They know ☁️

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3rd person pov;

Karasuno had been practicing for the upcoming weekend as they were playing against Nekoma on Saturday. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were practicing their blocking together while Hinata and Kagayama were being loud as usual.

Once they all stopped for a water break, Tsukishima made a comment about Hinata's loudness to Yamaguchi, which led him to let out a quiet snicker. However, although it was quiet, Daichi and Suga had been watching the two all practice and had noticed. The two had been paying close attention to the two first years, as they had seen Tsukishima smile at something Yamaguchi said, which came to thiers attention as smiling was something that the blond didn't do every often, at least not in-front of the team.

Since they were used to the blond's expressionless face, they started to wonder how Yamaguchi had managed to change that. They obviously knew that the two first years were close, since they had been by each other's side since the very start of the school year. They also knew that they were childhood friends, but we're they really "just friends"? This is what the two 3rd years were going to find out!

*time skip to lunch time*

Daichi and Suga were still trying to figure out how close their two underclassmen really are. Meanwhile, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were sitting on the school roof, enjoying a quiet lunch together. Little did they know that they would soon be interrupted.

While in the middle of listening to what Tsukishima was saying, he noticed his upperclassmen watching them. "Hey, Tsuki", he quiet said while trying not to let the two spies know that he knew they were there. "Yams, what's up?" Tsukiyama asked, "what are you-" he cut himself off when he heard Suga shushing Daichi. "Oh..." Tsukishima said quietly, know realising what was going on. "They know, don't they Tsuki", Yamaguchi whispered. "Oh they most definitely know."

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were going to confront the older members of the team about spying on them, but first, they were going to have a little fun with them. To get them back, they were gonna stage a fake argument. Tsukishima got up and pretended to be mad and Yamaguchi. "Yams, what the actual fuck?" He stared. "You know you can't just say that!" Now this got the attention of Suga and Daichi alright. They had never witness and argument between the two, let alone heard Tsukishima swear at Yamaguchi.

Next it was Yamaguchi's turn to act mad. "Oh yeh, well who says I can't? You said the same thing to me last week!" He yelled. Daichi and Suga decided that they should intervene. They would have never of thought that they would see the two even bicker, but this? This was way worse. "Alright, that's enough", Daichi stated. "You two shouldn't be yelling at each other, what's going on?" Suga added. Since Yamaguchi had his back to the two seconds years, he gave Tsukiyama a look to tell him that this was enough, and they should get the fake argument over before the older years got too mad at them, before turning around to face them.

"He started it", Tsukiyama said, looking at the two 3rd years. "Oh yeh", Yamaguchi joined in, "I'm pretty sure you're the one who started it." Tsukiyama let out a small smile to Yamaguchi that the 3rd years missed as they were two busy looking shocked at the dark heard boy. "Well I wouldn't have started this fake argument with you to mess with them if they hadn't been spying on us all lunch", he said, motioning to Suga and Daichi. "I know that Tsuki and now I feel kinda bad but it's what they get for spying on us instead of just asking us straight up if we're dating." They older years paused and thought about what Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had just said.

After processing what the two had just said, Daichi and Suga looked at the two with their shock clear on their faces. "You two faked that while argument", Daichi stats more than asked.  "Yup", Yamaguchi replied with a sweet and innocent looking smile. "We did and it's what you two get for spying on us. Don't you two tell that idiot Hinata off for spying all the time. Please refrain from spying on us and just ask us whatever it is you need next time", Tsukishima added. "We're very sorry" Daichi and Suga nodded and very quickly apologised. "Congrats you two, by the way", Suga added, before following Daichi down the stairs towards the main building.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi laughed at the 3rd years. "Good job Tsuki" Yamaguchi smiled as he hugged Tsukishima. "You too Yams" the blond said as he returned the hug, am obvious smile on his face. Although Tsukishima didn't show it, he really liked hugs from Yamaguchi. The slightly taller boy kissed his slightly smaller boyfriend on the head before taking his hand in his and opening the door to the stairs before walking down then while still holding onto Yamaguchi's hand. The two first years may have thought that they had the last laugh but little did they know that Suga and Daichi weren't the only Karasuno team members who had followed them onto the roof, as Tanaka and Noya had been sat there recording the whole thing, even the hug and the hand holding before the couple disappeared behind the door.

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