Day 723

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I'm sorry. If you're reading this, I'm sorry. There's no way out. I don't age. I can't die on my own. It's... it's the only way. I only hope this journal is found so that others may know why I did this. What I went through. I wish for forgiveness for the acts I've committed, documented in this journal. Maybe, some day, the information I collected can be used to help somepony else in my place. I can only hope some good may come of this eternal nightmare.

To my dearest friends, know that it is you who kept me sane enough to last this long. It is only by your kindness, your generosity, your honesty and loyalty and laughter, that I have made it this far. However, I can't take it anymore. I ask you not begrudge me my actions; please understand a life like this is not a life worth living.

I'm sorry.

-twilight sparkle

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