I want to draw you...

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Namor gazes upon the mural that he painted after him yielding from the black panther. After he called off the battle between his people and the Wakandans, he immediately went to his chambers where he stayed put till the next morning, painting. Painting the biggest mural he has ever done right across from where he lays to sleep. Using all sorts of rich pigments in colors, from brown, to black, to gold, to capture the beauty of their battle. Where he would remember this memory for the rest of his existence.

He places a hand over the black panther that he painted. Roaming his hands over his creation. Ever since he completed the mural, where he concluded as the biggest masterpiece that he ever had created, has been wanting to draw more. But of her. As the living human being she is, not an animal that represents her by metaphor.

He tried to sketch her by memory, using the finest lead and paper fabric from the bark of Talokans wild fig trees that grow beneath the grounds of sand of the ocean, but once done with the sketches, it always looked liked some alternate version of her. Even though her entire presence and existence has been ingrained very deeply into his core. He wants to draw more of her. Draw all of her expressions, her stance, figure, down to the roots of her curls. Everything. In person.

And thats what he'll do.

He walks out of his chambers and dives down to the pathway that heads towards the surface.

Namor swims by many sea creatures and sea life till he heads to the river where him and Shuri first met each other for the first time.

Talokan and Wakanda are not allies as of yet, but both nations are slowly repatching things up between them from their very rocky introductions. To the point that Talokanils are able to swim around Wakandas waters, if they want, but no one has dared to out of fear. Only Namora, Attuma and himself have been able to be around their waters. And Namor will use it to his advantage if it means that hes able to see her at any time of any day.

He finally arrives at the river and pokes his head out of the water to see if he spots her, but she's not there. He forgot that hes the only one that gave her a way to contact him, how she can call by using the conch shell to communicate with him but not the other way around. He doesn't have a form of communication on how to contact her.

He steps fully out of the water and looks around the area, looking at the spot where he first laid eyes upon her. Crouched like how a panther would as they calculate when eyeing prey before jumping to attack, a spear in her hands pointed at him, with a face that showed no fear and all guard. A light smile forms on his lips of the memory.

Namor thinks of a way to communicate with her. He could use the sirens songs, but thats only used as an attack for enemies. He thinks till he finally comes up with an idea of a way to contact her. Well sorta.

He opens his mouth and beings to recite some lyrical poetry of Dzitbalche, in song form.

'Bin in tz'uutz' a chi

Tut yam cohl

X ciichpam zac

Y an y an a u ahal

(I will kiss your mouth between the plants of the milpa

Shimmering beauty

You have to hurry)

'Tz'a ex a hatz'uutz nokeex;

tz'ooc u kuchul kin h cimcc olil:

xeech u tzou tzotzel a pol;

I want to draw you (Namor x Shuri)Where stories live. Discover now