A Rare Occasion

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        Alastor was alone in his room, sitting on a chair on his balcony. The table before him was decorated classily- a simple white tablecloth that reached the floor, a glass vase filled with a bouquet of roses opposite him, and a candle in the center of the table. A bottle of red wine sat near the candle, but not too close that it would heat up the drink. Alastor may have been a monster, but he wasn't that monstrous. The deer himself decided he needed to put on the ritz for the afternoon, so he had changed out of his torn red pinstripe suit and into a classy black suit and a red tie.  Looking up, he noticed dark clouds moving over the shining red pentagram in the sky. 

        "Hm, seems we'll be getting some rain this evening." He stated, talking to his shadow. The shadow looked up, noticing the clouds and only gave a curt nod. In most circumstances, it would answer it's master, but that was only when they were alone. With the lack of response, Alastor became aware of the person who had stepped into his room and onto his balcony. White gloved hands covered his eyes.

      "Guess who~?" a familiar voice spoke behind him. The deer could practically hear the smile in the other's voice.

      "Hmm, I'm not sure..." He played along, tapping his chin. "Could it perhaps be a certain spider demon?" He spoke. The gloved hands pulled away, moving into Alastor's line of sight.

      "Ding ding ding!" Angel Dust grinned, his golden tooth shining in the candlelight. "You're correct! Your prize? A free blow job from yours truly." He winked seductively. Alastor blinked, completely ignoring Angel's remark in favor of admiring the spider's attire. He wore a red sleeveless dress with a sweetheart neckline that stopped just below his ankles and clung tightly to his form. His eyelids adorned with red and black eyeshadow, his lips coated in red lipstick. The deer was snapped out of his thoughts as the spider sat down, his sexual remark only now registering in his mind.

      "While I appreciate the offer, Angel, I'll have to decline once more." He rolled his eyes. The spider laughed.

     "Your loss, bud." He shrugged, crossing his legs. With a small bit of silence, Angel smirked. The spider leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table. He intertwined his fingers, resting his chin on the bridge they made. "Don't 'tink I didn't notice ya undressin' me with yer eyes, 'dere Bambi. Keep doin' that, and I might catch a cold." He leaned back with a wink.

      Alastor tensed, his smile straining. If he was drinking something, he most definitely spat it out at that comment. The overlord cleared his throat. 

   "My apologies. I suppose I'm not used to seeing you dress so extravagantly. You look lovely, my dear." Alastor complimented. Angel seemed to be taken aback by the seemingly genuine compliment. The spider giggled.

      "My, my. Is the big bad Radio Demon not as cold as he seems?"  Angel asked, raising an eyebrow. Alastor rolled his eyes.

     "Shut up, Angel." The deer spoke through clenched teeth. 

     "Oh please, Al. I'm jus' messin' witcha." 

       "Angel, do not make me kick you out and waste this wine." Angel was not intimidated, in fact he just laughed. Alastor couldn't help but laugh along with him. 

"Sooo, why did  ya invite me ta 'dis fancy dinner, Al? Seemed sorta outta 'da blue, don't it?" Angel decided to ask. Alastor clasped his hands together.

    "I believe that today marks your five months clean of all drugs, does it not?" Alastor asked, his grin widening. "I wanted to celebrate with you!" Angel paused, thinking. After a few minutes, he smiled softly- genuinely.

      "Yeah...yeah, 'dat is today, ain't it...?" The spider spoke softly. He grinned up at Alastor. "I can't believe you actually remembered, Al. Thanks!" He chortled, resting his cheek in his palm. For some strange reason, seeing the spider smile at him like that made Alastor's heart skip a beat. He simply waved his hand.

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