Meeting them -_-

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Chapter 2 - Meeting them -_-

Shealeigh POV

Ok so the concert wasn't soo bad. I mean it not like i heard any of it... thank God! Any way the concert just ended but now comes the "FUN PART!" according to my sister. We get to meet the guys, which to any fan it would be probably the best day of their lives but remember I'm not a fan so to me it's just meeting a bunch of British guys.

Once everyone in the arena cleared out everyone with meet and greet passes stayed behind waiting for there turns. Somehow my sister pulled us to the front of the line which meant we get to go first.

"OMG! WE'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO MEET THEM!!!!" my sister squealed.

"YAY!" i said not really amused.

Right as were about to go in the room to meet the guys my sister suddenly stops then turns to me and says "My future husbands are right through this door, if you do anything to embarrass me you'll regret it. k?"

"Ya i got it." i said sarcastically letting her threat go in one ear and out the other.

So we go into the room where the guys are and my sister is already practically hyperventilating when she see's them. They all said hi to her and their security guards took some pictures for them while i sat on the couch on the other side of the room texting and listening to music still. Once they were done one of the guys walked over and sat down next to me.

"Hi, I'm Niall." he said with a smile as he extended his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Shealeigh." i said shaking his hand to be friendly.

After we introduced ourselves we both just sat there in an awkward silence, so i continued listening to my music. Suddenly i felt a tap on my shoulder so i took my headphones out and look at Niall to see what's up.

"Umm... i think your ... umm sister is kinda sufficating my friend over there?" he said in a sort of shy way as he pointed to my sister who was hugging one of the guys and not letting go.

"UHH! Oh my God! ELLE LET GO OF HIM!!" i said as i got up quickly leaving my phone on the couch.

I walked over my sister and peeled her of the guy with all the curls. Once i got her off of him he thanked me then winked, which i just rolled my eyes at. I mean really is that his way trying to flirt, I've seen better flirting come from a dog.

So after the whole ordeal with my sister and the guy who i found out to be named Harry was done their security guards asked us to leave because:

A. Our time for the meet and greet was up


B. My sister probably just freaked them all out

As we get into my car and i start what i can tell is going to be a long trip home, my sister proves my point by starting to ramble on about what just happened from the concert to the meet and greet. When we finally get home, we go inside to find my mom sitting in the living room watching tv.

"Hi girls! how was the concert?!" she questioned in an enthusiastic tone.

"AWSOME!! AMAZING!! FABULOUS!!" my sister shreaks

"Boring, dumb, lame, stupid." me and my sister speak at the same time.

"oh well that must of definately been an interesting night." my mom says putting an enphisis on "interesting."

"Well if you girls are hungry you can call for pizza if you want?" my mom says as she turns back to pay attention to the tv.

If there anything that me and my sister agree on it food! I honestly could probably eat a whole large pizza all on my own but I'm nice (sometimes) so i'll share it with Elle just this once. So I go into the kitchen and get the number off the fridge as i start to put the number into my moms phone to call the pizza place.

Less the 30 minutes later the pizza arrives and my and Elle dive into it. In 15 minutes the whole pizza is gone, so i decided to up to my room and get ready for bed and maybe text my friend Alyssa.

I got to my room and hopped in the shower quick before changing into my pajama's and then went to get my phone out of my pants pocket from earlier. When I didn't find it in my pocket I promised myself I wouldn't panic til I searched everywhere!

** 30 minutes later **

Ok I'm officially panicked! I've looked EVERYWHERE and I still can't find it. I told my mom and she said maybe I dropped it at the concert. "That's reassuring!" I thought to myself.

I was sitting in my room pouting then I remembered my phone was logged into my Facebook and Twitter! Maybe if someone found it they left some kind of message saying they found it, I mean I've heard of it happening before. So I grabbed my laptop and checked both of them twitter... Nothing! Facebook, there was post on my wall (YAY) from who ever found my phone!!!

The post said...

Hey I found your phone in the arena. I wondering if you want to meet at the diner up the road from the arena in the morning so I can return it. If you don't feel comfortable meeting a stranger I understand so if you want to come with someone that's fine. :)

I decided to message my friend Alyssa on Facebook to see if she wanted to come to the diner with me in the morning so I wasn't alone.

--- A/N ---

Hello my lovely's :) thanks for reading my story do you like it? Does it suck? I'm pretty new at writing so hopefully this story isn't too boring and I'm sorry if it is!!!! But anyway VOTE!!! FAN!!! COMMENT!!! Thank you again!!! :)

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