Chapter 2

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April came and school was starting. Inko fussed and helped me get ready, she'd spoiled me by buying me a few uniforms even though I insisted I was fine. She got me some other necessities also. She's really nice and I don't know what I would do without her. She clucked around Izuku like a mother hen while he got his shoes on, trying to be sure he was ready. He adorably brushed her off with exasperation because he feels he's too old for her to assume he'd not be ready. She tells him she's proud of him and then tells us to be safe before we leave for school together.
We were running a little behind but luckily we were in the same class so I followed Izuku's brisk jog to the class and listened to him talk to himself trying to get up the courage to enter. I wonder if he's nervous because he thinks the competition will be fierce or if there are people he doesn't like that got into UA. When he opens the door I see the blond arguing with the male who called Izuku out during the entrance exam orientation. I watch them go back and forth as a slow amused smirk works its way onto my lips at the exchange. By the end I'm snickering into my hand as quietly as I can manage. When the attention turns to us in the doorway it's mostly on Izuku but the blond dumbass is more excited about seeing me again. Of course he's in my class... Sparky kid who seems to fry his own brain with his quirk.
I end up with my attention back on the glasses kid when he marches up to us. "Goodmorning, I'm Tenya Ida-" He tried to say but Izuku cut him off. "Ahhhh I know... I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's super nice to meet you." He says nervously. And just when I thought this Ida kid couldn't get any more intense he looks at Izuku and starts talking again. "Midoriya, you realized that there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?" Izuku looked like he swallowed his tongue. "You must be very perceptive, I misjudged you and I have to admit as a student you are far superior to me." Izuku didn't seem to know what to say or just decided it was best to keep quiet. I stepped out from behind him and smiled softly at Ida and went to walk past him when he stopped me by introducing himself. "Oh, good morning! You are another student of class 1-A. I am Tenya Ida from the somay private academy and it is nice to meet you.'' I wasn't sure what to say at first but I smiled at him and returned his greeting. "Hello and good morning, I am Yuki Iyama from Aldera middle school. It's nice to meet you." Ida seemed intrigued but I noticed the explosive blond seemed suddenly locked onto me with his angry red eyes and Izuku was now looking at me strangely as well. Maybe I couldn't pretend I came from Aldera after all... "So you went to school with Izuku and Bakugo then." Stated Ida as I looked back up to him. "I guess but we weren't in the same class so I never really met them until the exam day.'' This seemed to settle the explosive blond a little and Izuku seemed like he was considering believing me.
Ida tilted his head but let it go. Just then Uraraka appeared behind Izuku and spoke up cheerfully. "Hey! I recognize that messed up hair! Falling boy!" Izuku of course being the young boy with hardly any experience with girls panics and turns into a flustered mess. Uraraka was going on about how cool his attack on the giant robot was when Izuku finally found his voice again. He thanked her for talking to the teachers about his exam score... huh... What had probably made Bakugou still stare at me was that I found out there was an Aldera meeting with them both about them going to UA and I wasn't there... Izuku would probably have questions later too. It seems like they had the paperwork though that I hacked and edited into their system so they mentioned a third student that he couldn't get into contact with Izuku said because he thought it was odd. Now he knows it was me I guess. I was brought back to the moment when I sensed someone in the hall while Uraraka was still babbling. I looked down at the man with a raised brow as I took a step back. He seemed surprised that I noticed him. Before I could say anything he spoke to Uraraka and scared her. "If you are just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now." Izuku freaked out and everyone else looked at the guy like he was some kind of monster. "Welcome to UA's Hero course." He said flatly as he unzipped his weird yellow sleeping bag and slurped an applesauce squeezie. Everyone pretty much looked at him with total disgust and fear.
"It took you 8 seconds before you all shut up. That's not gonna work. Time is precious, rational students would understand that." He spoke rather flat and monotonous. Pretty much the entire class was shocked into silence and was just staring at him. "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher." The class made sounds of shock and confusion. "Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside." He said as he took some clothing out of his weird yellow sleeping bag. I and everyone else had no idea what Mr Aizawa might be planning for class today. I wonder if I'll be bored...
After we are dressed and out on the field Aizawa tells us that we are doing a quirk assessment test and I become uncomfortable for very different reasons than my classmates. I wasn't sure I wanted everyone to know just how many quirks I have at my disposal. Keep it secret keep it safe... I'd vaguely said in my quirk registry that I controlled the elements but controlling multiple elements isn't normal. Then there's my speedy healing that I didn't include because it couldn't really be classified as part of my elemental control quirk. It just doesn't fit. I already suspect I might be able to do even more things that I just haven't tried yet. I'm a complete outlier and I don't want the world to know. Everyone seems upset about missing Orientation but I could care less about that. While Aizawa talked I was barely listening until he called my name. "Iyama, you managed to get the highest points on the entrance exam, what was your furthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?" I stared at him like a deer in headlights. What the fuck is a soft ball? I have no idea how to answer this question because I didn't play with... balls. At least not this kind and not that way. I didn't go to junior high either but they can't know that! "Uhm... I've never really tried it. Walking, running, hiking, climbing... boxing. I stuck to those sorts of things. I've never really picked up a softball before. I'm not even sure I'd be any good unless it's anything like throwing knives..." I trailed off as Mr Aizawa looked at me weird. He turned to Bakugou and spoke to him instead as if we had never had this conversation. "Bakugou , you managed to get the second highest points on the entrance exam, what was your furthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?" Bakugou answered much smoother than I did. "67 meters I think." Aizawa answered without missing a beat. "Right, try doing it with your quirk." And with that Bakugou was up in front of the class getting ready to throw. "Anything goes just stay in the circle, go on, you're wasting our time." Aizawa instructs and Bakugou gets into position. I take careful note of the stance he uses and the form so I can replicate it myself. The throw was full of fire and impressive. I wonder if I can do the same... Never tried using fire like an explosion without ice.
"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities." Aizawa says as the ball lands. "It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero." He said as he held up the device showing Bakugou had thrown his 705.2 meters. Everyone got excited and chatty as they took in what Bakugou could do but I tried to take a step back and hide behind Izuku who also seemed to be thinking hard. Aizawa didn't take well to their excitement. "So this looks fun, hu?" Izuku seems surprised and Aizawa continues. "You have three years here to become a hero, you think it's all gonna be games and playtime? Idiots. Today you'll be competing in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately." The entire class freaks out but I just stand there wondering how not to be the best by such a large margin that it makes Aizawa and the school look closer into me. That and I also wonder if I even have to worry about this since I might not be best suited to every test.
Izuku is freaking out and I don't know why. It seems he's got secrets but I never really asked so maybe it's not really a secret. Uraraka tries to argue, which I find mildly amusing. Aizawa makes some good points and for a moment I feel glad that he's my teacher... I need someone like this to prepare me for what I will have to face. I have Villains already after me whether or not I become a hero and I've already experienced how unfair life can be. I want to be stronger... "Go beyond, plus ultra style, show me it's no mistake that you are here." Aizawa says but... I already know that I'll score well because I've had much worse methods of testing used on me. Everyone is getting hyped up and determined while I wonder if maybe I should give it my all and trust Mr Aizawa and my class... if not for the class I'd do it for sure but how can I be sure these kids won't talk?... Talk and get hurt if the villains run into them. "Now then, we're just wasting time by talking. Let the games begin." He says and then the different tests are being put in motion. First is a 50 meter dash. I decided to use my ice for this.
As the first set gets lined up and ready to start I feel nervous thinking about using my powers with so many people. First is Ida and Sue, Ida wins at 3.04 seconds and I know I can't beat that time. Ida was made for this test. Sue wasn't bad on time either, she had 5.58 seconds as her time which was pretty great. Ochaco uses zero gravity on her clothes and shoes so she can run faster. She doesn't win her round, some guy with a tail does but she seems happy with her time. Aoyama tries to use his belly lazer but falls on his but and gets beaten by Pinkie or whatever her name is... To my interest Izuku runs against Bokugou, but Bakugou uses his explosions to get through faster and beats Izuku by quite a bit. I raced against a kid with half ice and half fire... I think his name is Todoroki? We lined up and when the thing started we both blasted forwards with ice and the track was covered in it as we propelled ourselves to the finish line. I beat him by a centimeter and a millisecond. The class seems to be in mild awe but I try to ignore it and get out of the spotlight as quickly as possible. During the strength test I squeezed and got about 100 kilograms, not even close to the winning score. For standing long jump... it was a new concept that I appreciated having the time to watch others do first. I then jumped and used fire to propel myself like jets across to the other side and this seemed to send the entire class into a frenzy. "She just used fire and she used ice before. It's like she has the exact same quirk as Todoroki!" A red-headed hardening quirk type exclaimed and the blond lightning kid was quick to correct, much to my chagrin. "No, she also used water and earth during the entrance exam! She can use all the elements!"
And IF I could just shrivel up and die as everyone looks at me with interest. Repeated side steps went to the short kid with purple hair and I couldn't figure out a quirk of mine to use for it. When we finally got to the ball throw I wasn't sure what to expect. Uraraka got the highest score by throwing hers into space or something. Izuku was up and I was curious if he'd use his quirk. When he started using it my eyes widened as the power coursing through him became visible to me. That was a lot of power for one body. I also noticed the moment Aizawa activated his quirk and erased Izuku's. It was an interesting thing to see. I'd never really studied other people's quirks before... It seems like I can sense the power and how it flows through them. What I didn't understand or get to hear is why he kept Izuku from using his quirk. After their intense and weird conversation Izuku tried again and he seemed really nervous about it. He was thinking very hard. The chatter of our class was background noise as I watched Izuku wondering... what he would do. And what he did... blew my mind. What I can't figure out is why his quirk broke his finger... he seems to have a problem with controlling the amount of power he uses. Kacchan or Bakugou flipped out on Midoriya but Aizawa stopped him... I don't really understand their relationship or why the blond is always so angry.
When I stepped up I played with the ball in my hands a little as I thought about how best to do this. After a while I decided to use a newer power I've been working on. I expelled a blast of air or wind from my hand as I threw the ball and it sent it rocketing out of sight. When I saw the ball disappear in the horizon I turned to my class and teacher who were gaping at me like I was an elephant wandering down main street. I frowned as I realized showing yet another power none of them had seen before might not have been a good idea. I shifted around uncomfortably, wanting them to stop looking at me like I was some sort of mutant with a million quirks. I then went over to try and hide behind Izuku.
The rest of the tests were fairly simple and I just mainly used what strength I had built up from all my volatile training. The long distance run though I still used my ice and beat everyone. My stamina with my ice seemed to surprise people again. I had decided to do my best so I wasn't going to stop now. I ended up in second place somehow. I don't really understand how this all works but apparently I should so you won't catch me saying anything. Shoto Todoroki is third and some girl with a creation quirk called Yaoyorozu was first. Blondie explosion kid had a fit over being in fourth place. Said he'd beat us in a fight any day but... I know I can take him because I've fought worse. Poor Izuku was last... but Aizawa revealed he was lying and no one was going home. Izuku went to the nurse and I realized I lost my hiding place... Fuck I'm alone with all these excitable curious kids. Let's just say I broke off from the rest and decided to wait until the girls finished in the changing room so I could change alone. I didn't expect to overhear Aizawa and All Might talking. I shivered when I realized Izuku only got to stay because Aizawa decided he wasn't completely useless...
When it was time to leave I was still alone wondering where I could find Izuku. I found him walking with Ida and soon enough Uraraka. The conversation I walked into was... odd. Deku? Uhm... Okay. The next day started with some english classes that I found interesting because I'd never taken anything like it. Lunch was good and I managed to stay mostly quiet and unnoticed as our classmates seemed more interested in Izuku then me. Maybe I just give off an unfriendly vibe. All Might also apparently teaches hero 101. Fight training... When costumes started sliding out for us to grab I remembered my costume was fairly simple black skin tight so I could move and hide in the shadows. My mask was just as simple, just plain black. They made it fire resistant for me so that would keep it from burning off. I slipped it on quickly trying to avoid too much attention from the other girls in my class. Surprisingly or not I had the most simple costume. What Izuku wore was my favorite because it was adorkable and his mom had got it for him.
As All Might explained what was going to happen I found myself excited to learn. With the villains after me it's likely I really will have to fight them indoors at some point... and I want to do that without killing them next time. I don't want to have to kill ever again... I ended up in a team with Todoroki and the guy with all the arms. Honestly... this might be overkill. I went to stand with my group but Todoroki was fairly reserved and uninterested. Honestly I don't mind that but like hell I'm letting him have this without doing a single thing. "Todoroki, I'm Yuki, I'm excited to work together." He didn't look impressed or happy. He frowned slightly as he considered me. "I don't think it'll take both of us." He said simply... which I fucking knew already but I want to learn from this experience too! "I want to learn about this, I'm very interested in this lesson. Perhaps because it'd be so easy for you to do, you should let me so I can practice and learn how best to use my quirks inside." He didn't seem happy about that, annoyed even but he was considering it or at least thinking about what to say to me. He spoke dismissively. "We can discuss this when we know who we will be fighting."
Then we settled in to watch the gruesome battle between Deku's team and Bakugou's... and it was kind of sickening to watch. Definitely a whole new level of intense. Poor Deku had to be taken out on a stretcher... That sure as hell didn't look like the ideal way to go about things. So much damage and then that would be risky moves to use around a weapon. Ida ended up getting the best score because he was very smart about playing his part. Ida's happy reaction was kind of adorable. We were next against the invisible girl and the guy with the tail. Todoroki and I were glaring at each other as I tried to make him let me have this one. He conceded after a long stare down as the exercise began. Mezo figured out where they are and Todoroki grudgingly let me go in to deal with it myself. I smiled as I went over everything I knew and then what I wanted to do. I just did what Todoroki would do and got a kick out of him being annoyed. I spread ice from the bottom floor up to our opponents as I made my way to them at a comfortable pace.
As I walked into the room with the weapon I smiled at them both and walked past them and touched the weapon. "This was fun." I cherped and smiled at the other two students as I carefully melted the ice for the other team after we won. We went to discuss the battle results and there wasn't much that All Might had to say. I sat by myself and quietly watched the other matches as I wondered if I could ever just allow myself to relax and socialize with my class. Probably not... We watched All Might leave and I realized he was leaving in such a hurry because he didn't have the strength to hold his form any longer. I also realized I had no idea what to do with myself now that I was again alone with my class without a teacher or Izuku.
I ended up managing to quietly make it through my afternoon classes and was sitting in my home room when Deku came back and everyone swarmed him wanting to introduce themselves. Yeah... Deku was pretty cool and people just like him because he's sweet but stubborn and strong. Because I'd so obviously shied away from socializing no one approached me at all. But he makes it so easy because he's just so cute and sweet. The loner is friends with the class's favorite person. To have the only person almost everyone likes as my only friend is probably really weird... but what can I say... there's just something about him that makes me feel safe. After a while of our classmates babbling and Blond dumbass tried to ask Uraraka on a date only to fail miserably... Deku notices that Bakugou is gone. To my displeasure he takes off leaving me alone again. I get up and follow because I'm done sitting alone in this classroom.
I wonder what he's planning to do or say as I follow at a distance. I end up listening as I wait just inside the doors. Deku sure ran fast through the school though... good thing I have good stamina and can keep up without bringing attention to myself. Of all the things I was expecting this wasn't one of them...
"Kacchan!" Deku shouted as he ran after the blond walking towards the school gates. "Wait up!" He called and to my surprise he actually stopped. And if looks could kill... "What?" He said dangerously. Deku just stopped and was quiet for a moment before he seemed to collect his thoughts or get up his courage. "I have to tell you something. Maybe then you'll understand what's been going on... I wasn't hiding my quirk from you. It was given to me by someone else recently." Bakugou made some sort of noise but my head was spinning in confusion and surprise. What had he just said? "But I can't tell you who I got it from so don't ask!" He said quickly and a bit... anxiously. "Sounds crazy, I know, it's like something out of a comic book... only it's real. The thing is, I don't really have any control over this power yet. I haven't figured out how to make it my own... but I'm trying!" He explains with quite a bit of emotion in his voice. Bakugou makes another small sound but Deku continues. "That's why I didn't want to use it against you in the exercise. But in the end it was the only way that I had a chance of winning." Bakugou was starting to look like he might blow up and start beating Deku. He was getting so mad. "I've still got a lot to learn, I know that!" He said passionately.
Bakugou was getting angrier and angrier as the words kept spilling from Deku. "That's why I'm here!" Deku held his injured arm as he continued. "You'll see. I'll work until I have full control of this borrowed quirk. And I'll finally beat you with my own power!" Deku declared passionately as I just... I'm gaping and so is Bakugou. God damn that was a big bomb to drop and then to challenge the guy again when he was so angry and sore over losing? I don't know much about him but this was kind of intense... "How dumb do you think I am?!" Bakugou said angrily and Deku looked surprised and a little panicked. " Borrowed power? Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. You already made a fool out of me in that damn training exercise. So?! Did you come here to rub it in?! I lost! And to make matters worse it was to you! I came in first in the entrance exam, but that's not enough! When I was watching that Ice girl, I realized I couldn't beat her in a head to head fight! Crap! I even agreed with what that girl said! My attack was so stupid! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Uhg! Enjoy that win Deku! You won't get another! I'm just getting started! Got that!? I'm going to end up the number one hero no matter what!" My god that was intense and emotional... Deku grunted, sounding determined as they glared at each other before Bakugou turned to leave. "You'll never beat me again you bastard! Don't even try!" He shouted angrily and emotionally as he walked away. Deku just watched him before deflating when he felt he was far enough away.
"There you are!!!!" All Might shouted next to me and I almost had a heart attack. Oh my god! Then he went speeding past Deku and straight for Bakugou while shouting his name in weirdly broken up bits of syllables. "I found you!" He declared loudly and excitedly before launching into some sort of speech that Bakugou didn't like at all. "Let go of me All Might. Right now." All Might seemed confused and Bakugou turned to give him a glare. "Save your speeches. I'll be more famous than you and I'll do it without your help!" All Might seemed surprised and at a loss for words as he removed his hold on the blond's shoulder and backed up a bit. "Uh... Right..." And Bakugou started back towards the gates again. He started crying at some point during his rant at Deku and I felt a little bad but maybe Deku said just the right thing to light his determination again. For a moment All Might and Deku just stood there watching him and I was left wondering if All Might had seen me and if I should just come out now...
"Midoriya! What were you saying to Bakugou before I arrived so Heroically?" All Might asked and Deku flailed and panicked. "Oh, nothing special..." All Might got closer and cupped his ear in Deku's direction... All Might is a bit of a dork... "Hmm? I'm so curious!" He said, sounding a bit playful. "Why don't you tell me all the juicy details?" He asked and Deku seemed to be really guilty and nervous. "U-uhm actually... I... kind of forgot?" He said it like a question and it was blaringly obvious he'd said something he shouldn't. He looks like he's in trouble... Maybe I should go find someplace else to hide until All Might's gone... I slink away while he's distracted and hope he really hasn't seen me. Don't want in on whatever uncomfortable conversation he's about to have with Deku...

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