into him. I feel kind of bad though... I feel like a burden to them." That seemed to catch the girls' attention and concern them.
"You aren't a burden Yuki. Deku really cares about you and obviously likes having you around." Uraraka said softly. I chewed my lip as I thought about what she'd said. I still feel guilty about depending on them. "I don't know... I feel bad about how I ended up getting to stay with them. I overworked myself and got a fever when I was over at Izuku's. Because I got sick there, and I had nowhere and no one, they had to take care of me. I feel like, because I have no one else, they feel they have to take care of me." I explained softly as I pulled my costume on carefully. The girls seemed at a loss for words for a minute. "Yuki, Izuku really seems to see you as family and if you went away or something happened to you I think he'd be heart broken." Uraraka said gently. I looked up at her and smiled sadly. "I hope he's not that attached... I wouldn't want to be responsible for causing him heartache if something happened to me." I said quietly before standing from the bench and going out towards the bus.
When I went out by the bus I found Deku standing alone mostly but he wasn't too far from Bakugou, Todoroki, and... Mineta, I think is the guy's name? "Hey!" He said warmly and I smiled at him as his kindness and warmth made my heart feel warm and safe. "Hey, you ready for this exercise? I'm excited to learn about this concept. I never really learned about rescue when I trained so I'll be fairly equal with all of you during this exercise." I smiled with a small shrug and Deku looked intrigued and a little concerned but Uraraka came up and cut off anything he might have wanted to say. "Deku? Why are you wearing your PE clothes? Where's your costume at?" Uraraka asked, confused. Deku smiled a bit embarrassed. "You saw it after the combat training. It was kinda trashed. I'm still waiting on the support company to fix it up." Deku explained a little sheepishly before Iida blew a whistle at us.
"Gather around class 1-A! Using your student numbers form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently!" Iida said loudly and clearly. "Iida's kicking it into high gear as our class Rep, huh?" Deku said weakly and uncomfortably as we watched Iida chopping his arm through the air repeatedly while he continued to blow his whistle. Honestly it's mildly amusing to watch. I almost snort at what Deku said but choke instead for a second before I collect myself. We loaded the bus and got on our way but funnily enough the bus layout wasn't how Iida thought it would be and his plans for our boarding and seating were kind of ineffective. "The bus's open layout ruined my boarding strategy." Iida sulked as the bus headed towards the training facility. "Iida you really need to chill." Said the pink girl. "If we're pointing out the obvious then there's something I want to say, about you actually." Sue said as she turned to Deku. I was seated on one side of Deku and Sue was on the other side of him. There was some guy who's quirk was related to sugar on the other side of me. Deku of course started to get anxious right away and squeaked out his response to Sue.
"About me? What is it, Asui?!" Sue wasn't impressed that he called her Asui. "I told you to call me Sue." Deku seemed pretty uncomfortable and guilty for not listening to her about how to refer to her. "Oh! Yeah, right." He said nervously. "That power of yours, isn't it a lot like All Might?" Sue asked calmly and curiously and Deku looked completely freaked out. "What?! Really?! You think so, hu?! I never really thought about that. I guess it's kind of similar." Deku said nervously but was cut off by Kirishima. "Wait, hold on Sue! You're forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference." Deku sighs seeming relieved and I'm left thinking that... What Deku said to Bakugou the other day and the similarities to All Might's quirk as well as their relationship suggested maybe he got his quirk from All Might and that when he finally got the hang of this quirk he would remind people more of the older hero. "Deku, you'll get the hang of controlling it and it wont hurt you anymore... if you don't push yourself past your limits." I tried to encourage him quietly.
"Still I bet it's cool to have a simple augmenting type of quirk, you could do a lot of flashy stuff with it. My hardening's super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight but it doesn't look all that impressive." Kirishima expressed and Deku smiled and sweetly gave him his much more positive view. "Oh no way! I think it's really awesome looking! You're definitely pro material with a quirk like that!" Deku reassured Kirishima. "You really think so?! Seems like it'd be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier." Kirishima voiced more of his doubts but he seemed to be flattered. "My naval laser's got the perfect combination of panache and strength." The... flashy blond who I've never really paid attention to until now said and Pinkie put her hand on his shoulder. "But it's way lame if it gives you a stomach ache sweetie." She says and the guy sulked while some of the others smiled and laughed. "Well if any of our classmates have pro quirks it's Todoroki and Bakugou." Bakugou seemed surprised at the attention but he just kept scowling out the window. Todoroki didn't really react at all and I... was left feeling insulted.
"What... about me?" The red head startled and his head whipped around with a slight guilty look. "Oh... I forgot because you're really quiet and shy... your quirk is pretty impressive too... maybe more impressive than all of ours." He admitted and I frowned softly as I realized how much of an outlier I really am in this class. Bakugou snorted and glared at me. "She's got nothing on me." Huh... I wonder if I could convince him otherwise. Probably not when he knows what an emotionally unstable mess I am. Not that he's the picture of calm or anything. He just doesn't cry and react in fear like I do. Todoroki still had nothing to say. "Sure but Bakugou is always angry so he'll never be that popular." Sue said rather bluntly and Bakugou stands up and starts yelling at her in rage. "What did you say?! I'll kick your ass!" Sue simply pointed at him. "You see?" I had to bite my lip so I didn't laugh. "You know we basically just met you so it's kind of telling that we all know your personality's flaming crap mixed with garbage." Kaminari says, enjoying himself a little too much. "You're gonna regret the day you applied to this school you loser! I'll kill you!" Bakugou freaked out and Iida finally jumped in. "Enough this class needs to encourage each other!" Iida tried to get the class to stop tearing each other down. "I'm going to encourage this dumb ass to explode!" Bakugo shouted in retort.
"Wait what did you say? Crazy dude." Someone said in this chaos of talking over each other. Finally Aizawa cuts in. "Hey, hey, we're here. Stop messing around." He said, sounding mildly inconvenienced. "I think he's rough around the edges and needs to work on toning down his anger at least but I think he could be popular. Endeavor is, from what I've read, and he's mean and a bit easy to anger." This seemed to surprise the entire class including Mr Aizawa. "Plus... He's very competitive and talented so he won't have to carry his career on his personality alone. I don't think it's very nice or very dignified to pick on him even if he's rude and picks on others. Stooping low by allowing this idea of treating others how they treated you is likely to lead to losing respect for yourself and others respect for you as well." The class just stared at me for a long silent moment. "She's right... this isn't how hero's act." Said Iida stiffly and the class seemed to become guilty and ashamed. Bakugou was still staring at me with a puzzled look on his face. "You're different today, ghost girl." Bakugou said with his voice unusually at a regular volume. Huh... Ghost Girl... "That's a good one. I think I'll use it as my hero name." That made Bakugou startle and look at me with even more surprise and confusion.
"I just appeared one day right? I'll probably just disappear one day too... not because I plan on it but because I have to expect that I'll be uprooted again like I've been multiple times in my life." Hearing me say that made Aizawa look at me differently like he was seeing me in a way he hadn't before. "You... you sound like you're saying you move around a lot. I thought you didn't have family and that's why you are with Izuku? Why would you leave?" Uraraka asked, trying to piece together what little I had told her. "Bad things happen to me... I don't expect I'll get to feel safe and happy for long. It won't last." I said softly and I let my eyes fall to my lap. "Yuki..." Uraraka said quietly and the bus air was tense. "Why don't you just tell someone like Mr Aizawa the whole story?" Uraraka asked, sounding completely confused. I shook my head. "I've already said too much... I don't want to be the hero forever known for my traumatic past." I played with my fingers quietly. The bus was quiet and everyone seemed to be at a loss.
"Yuki..." Uraraka said softly. "I don't need the world knowing everything I went through so whoever wants to can use it against me in a fight. I don't need people knowing what I did and what was done to me so they can judge me for it. So... I'll keep going like I have been and hope for the best. Maybe someday I'll be able to leave it all behind." I said softly but firmly as I got up.
The rest of the students didn't seem to know what to do or say. Some of them looked like they didn't even know what to think. Deku was staring at me with a heart broken expression but the concern was also very visible as well. Aizawa seemed perplexed like he wasn't sure what to do. He understood what I was saying about my reputation but he was worried about the state of my emotional and mental health. We all unloaded off the bus so we could go into the facility.
When we got inside a woman wearing a space suit greeted us. "Hello everyone! I've been waiting for you!" She said excitedly as the class stared at her in shock and wonder. Deku was fanboying and making little excited sounds as he stared awestruck and Uraraka jumped up and down excitedly. "Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!" She cheered. I hardly know who anyone is because I lived under a mountain sized rock until recently. "This is gonna be awesome!" The class cheered together. I started to feel... uneasy... wrong. Something was going to go wrong. Something isn't right... But... How do I know if I can trust this feeling? How do I know if it's just anxiety or not? When we walked into the USJ the class made amazed and excited sounds as they looked around in excitement. I also looked around while trying to imagine how my powers would best suit each area. "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a wind storm, etcetera! I created this training facility to prepare you for different kinds of disasters. I call it the unforeseen simulation joint, but you can call it USJ!" NUmber 13 explained to us excitedly. "Hey, shouldn't All Might be here already? Let me guess, he booked an interview instead." Aizawa asked as he came up to 13. "Actually it's something else. Apparently he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and used up all his power. He's resting in the teachers lounge." Thirteen explained... probably not meant for my ears but it kind of ended up getting picked up. My hearing has been elevated since I had to use it to figure out how close my tormentors were to finding me as a kid. "That man is the height of irresponsibility." Aizawa commented, displeased. "Clock's ticking, we should get started." Aizawa said. "Excellent! Before we begin let me just say one thing. Oh well... maybe two things... possibly three... four or five..." 13 babbled awkwardly. "We get it." Most of the class said and she stopped babbling. "Listen carefully. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful quirk. It's called black hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust." She explained and Izuku started adding what he knew because he's a fan boy... "Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?" He and Uraraka were practically bursting with excitement over 13. "That's true but my quirk could also very easily be used to kill." The class gasped in shock and I just found myself wondering if I could use black hole if I tried. Perfect way to deal with my tormentors even if it is dark and unhero-like...
"Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our superhuman society all quirks are certified and strictly regulated so we often overlook how unsafe it can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you are trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid Idea of your quirks potential. And because of All Might's combat training you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other. Only use them to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others. That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening." 13 spoke seriously and it made sense even if my stomach was in knots and I wanted to puke because I kept thinking about what I did to my kidnappers. Everyone seemed really interested in what she had to say and they cheered excitedly and loudly when she finished her speech.
"Right, now that that's over." Aizawa said and then the lights started doing weird things and the fountain was also being weird. When I saw the purple hole that seemed to warp the space around it I knew that I should have trusted my intuition after all because this was bad. Very very bad. Aizawa tensed and started to turn to look over his shoulder at what I was already staring at. His expression showed how anxious and scared he was at the situation as the hole burst and a purple shadow figure appeared and opened more as a hand slowly came out of it only to reveal a guy with white... maybe gray hair and you could only see one of his creepy red eyes between the fingers of the hand over his face. I got the creeps as I felt the energy he gave off. Aizawa met eyes with him and he scowled or glared before turning around quickly to address us. "Stay together and don't move!" Aizawa said seriously with urgency. The rest of my class seemed confused and surprised at what they were seeing. "13 protect the students!" Aizawa said urgently. I... honestly think moving to leave is a good idea. Swiftly is probably best... Having us in here is going to make it even harder for the pros to fight these guys. We would get in the way and possibly even become hostages if we aren't already.
"Uh! What is that thing?!" Kirishima asks, freaked out. Deku's mouth is hanging open as he stares. "Wait, has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people?" Kirishima says and I suddenly see him as not a very intelligent person. Deku tries to step forwards and Aizawa snaps at him urgently. "Stay back!" This is bad, everyone is gaping and not acting. Acting right away is important to survive! You can't hesitate. Deku is now looking at Aizawa worriedly as the other students still try to figure out what is happening. Maybe it's such a shock because in their minds they are safe at UA... but I don't feel truly safe anywhere so... I know exactly what is happening. Aizawa puts his goggles on and Izuku gasps. Eraser Head is getting ready to fight them. Deku is starting to realize how serious this is. I grab Deku's sleeve tightly in my hand as I move closer to his side. If we aren't making a run for it quickly then I'm keeping close to Deku. "This is real. Those are villains!" Aizawa said trying to get through to the class what is actually happening and how dier this situation is. The fear that my classmates started to show was causing them to tremble and clench their fists as they tried to keep their faces from falling apart. Not all of them reacted that way but... the majority did. I am even scared and using Deku for comfort. He was getting used to me clinging to his sleeve so he hardly noticed. He used to get flustered.
My hearing, being what it is, picked up the villain's conversation back by the warpgate villain. "The only real heroes I see are 13 and Eraser Head. Perplexing. According to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well." The warpgate villain said to the creepy-hands guy. "So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus." Aizawa said, startling me because I'd just been so focused on what the Villain's were saying that I was listening very carefully and a sudden closer louder noise made my body panic a little. No time to actually panic though...I'm okay. "Where is he?! I went to the trouble of bringing so many friends eager to meet him. They want All Might, the great symbol of peace. I can't believe he's not here! Maybe if I kill a few kids he'll come to play." The creep-hands guy said and I thought I would choke on my own heart. Oh my god. I can't just tell everyone they want to kill us to get All Might's attention... it might cause them to panic like I am and that could be bad.
"What? Real Villains? No way. How could this many get into a UA facility this secure?'' Kirishima asks and speculates. "Yeah, 13 why aren't the alarms going off?" Yoayorozu asked perplexed. "Good question, I'm not sure." 13 replied probably making some of my classmates more upset. I imagine it's probably a quirk or a blind spot that they created or found in the system. "Is the whole campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered then one of these villains must have a quirk masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here, but they've thought this out. Whatever their plan they must have a concrete objective in mind, but what is it?" Todoroki theorized and as I was about to tell them what I knew I was cut off by Aizawa. "13, get them out of here and alert the main campus. Actually if they've got the ability to block our sensors then they might be jamming our regular communications too. Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school." Kaminari looked serious as he quickly did as told. "Yes sir." Then I was jerked forwards a bit when Deku moved closer and spoke to Aizawa in panic. "What are you gonna do? You can't fight them on your own! There's too many of them. Even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting style is not suited to this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights. That's not gonna help with a group." Deku said looking defeated for Aizawa. I kind of dout that he's that limited. "You can't be a pro if you only have one trick." Aizawa says and Deku looks surprised. "I'll leave it to you 13." Mr Aizawa said and he launched himself into the battle.
The first few he went up against were mostly shooting types that he took down easily but it's hard to say for how long they will stay down. Aizawa using his scarf and his quirk so smoothly was kind of... attractive. I was startled out of my thoughts as Deku spoke his thoughts out loud. "Woah, he's holding them off. I guess I shouldn't have underestimated him." He said, lost in his thoughts. "This is no time to be analyzing. We have to go." Iida scolded and tried to get us going. I let go of Deku's sleeve because he started running and it was uncomfortable to hold onto him while trying to run. I kept pace easily as I tried to get my head in the game. To my dismay and distress, the warp villain was now between us and the exit. "There is no escape for you." The villain said as he towered over us with his weird purple smoky body. "It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the league of villains. I know it's impolite but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides... isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him. There must have been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah well, in the end I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."
To my horror and complete mortification the two thick headed idiots, Bakugou and Kirishima charged him and got in 13's way. You don't charge into a fight so sloppily with an unknown opponent! There was a large explosion and lots of smoke before Kirishima started opening his big mouth and talking like he thinks he has this fight in the bag. So cocky! Their attack didn't hurt him and the view of the villain was now clouded by smoke. Then all hell broke loose. The villain attacked while dummies one and two were still in 13's way. The quirk swallowed me and Deku and the next I knew we were falling while I clung to him for dear life and screamed. We were plummeting towards water as we freaked out. Hitting the water sucked. It took everything I had not to let the air rush out of my lungs on impact. I let go of Deku as we looked around and then started swimming back up towards the surface. But then... a villain whose specialty is water was swimming fast right at us. I panicked and grabbed Deku's arm again while the guy swam right at us fast. I can control water but this was not quite that easy. Ice could be dangerous for Deku and water might not even tickle this guy. It would probably be like a jet of water or a current, it wouldn't be enough. When he opened his mouth to show all his sharp teeth my heart tried to jump out of my chest and run away.
I watched in amazement as the guy was knocked aside and Sue came into view. "Hey, Midoriya, Yuki." She said before her tongue wrapped around us both and squeezed us together as she tried to bring us to the surface. "See yah!" She said as she left the bad guy in the dust. She used her tongue to set us on the ship and I ended up on top of Deku as we were laid down on the deck. Deku took most of the impact from being dropped onto the deck and grunted beneath me and grimaced. Not long after Sue threw Mineta onto the deck too and he made a big scene about the landing. Deku and I had managed to get up and were taking stock of the situation... or maybe I was and he was just thinking about thanking Sue. "You saved my life Asui." He said, sounding kind of in shock and awe. "I told you to call me Sue." Sue responded a bit exasperated. Deku flailed and did his usual panic as he tried to apologize. "This is turning out to be a terrible day of class." Sue said, sounding tired. "Yeah... I keep thinking about what that villain said. They knew our whole schedule and who would be here. They must have gotten into school files while we were all stuck in the cafeteria. The teachers were busy trying to get the media off school grounds. That means they've been waiting for the perfect time to attack just like Todoroki said they were." Deku concluded seriously.
"Hey! Hold on a second! It's not like these guys can really kill All Might. When he shows up he'll pound these villains until there's nothing left." Mineta said confidently as he kept punching the air trying to imitate All Might. "Think about it though. If the villains spent so much time planning this attack then they probably figured out a way to kill him." I reasoned and Sue nodded in agreement. The expression on Deku's face worries me though... maybe I shouldn't have said anything but I get the feeling Sue would have pointed it out if I hadn't. "And didn't you hear what that smoke guy said? Maybe we should worry more about not getting tortured to death. Otherwise we might not survive long enough to see All Might again. And even if he does show up who knows if he'll make it out in one piece." Sue went on to say and Mineta got more and more scared as she talked. "No! The pros are gonna save us, right?! Tell Frog boobs to shut up!" Mineta panicked as he looked to Deku who didn't even glance at him. He had a serious and intense expression on his face. I get the feeling he is coming up with some sort of plan. Sue made a frog sound in response to Mineta before we all noticed the villains coming towards the boat and threatening us. Mineta screamed in terror while the rest of us were thinking hard about the situation.
Deku was looking more and more determined while Sue and Mineta looked over the side of the boat at our enemies. "If they can beat him then we have to stop whatever it is these bad guys are planning. We have to work together and keep All Might safe. No one at UA knows what's happening. This is up to us, let's be heroes!" Deku said with determination. Mineta was not a fan. "What do you mean fight? Are you crazy? These guys might be able to kill All Might and you think we can take them? Did you hit your head when we got warped here?! The best plan is for us to just wait for a real pro from UA to come and save us!" Mineta screamed and cried as he panicked. Why is it that they all think a hero will always save them?
"Mineta... Heroes don't always come and save the day. No hero came to save me. No hero came no matter how I cried and wished and begged for the universe to send someone to save me. You can't always do nothing and wait for someone to come save you." I said calmly and seriously as I moved to look over the side at the water with Sue and Deku. Mineta didn't seem to find comfort or resolve in my words. Mineta kept sobbing and panicking as Deku tried to think. "Think about it, those villains down there clearly have an advantage in the water and I assume that's where we'll fight." Deku seemed to be thinking out loud. "Are you even listening!?" Mineta cried out loudly. "If that's the case they must have known what was inside the USJ before they warped in." Sue added. "Yeah. But for a group with such careful planning there's one thing that really sticks out to me. Something that just doesn't add up. They sent you here Asui- oh uh uhm whoops I meant Sue! Yeah, they warped you to the shipwreck zone." Deku said and grew a little panicked at the end because of messing up Sue's name again. "That kind of fell apart on you didn't it?" Sue asked. "A little bit." Deku deflated and I actually felt a little lost.
"But why does it matter that she's here!" Mineta shouted anxiously and Deku seemed to snap out of it. "Yeah, okay, right. It means the villains probably have no idea what our quirks are." Deku was a bit more intense when things got serious. "You've got a point there. If they knew I was a frog they would have sent me into that fire zone over there instead of somewhere full of water." Sue agreed. "They probably separated us because they didn't know what we could do and planned to over power us once we were in smaller groups. Easier to pick us off one by one. We can use that to our advantage. They don't know what our quirks are. So for all they know the three of us could be super powerful. Look, none of them are trying to climb into the boat. That proves they are a little unsure. But that means they are not going to underestimate us either. They're being smart and playing it safe, for now." Deku said as he stared intensely at our enemies in the water.
"So let's talk quirks. I'll go first if you want. Obviously I can jump high, and cling to pretty much any wall. And of course there's my tongue, I can stick it out about twenty meters. Oh yeah, I can spit out my stomach so that I can clean it but that's not really useful. Finally I also secrete a toxic toxin mucus. It just stings a bit." Sue told us calmly. I wonder what we can do with all of our quirks combined into a plan. Mineta seems oddly... excited? "We can probably only use my jumping and my tongue here, forget about the last things" Sue said calmly. Deku looks to be committing all of this to memory. "I figured you were powerful but that's amazing! I have my super strength but it comes at a price. Once I use it I'm pretty much out of commission. It's a double edged sword until I can control it." He explains and I wonder if I should wait Mineta out or just get this over with and tell them about my quirks... Maybe I don't have to tell them everything.
"I... I can use fire, water, ice, air, earth, light, darkness, and plant life. Plants are not my preferred weapon of choice and I don't practice that power very often so it's fairly wimpy. When I've got fire, ice, water, air, and earth the rest aren't really as necessary... I mostly use light and dark for stealth and escape. My water abilities have been mainly practiced on land so it would be unlikely I could use it on such a big scale. A wimpy attack would be bad, it would give the villains the confidence to attack in mass so unless we know it'll be powerful and flashy then we don't do it. We need to take them down in as little moves as possible." I expressed, dodging talking about any of my other abilities that aren't in the registry. Deku and Sue nodded and they all looked intrigued and impressed. "Wow, I mean it was obvious you were powerful because of your scores and how you did on the quirk test the first day of school but you really are amazing." Deku seemed to maybe be enamored or fan boying. I lifted a brow and he seemed to get serious again as we turned to Mineta.
He was touching his... hair? "I've got these sticky balls." He said as he took it off his head and stuck it to the wall of the ship. "Their strength varies. Depending on how I'm feeling, they might stick to something a whole day. They grow back as fast as I can pull them off but I'll bleed if I use too many. Oh! And they don't stick to me. Ijust bounce right off them." Mineta explained and I... I kind of think this is a good asset to have. Capturing people using these could help us subdue our opponents. Our silence isn't taken well by Mineta. Probably didn't help that Deku had an intense look on his face and Sue looked blank as a fresh piece of paper. He started to cry again. "Don't look at me like that!This is why I said we should wait for the real heroes! My quirk is totally unfit for battle and we're gonna die!" Mineta sobbed and Deku tried to calm him down. "No! You have an incredible power, really! We just have to figure out how to use it!" Just as Deku finished his thought, a big hand made out of water came down on the boat and cut it in half. Great... "That's a great power. Now the ship's sinking." Sue said. Mineta was still freaking out and went over to the edge of the boat to throw his sticky purple balls at the villains.
"Mineta! Don't freak out!" Deku said, sounding fairly panicked himself. He really needs to work on being calm and quick to act in emergencies. Telling someone not to freak out isn't normally the best way to get them to calm down. As the balls landed in the water the villains seemed to keep away from them as they looked at them in worry and confusion. They don't know what Mineta's balls can do so they are keeping their distance. "You gotta calm down! They'll guess your quirk!" Deku screamed and panicked. I forgot how green they all are. Or maybe I just forgot how calm I am in these types of situations. I kind of want to smack them both upside the back of their heads but... perhaps it wouldn't help and would waste time. Deku wasn't as quick to think and react as he could be so I need to keep from distracting him. He probably would be better at planning for a team then I would be since I always trained alone against everything.
Deku seemed to realize something as he stared down at the villains. Maybe he realized that they wouldn't touch the balls and therefore won't be able to figure out what they do. "AH! We're fish food!" Mineta panicked as he backed as far from the edge of the ship as possible. Sue watched him, seeming to have a question for him. "So Mineta, are you really sure the hero thing is right for you?" Sue seemed to be wondering why the heck such a fearful person was trying to be a hero. If he has a strong motivator and clear view of what he wants to accomplish and why then he could probably still go pro. He is very green right now for sure. "Shut up! It's weirder not to be scared right now! Why is Yuki standing there like we are waiting in line for lunch, we are about to be killed?! We just got out of Junior High a little while ago! I didn't think I'd be facing death a few days after starting at UA! I can't believe I'm going to die without ever getting to touch Yaoyarorozu's big boobs!" He freaked and Deku jumped in and ignored what he'd been saying. "Listen up, an enemy that's certain of their victory is bound to make a mistake. All Might said something along those lines in a TV interview a while back." Mineta was confused and not all that impressed.
"What does that mean?!" He cried and then he gasped. I followed his gaze and I could see what he was so surprised by. Deku is shaking even as he gets ready to charge in like he's fearless. He's acting even though he's as scared as this kid crying. "Now's our chance. We can beat them." He said and then turned to look at us with determination. "Of course we can. You can make a vortex by forcing the water away from an area quickly with a powerful blast and then Mineta can use his sticky balls on the villains as the vortex of water draws them all together. Sue can catch you and help us get out of here. I can attack anyone who might be able to escape our initial attack and come after us by using ice." They all turned to look at me in surprise for a short moment before they processed the plan. "Deku, try using just a finger, we are far from safe after we deal with this batch. I know you probably could have and would have come up with this on your own Deku but you're green and it shows in how slow you are to think and react on your feet. You are doing better than most people during their first run in with emergent danger but time is important... I can't wait for you to catch up. Let's move." I finished as all their jaws seemed slightly dropped as they processed my quick explanations and directions as well as my input on Deku's level of skill in an emergent situation.
They probably wonder why and how I'm calmly planning quickly without any sign of distress. I'm scared of a lot of things after all... I had plenty of panic attacks even when I was perfectly safe but this... this was my element. They seemed to accept that we didn't have time for questions about my behavior or experiences right this moment. Maybe I will never have to tell them if they forget to ask when all of this is over. We got into position and were ready and clear on what was about to happen. Deku had added to my plan with more specific instructions because he knows more about organizing a team then I do. He set up signals and talked about when to do each step. Now we just need to put it in motion. Deku stepped up to the side of the boat as he screamed like a berserk crazy man and then jumped overboard looking angry. "Now die!" He screamed and suddenly I got the impression he was imitating Bakugou to try and intimidate them. We didn't really talk about this part so it was a surprise to all of us.
He got into form in the air and got ready to fire his quirk in a single finger to get the desired effect we need. Sue was getting ready to jump and I told her I would use air to move on my own and follow them. She had Mineta in her arms and she was watching Deku closely as she prepared to catch him and jump away. I stood not too far from her and watched the villain's quirks to be sure Deku got his shot off safely and got out of there. "Take this! DELAWARE SMASH!" Deku screamed as he got into range and then fired his quirk where we had planned. It sent him flying back up into the air and pushed a hole through the water's surface down to the bottom and the water started to turn into a vortex just like we planned. Deku definitely broke his fingers from what I had seen when his quirk went off. It's a strange quirk and it's even stranger that it feels like I can see and analyze it when he uses it... like I can look deeper. It's like he's got the strength of nine people for his power but his body can't take it. I've learned a lot about his quirk but there is still so much I don't understand.
The villains screamed as the water pulled them with it into it's vortex. Deku was falling again and he was still holding his wrist as his broken fingers clearly shook in the wind from his fall and his previous attack. Ouch... "Sue! Mineta! Yuki!" Sue launched towards safety all the while getting ready to use her tongue to pull Deku with her and Mineta. I used the air to propel myself up and after her while I watched down below for any crafty and dangerous wild cards. Sue grabbed Deku and he was dragged along behind her as she flew through the air and I followed trying not to bump into Deku and Sue's tongue. No wild cards yet it would seem. If Mineta didn't do his part then this would only hold them for so long. Mineta reached up and got ready to start doing what he could. He let out a passionate scream and began throwing them into the water and down at the villains. "Take this you villains! You can eat my sticky balls!" He screamed as he kept throwing rapid fire down into the watery vortex. The water moved them along and they began to attach to the villains as they came closer and closer to the center where I knew that they would stick them all to each other.
"If a strong force is applied to the water's surface, the water will be pushed away and then come rushing right back to the middle!" Deku explained as he looked down at the scene with determination and a bit of a glare. "We rounded them all up." Sue said and I nodded as I observed the perfect cluster of villains unable to pull apart from each other. They couldn't fight like that and they wouldn't be a problem for as long as Mineta's balls stayed sticky. "Not too shabby." She said proudly and I was sure she was complimenting Deku's abilities. "You guys are amazing!" She said and I knew she probably meant all of us but I hadn't actually really done anything. I watched mostly. "All of you." She specified but I don't think I really was all that awesome. I knew what the best course of action was. I could have fought them but it never would have been as efficient as that plan just was. I had to step back and let the others shine so that we could do things the most efficient way possible. "I guess we passed the shipwreck zone!" Sue joked and I stifled a laugh under my breath. I have a dark sense of humor.

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