Its worth it!

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Vances pov:

I walk over to my locker to get my books and other things out until...SLAM, the locker beside me l
slam shut, I look over and its Juan again.. "how's bruce doing" he asks, "im sorry who are you to bruce?" I ask, ofc I didn't just give out Bruce's information to a stranger that would be rude, "His ex" he says, "Oh good question, no" I say walking away,"What do you mean no.. I asked you so you fucking answer me boy" He says grabbing my wrist. "Let go of my fucking arm you pussy" I  warn him, " You think I'm scared of you, fuck you" Juan says, I punch him in his face over and over and over again, he's on the ground begging for me to stop. I don't the motherfucker needs to learn to not bother people, especially over bruce. "You done being a fucking pussy" I ask releasing myself from him, "Okay.... Okay Okay I'm sorry" Juan pleads like a little bitch. I kick him one more good time before he leaves. "What the fuck are you looking at " I say to the crowd, with their phones out.

I walk to the bathroom I missed first period but I don't really care, I hear a stall door open, it's Robin Arellano that kid with the fucking weird ass friend, " What happened to your hand" Robin asks washing his hands, " That fucking dude Juan, always makes me mad for some reason. Plus he keeps asking about bruce. I had to handle him for now" I say, "oh him? I dealt with him being racist towards some of the Latinas here, he's a pussy. All talk" Robin says, "He didn't even hit back,  thats pathetic" I say looking up at him, "those rumors about you true" Robin asks, "whta rumors" I ask back, I didn't know they were rumors about me. "Oh that you're homophobic and you ran away from home at 14 to join the Army with your dad's id?" Robin says, " WELL. I'm not homophobic. And yes I ran away to join the Army with my dad's id" I didn't even know people knew that, first off how did they know that, "were you like a cook there or some shit" he asks, " Nah even tho I'm a pretty good cook. I was a fighter there, I got to use grenades and all sorts of shit like that" I tell him, " well fuck. You were living my dream then" Robin laughs, the bathroom door opens.. " Vance! I haven't seen you all week. WHERE WERE YOU?" Bruce runs towards me giving me a giant hug, "I was busy with my family stuff" I say, " Oh! I'm bruce and you are?" Bruce says holding out his hand for Robin to shake,"Robin, Robin Arellano" Robin says shaking his hand., "Well, Robin, Bruce. That's my cue to go. I have history" I say leaving the bathroom, " WAIT VANCE WANNA HANG OUT TONIGHT!" Robin screams as if I'm not outside the door, "Yeah" I say leaving with bruce.

"Vance what happened this morning with you and yk.." Bruce asks me"Oh you heard about that?" I ask him "Vance..." bruce says, "Well he was asking about you and idk something inside of me just snapped" I say staring at my shoes,
"It's okay vance, but you could've got hurt" bruce tells me for the 20th time this year, " it doesn't matter if I get hurt or not I still won" I say, "But vance I care about you, even if you don't care about yourself" Bruce says, I nod, "look at me Vance" Bruce says lifting my chin for me to look at him, we get interrupted by someone.. "Bruce I've been- " Finney says with his jaw dropped, "Sup Finney, Bruce I'm Gonna go to the nurses office my hand is really bothering me" I say leaving...

Bruce's pov:

" DID 'THE' VANCE HOPPER JUST SAY SUP TO ME, ITS LIKE WE WERE BOUND TO BE BROTHERS OMG" Finney says acting all dramatic, "BASEBALL PRATICE GOT CANCELED! what am I gonna do this afternoon then" I say disappointed, "you can hang with me and Robin tonight were rewatching  texas chainsaw massacre" finney suggests "tonight Robin said he's hanging out with vance.." I say "Okay and?" Finney says "I'm not allowed to be around vance unless I'm at school" I say "Oh come on live a little while you can" finney says with 'Jazz' hands, "Okay fine but I have class so I'll see you later" I wave

Robins pov:

That boy I met today he seems.... mmmhm how do I say this...different. he looks rude but he's actually cool. So cool that I invited him to a movie night with me and Finn and whoever else he brings. Anyway I brush my teeth and comb my hair it looks a mess. Vances hair was pretty cool though the curls were a white-ish blonde, they were pretty cool though, his face features were something I never seen before, he had freckles that barely shown but they were there, he had medium nice shaped lips they looked moist, he also had cat shaped eyes that were crystal blue, they were extremely precious. Anyway I take out my favorite movie, TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE the TV screen read I pause it and I get the M&Ms and the popcorn suddenly I hear a knock at the door, "Hey, Robin. Bruce and Finney are on their way they told me to tell you that because Finney got his phone took away" Vance pants, he has his red plaid pants and white t shirt, " Dude.. you are JACKED how did you even get like that" I say running my fingers along his oblivious abs, "Well I started off as scrawny until my mom decided to take me to the gym one day, every since then I loved working out" Vance tells me, "Thats cool ig we can wait for Finn and bruce" I say closing the door behind him. Then something stops me " Yo" the. Guy from earlier says coming in, " Robin! " Finney jumps onto me giving me a hug( Just a little bit too much like Bruce), "HOLY SHIT! NO WAY VANCE HOPPER IS YOUR NEW FRIEND" finney says basically yelling, "What's so special about me?" Vance asks looking confused
"Yk with the rumors and stuff" finney says, Bruce slaps his mouth. "Okay guys movie time" I say.

We all get comfortable in our spots, the movie is like 18 minutes in and Finney is screaming at ever.single.jump.scare...

Bruce's pov:

I whisper in Vances ear, "Can you come with me to get more popcorn I'm scared" I whisper. "Okay come on then" he says, "Where are you guys going," Robin asks " to get more popcorn" vance says taking my hand and going to the kitchen. When we come back we see Robin and Finney sleep in eachothers arms. "Thats cute" Vance says " Yeah, well in tired so goodnight" I say crawling onto the other couch, "goodnight" Vance says kissing my forehead, He gets on the other side of the chair.


I wake up and I'm cold asf, Robin never gave us a blanket, so my only thing to do is suffer, until I hear a sound. it's vance shuffling around " Bruce?what's wrong"he says sitting up. "I'm cold" I say.  he slides me in-between his arms and his chest, I shuffle around to get comfortable, he was actually warm, I wake up to flashes in my eyes, " Homosexual" Robin says, Vance wakes up and tap me. "What's all that noise" he says rubbing his eyes. "Oh- nothing go back to sleep" I say, he goes back to sleep, " so something you wanna tell us" Robin asks, "I may or may not like Vance". I whisper " I knew it!" Finney yells like a dumbass " I hope you die" I say removing vances arm from around my waist to get up to go to the bathroom,
I put on My jeans and a hoodie I found in my bag.. "YOUR WEARING VANCES HOODIE" finney yells, "Who's wearing my hoodie ?" Vance asks faintly

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