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Jiseok eyes wide

Jiseok ask

Hobi turns around and looks at him.

"I want you to complete our parent's wish"
Hobi said.

"They always want us to become a doctor, you are the only one who can compete for their wish " hobi said.

"but hobi I can't go without you"
Jiseok said.

Hobi holds his arms.

"look jiseok, don't worry about me,
I working on a min mansion and they are great people I have a good salary, you go and complete eomma appa dream, and we will still contact each other hmm"
Hobi said.

Jiseok looked at him and nodded.

He hugs his twin brother tightly and cries in his arms.

Hobi pats his back, controlling himself to not cry.

A few weeks later

Jiseok leaves Seoul and goes to London to study.

Hobi works in a min mansion and when he gets his salary, he sends his half salary to jiseok.

At London

Jiseok studies and works a part-time job in a pizza shop.

4 years later.

Jiseok going home after work.


He saw a man running come and hiding behind the big dustbin on street.

Jiseok saw a policeman running coming.

"Did you see someone running?"
Officer asks

Jiseok looked at the man who is hiding behind Dustbin.

"no, I didn't see anyone"
Jiseok said

Officers nodded and run another side.

The man who hides behind the dustbin comes out.

Thanks, bro for saving me"
Man said.

"Are you Korean?"
Jiseok ask

"yes, and you too right?"
The man said.

Jiseok nodded.

"I am worldwide handsome Kim seokjin"
Jin said.

Jiseok chuckled

"I am jung jiseok,
Nice to meet you"
Jiseok said shaking hands with him.

"Can I ask you why you running away from officers?"
Jiseok ask

Jin sighed and saw a wallet he stole from a man.

"I stole wallet that's why"
Jin said

Jiseok ask

"for survive, I didn't have money or anything here in the UK"
Jin said.

Jiseok look at him.

"Sorry for asking so many questions but where is your family?"
Jiseok ask

"I didn't have anyone,
I live with my boyfriend who cheats on me and kicked me out,
No one gives a job, that is why I am stolen"
Jin said sigh.

Jiseok sadly looks at him.

"come with me"
Jiseok said hold jin hand.

"yeah I am not going to the police"
Jin said

Jiseok looked at him
'Are you serious look

"I am taking you to my apartment,
You are going to live with me"
Jiseok said

Jin asks he was shocked

Jiseok said start walking.

Jin happily follows him.


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