Day 34

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Tests continue to fail at every turn. Nothing but this journal and my own mind remains constant after a reset. I wonder, now, how my memory remains intact. It took an intricate web of spells to keep this journal alive, and should I ever forget to cast them at the end of the day all that these pages contain would be lost. Unless, perhaps, I'd find the journal as it was at the beginning of the last loop, rather than the beginning of the loop entirely. I'll have to test the theory on something less valuable.

But I've gotten sidetracked. Somehow my memory remains while everything else in the world resets, without a single spell. The thought that this is all in my head, that I'm the one going crazy, has occurred to me numerous times. However, the success of this journal seems to rule that possibility out.

Now though, I have a new experiment to design. If the loop repeats the previous loop, rather than the original day, it could mean that the way out of this is much simpler than I originally thought.

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