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Taehyung was shocked.

"w-what where?" tae ask

"don't know where I am going, I am just lost, jiseok Is happy to have jimin, so I decided to leave, and go somewhere, away from everyone where no one finds me," jungkook said chuckling who much pain in his voice.

"jungkook listen, talk with jiseok," taehyung said.

"no tae, jiseokie is happy I can't face him please, he has someone who loves him and .................. Protect him" jungkook said.


"bye tae, I have a flight in 1 hrs thank you for being my friend," jungkook said hanging up.

Taehyung was shocked, he tried to call jungkook again but jungkook switch off the phone.

"shit" taehyung said and call jiseok.

"Hello!" jiseok said.

"Hello, jiseok!!"

"yes, tae?"

"jiseok!! Jungkook leaving Korea, he going somewhere away from everyone, and he has a flight in 1 hr, jiseok you will never see him again" taehyung said.

"n-no" jiseok said.

"go airport jiseok or else you lost him," taehyung said.

"Okay," jiseok hang up and run to the airport.

Taehyung sits in a car and informs others about this and goes to. Airport.


Everyone trying to find jungkook at the airport.

Jiseok ran around and saw a passenger going inside the main entry gate.

He decided to go inside.

"Sorry, sir you can't enter," the security guard said.

"Please let me go or else I lost him," jiseok said crying.

"I am sorry but you can't ," the guard said.

Hobi goes to him and takes jiseok away.

Jiseok crying.

Others sadly look at him.

Jiseok looks at up and saw the announcement speaker.

Jiseok runs to the announcement room.

After a lot of struggle, they let jiseok speak.

"kook!" jiseok said into the mic.

Everyone in the airport hears jiseok voice.

"kook don't leave, please, how can you leave me, don't you love me, don't you know how I suffering without you, I am broken kook, my heart still wants you, I can't live without you, you are my happiness, you are the person who stolen my heart, you are the person who loves me and ................... Protect me, I love you kook I still do and always do" jiseok said into the mic and cried.


30 minutes later.

Jiseok standing with others waiting for jungkook to come.

But he still didn't come.

Tears nonstop fall down jiseok cheeks.

"I think we should leave now," yoongi said.

Everyone looks at jiseok.

Jiseok looks down and nodded.

They start walking outside the airport.



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