Chapter 7

126 13 4

Date: December 31, 2022...

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year💜💜🤗🤗


A rhythmic melody echoes in a barely occupied room, there was a small kitchen counter on the side of the open living area, Gulf shuffles his feet along with a familiar beat, swaying his hips side to side, steering the soup along with...

Oh, baby (oh, baby)

I'll sacrifice for you

I'll even do wrong for you, baby (oh, baby)

And every night, every day

I'm gonna say

I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you

The soup was almost done, he switched off the induction, moon walking towards the open living area, his hips keep on moving with rhythm, raised his hand placing on someone's imaginary shoulder, and the other found an imaginary hand, clutching it tightly, singing aloud with all fervor, smiling at the void, imagining an all-new world in his empty room. 

The room has barely any possessions, one can say 'minimalist', the only place which felt personalized was the left wall of his living room, covered with small plants beautifully stored in glass jars of each shape, looking all pretty and green,  the door to his bedroom was a bit open, showing his unmade untidy bed, he must be a way to happy to forget about that wrinkled bed..

And surely his feet won't be stopping soon.

Look out boy, 'cause I'm gonna get you

I'm gonna make you love me

Oh yes, I will

Yes, I will

I'm gonna make you love me

Oh yes, I will

Yes, I will

Once the song ended he plopped on the chair beside him, the smile still lingering on his lips, humming along, he put the song on repeat once again, the beat is catchy if you could hear it..

Feels like singing this one on and on..

My love is strong, you see

I know you'll never get tired of me

Oh, baby (oh, baby)

And I'm gonna use every trick in the book

I'll try my best to get you hooked

Air cooler's buzz adds some flavor to his singing, along with cooling down the heated summer and his sweaty self as well, each blow of air flips pages of that journal flattened on the table, just beside his personalized terrarium wall, displaying all his possession at one place, the yellow pages still getting flipped with each air blows, showcasing the sins that little thing holding for long.

Sins, that are meant to be hidden, buried in her yellow pages...

The sins heavier than her weight.

Hey, baby (hey, baby)

Every minute, every hour

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