New Job

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I wake up bright and early. I feed my Rottweiler and also eat. After we eat, I put a leash on Rock, my dog, and we go for a morning walk.

I lock my front yard fence-gate and we continue walking. I wave to every neighbor who acknowledges me, as the nice neighbor I am. We get to a dog park, no one was there.

I close the park fence-gate behind Rock and I and take the leash off him. I go to a bench and sit down, watching Rock. Rock finishes his business, runs around like crazy and then comes over to me and barked.

"Oh, does someone want to play ball?" I take out a tennis ball. He barked again and I throw it as far as I can. "Go get it, boy!" Rock's eyes follow the ball and he runs after it.

I watch Rock dive at the rolling ball, he picked it up. "Bring it back, Rocky!" I say enthusiastically. Rock runs back to me and dropped the ball at my feet. "Good boy!" I pet him, pick up the ball and we do it all over again.

After an hour and a half of playing with Rock and him burning energy out. I put the leash back on him and we keep on walking. "Very good boy, Rock." I pet him.

We walk a mile or two, I didnt count, and get to a coffee shop. I go in with Rock and go up to the register desk. I look at the cashier and he smiled kindly. "Welcome, I am Taylor. How may I serve you today?" He asked.

His customer service like attitude made me smile back. "I would like a cold mocha please." I tell him. He typed it and asked, "Anything else?" I look at Rocky who was watching and I look back at the cashier. He had dreamy green eyes with dirty-blonde hair. It was shorter in the back but still long and fluffy in the front, raked off to the side.

"And a cup of whipped cream, please." He typed it. "Alright, I'll get those right out for you." He started walking to the coffee stuff. "Wait!" He stopped and looked at me. "Don't I need to pay for it first?" I knew the routine, I've been here before. "Its on me." He winked and continued on. I go sit down with Rock. "How nice of him." I tell Rock, petting him. Rock tilted his head.

We got my coffee, Taylor helped Rock have the whipped cream and we talked. We talked a lot. Then I got a phone call. "Oh, sorry, I gotta take this." I tell Taylor, to which he nodded. I answer and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" "Greetings, is this Mando Hunter?" The voice asked. I move in my seat a bit. "Yes, this is her." "I am Wesley Nathaniel. I am calling about a job offer." Wesley explained more about the company.

I got all excited. I loved creating things. I would be their first Cyborg inventor if I accepted! "Yes! I accept the job." I smile big, Taylor smiled at my smile even though he could only hear me.

"Good. When are you able to come in?" Wesley asked. "Tomorrow at the earliest... At 9 am." I answered. "Perfect. See you then." Nathaniel hung up after I said bye and I squeal.

"Someone got a job it sounds like." Taylor chuckled, keeping his handsome smile. "I did!" I exclaim. "That's great!" "I know!" I pet Rock as I look out the window, imagining how my job would go.

Metal parts clicking together, making a figure. Scientists and other engineers at my side, helping me make a creation as I guide them through the steps. It would be perfect, the job I've always wanted.

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