Day 33

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Success at long last! Using a combination of spells I've managed to create a sort of pocket dimension that exists outside of time, allowing this journal to remain intact even as the rest of the world resets.

Oh, right, I suppose this is technically the first entry, so I'll explain the situation.

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and for the last 33 days I've been stuck in a time-loop, repeating the 23rd of March, 2 A.R. It is still unknown how the loop started, nor how I can end it. All I can say with any amount of certainty is that time for the rest of the world resets every night, and every morning I wake up it is the morning of the 23rd. Various tests have concluded the following: Of all the ponies I've spoken to, I am the only one who can remember the previous loop. It is impossible for me to remain awake past midnight; as soon as the moon reaches its zenith I pass out, and no amount of magic can stop this. No matter where I am when I fall asleep, I always wake up back in my bed at precisely 7:23 AM. With the exception of this journal, nothing I do has any effect on the following loop. This includes changes to my own body such as a cut mane or tail.

The day plays out exactly the same every time, the only differences being caused by my own actions within any given loop (Spike always makes the same breakfast, says the same things, etc.).

It took me only a few days to begin working on a method of preserving an item from one loop to the next, and this breakthrough leads me to believe a way out of this loop is possible. I've spoken to both Celestia and Luna about the problem in separate loops and, once I convinced them I was serious, they merely said they had never heard of such a thing, and wished me luck. Some part of me thinks they didn't believe me, but it is still true; there has never been another recorded incident of a time looper. At least, none survived to tell of it.

Oh, but where's my head? Hopefully this journal will help me keep my thoughts straight while I work on a solution. I've attempted to escape the loop multiple times by using various time-altering spells, all of which have failed. It's almost like I'm in a locked box of time, and the spells thus far have failed to bring me outside of the day I'm trapped in. Or, perhaps, I have travelled in my own time stream, in which case I'd have been stuck for multiple years based on how far I've tried to travel into the future. The spells are, of course, temporary, but it's hard to tell how far I've travelled – if at all – due to the loop. If there is a way out, it is unlikely that a time spell alone is the answer.

Tests have also confirmed that I myself do not age while in the loop; cells in my body that died throughout the day are back again the next morning. This leads me to believe that, should I myself die, I'd wake up again the next morning. However, such a test is not one I'm willing to perform.

I will continue working on a way out for the rest of the day; the success of this journal has filled me with a new hope, and I'm ready to tackle the next step.

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