A lot of stars to find...

10 0 1

(A/N: pretend the last chapter wasn't posted 2022. Also,, one year anniversary!!)

Mario already had found 20 stars, meaning only 100 more to go. WOw. He overheard Volo sobbing in the night.

"I-I miss mg swwet little plamt creacher!" Mario pretended to be asleep as Yolo very sadly caressed his own very not bald head. He seemed rather lonely, though Mario had no clue what he was talking about. They both jumped as they heard a knocking at the door.

A green blocky humanoid creature was pounding on the door.




"WOULD YOU SHUT UP?!" Volo exploded. Literally. His guts flew everywhere. Oh no.

Volo then fused back together like a magical girl. "IM TRYING TO BE EMO!1!11!!! I HAVE PTSD RELATED TO VOLCANOES AND CHAMPIONS!!1!!1!11!!!!1!!1!!111!!!1" He was still sobbing. The zombie backed away, concerned for Volo's mental health. So was Mario, but he didn't say it.

"Hey...Volo, you okay..?" Mario walked over to Volo, sitting beside him and awkwardly hovering his hand over Volo's shoulder, unsure if physical contact would upset him further.

"No! I miss my little flowr!!" Tears of very sadness rolled down his cheeks. Mario hugged him, praying for the best. Thankfully, Volo hugged him back.

The hot man soon fell back asleep, still in Mario's arms. Somewhere in the universe, Flowey knew something was off. 

When they woke up that morning, the pair remembered that food is a basic need and they'll die without it. So they head outside, searching for something to eat. They find what appears to be colorful little pieces of candy. Mario identified them as Star Bits.

The Star Bits tasted like honey.

After eating enough, they searched for more stars. Volo seemed really excited whenever they found one, though Mario couldn't figure out why.

While walking by a small lake, a book fell out of the sky and hit the mustache man on the head.

"OW!" He picked it up. A book titled, "Rosalina's Storybook." Mario recognized Rosalina's name, though he couldn't quite recall the details of the storybook, so they sat down and read together.

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C h a p t e r  7

- T h e  T e l e s c o p e -

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