Fuck dads

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2 days later

I wake up with my dad yelling, well that's my sleep for today. I grab my clothes and I put them in the bathroom. Now that I'm looking for socks I hear a bang on my door, it's my father. "VANCE! YOU BETTER BE WOKE!" My father yells from outside of the door. "I AM!" I yell back, "LOWER YOUR VOICE WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME. BOY!" My dad yells, " LoWeR yOuR VoiCe WhEn YoUr TaLkInG tO mE" I mock
him quietly. I finally find my socks , I take a shower and brush my teeth, after that I text my mom.


Mom where are you

I went over to the store to grab some things

    Dad's being a bitch again

Vance! Watch your language

But Mom it's t

Do you want any snacks while I'm here

KitKats and popcorn. I gtg now bye I love you


I put my shoes on and head out of my room, I see my dad watching TV while chugging two beers at a time, fucking pig. "WHERE THE HELL YOU THINK YOU GOING" he yells, "YOU.DONT.HAVE.TO.YELL" I clap my hands in between the words. "WHO TF IS YOU YELLING AT"my dad screams in my ear "WHERE  DO YOU THINK I GET IT FROM" I yell back, "YELL AT ME ONE MORE TIME VANCE HOPPER I SWEAR" he yells " YOU NOT GON TOUCH ME IDC I SAID WHAT I SAID" I yell back, cause we can yell all day I really don't care. He punch me right in my face. This bitch. I kick him in the nuts, he drops down to the ground, I run back to my room to get my other shoes, until my dad comes in. That's all I remember.

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