Bye Bitches

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I wake up outside with my clothes on the ground, did I just get kicked out?.. I bang on the door, my mom opens it.. "Oh I'm sorry I have nothing for you" she says, "Mom what the fuck?" I bang on the door that she closed. I scream for her to let me in. She doesn't. I see the lights turn off and the curtains shut.

I walk around the city admiring the stars. Since I have nothing better to do, I feel my phone in my pocket. I take it out and it's dead. Well that's my luck.

.I walk into a diner called pops. " Hello young sir, what may I get for you" The man sweating asks "umm. Fuck. Umh.  a burger and fries" I say looking around at the place, I see a pretty girl and her friends sitting at her table talking? Probably doing some nasty girly shit. "Here's your food,on me" the man winks. "Hey Vance" the girl waves for me to come over to her. I walk to the table with her and and her friends. "Do I know you?" I ask examining them. "Wow there buddy eyes to yourself ay" the boy in the corner says "Okayy. Anyway do you want to sit with us?" The girl says, "Sureee." I say dragging out the e, "so vance what do you like to do for fun" the girl friends ask, "well I really like to party" I say, " thats great because I have a party tomorrow" the guy in the corner budds in. " uhh okay. I'll come and I'll bring some cool people" I say

I leave the diner and I find a nearby park to sleep in for tonight.

I wake up and its early and bright since i don't have a place to yk shower and stuff I don't. But I still have respect for myself so I find an empty place to change clothes.

I get to school and I'm immediately greeted with stares. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT" I say walking to my desk. " Vance Hopper  come to the office" the speaker announces. "Fuck.." I say under my breath, I'm in the office and I see my Nana, "What's going on?" I ask looking around. "We have been notified that um your now yk not in a home so.. we got your Nana to take care of you. Which means your gonna have to move to Milwaukee" the lady says coming up to me rubbing my shoulder. "Don't fucking touch me" I swarm her hand away from my shoulder, "my Nana is like 96 years old she can't take care of me" I say in defense . "Vance were worried about your safe-" the lady says getting interrupted by me "NO NO AND NO THERES NO WAY IN THE HELL IM MOVING TO MILWAUKEE. FUCK OFF" I yell storming out of the office going to my next class. I enter class  "ooooooo" the class acts like childish bitches. "SHUT THE FUCK U P BEFORE I KNOCK YOUR TEETH OUT OF YOUR FUCKING HEAD" I yell at them. Silence is all I hear.

I sit at my seat. And I get a piece of paper thrown at the back of my chair."Hey Vance you look pretty today"the paper says. I look back at the person behind me. Bruce. I write back.. "Hey bruce not in the mood today" i toss it behind. The paper hits my chair again. "Why not  Vance?" The note says. I write back again "I'll tell you at lunch" I toss it back for the last time.

Lunch comes, I walk in the room all the attention comes to me. "IF YOU KEEP LOOKING AT ME IM GOING TO CUT YOUR EYEBALLS OUT AND FEED THEM TO A FUCKING STRAY DOG", "Woah Vance! What's wrong  Budd" Robin puts his arm around me. "My fucking nan is Trying to take me to Milwaukee to live with her and shes 96 she can't take care of me I'll probably give her a heart attack I'm just so stressed out I can't focus or even interact with someone without getting upset or angry. I'm just so fucking tired of life bro" I rant to Robin I forgot the others were also there. I place my head on his shoulder, "WHAT!? Your moving to Milwaukee" Bruce chokes on his water. "Vance I can't let you leave, hell your probably my bestfriend right now I can't live without you" "I know bruce I know but I have no other choice" I say. "But Vance you can't go I was just starting to like you" Finney jokes to lighten the mood yk. "OK first off fuck you. Second I'm leaving tomorrow morning" I say. The group hugs me. I guess it was fun while it lasted

The next morning.

I wait in the subway before I hear my name getting called. "VANCE VANCE WAIT" the familiar group stops with their hands on their knees "God I haven't ran that fast in idk how long" Robin says panting. They pull me into a hug. "Vance I'll miss when you used to protect me and help me make rockets when Robin was busy" finney hugs me separately. "I'll miss when we would have our daily wrestling matches and one of us would always quit with a busted eye or a bruised lip" Robin hugs me separately. Bruce's turn. He hugs me sobbing into my shoulder. " I'll miss everything about you. How you would make me laugh. And how we would watch movies. I love you vance hopper" Bruce pants out. I grab his face and kiss him. "HOLY shit" Robin says " It was bound to happen anyway" finney says. The bus comes and I get on. I wave at the crying bruce and Finney and the smirking Robin, "Bye bitches" I mouth at them. I can tell they understand what I'm saying,

I put on my headphones and fall asleep with my head against the window....

AND M that's a wrap. I promise this story is not over tho I'm probably gonna update it tomorrow or either tonight I can't decide

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