Tell him Tadashi ☁️

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3rd person pov;

It was the 3rd of December and yeh Karasuno team were practicing for their last mach against Fukurodani before the new year. Daichi announced that the team were going on their water break in 5 minutes, snapping Yamaguchi out of his daydreaming. He has been called over to talk to Suga, leaving Tsukishima, much to his annoyance, to practice as a 3 with Hinata and Kageyama for the next few minutes.

After Suga had pulled Yamaguchi aside, he made sure that no one could over hear them before speaking to the younger boy. "Tadashi, can I ask you something personal?", he asked him. The first year nodded, not knowing what to expect but not too worried as he knew that Suga wouldn't pry if he didn't answer the question, whatever it may be.

Suga had noticed that throughout her practice, whenever they took turns practicing with the ball against the wall, that Yamaguchi always had a certain look in his eyes. The way that they would light up whenever he was watching Tsukishima, which lead to Suga's suspicions, was very noticeable to the rest of the team. Suga sighed, knowing that his younger classman probably wouldn't answer the question with full honesty.

"Tadashi", he began. "Do you like Tsukishima?" Yamaguchi paused for a minuet. "Of course I like Tsuki, why wouldn't I?", he asked, clearly not getting the message.

Suga sighed, this time with a smile on his face because of how oblivious his team mates were, which, to him and Daichi, was funny, yet frustrating. He looked up at Yamaguchi, to see him watching Tsukishima, admiring him blocking the wall that Kageyama had just thrown at him. "No, Tadashi, that's it what I mean", the 3rd year spoke. Yamaguchi looked back at the older boy, confusion clear on his face. "I mean do you LIKE Tsukishima? As in more than just a best friend."

The look and Yamaguchi's face was a dead giveaway. He looked at the floor and started stuttering, a light blush creepy on his face. "I- ummm..." He took a deep breath. "I think so", he admitted, starting to slowly look up from staring at the floor. "Tsuki is so cool, how could I not like him. I wish I could tell him since we've been best friends since we were really young and he deserved to know." He admitted. "Why don't you then?" Suga asked. Yamaguchi looked embarrassed. "Because he doesn't like me back, why would he?" He spoke quietly.

Suga looked at his younger team mate and sighed. "Yamaguchi, don't put yourself down. You're the only person that he's nice to. He doesn't make fun of you or judge you, and you're even wearing his sweater, don't think that we didn't all notice that the moment you two walked in." Yamaguchi didn't know what to reply to that. Luckily for him, he didn't have to, because Daichi called time for a water break. "I won't tell him, but everyone else can see it, maybe he'll surprise you, just promise me that you'll talk to him, please", Suga said, putting his hand on the younger boy's shoulder. Yamaguchi nodded before thanking him and walking to find Tsukishima.

*Time skip bought to you by Yamamoto's Yakisoba bun (if you know you know)*

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were sat on the gym floor behind the rest of the team while listening to their coaches talk about the upcoming match that weekend. While Yamaguchi was trying to focus on what the coach was saying, he was thinking about what Suga said, to tell Tsukishima how he felt about the blond. He didn't have to worry for too long though, as he felt Tsukishima put his arm around him as he whispered "thinking about what Suga said?" quietly so that only Yamaguchi could hear it.

Yamaguchi turned to look at Tukishima. How did he hear that? He thought. As if Tsukishima had read his thoughts he said "I overheard you when I walked over the get the ball that the stupid tangerine had thrown across the court. I was surprised that you didn't notice." The blond had a smirk across his face as Yamaguchi hid his face in his chest. "And for the record, you are cool too Yams. So don't just assume that I don't like you back, because as a matter of fact I was thinking of telling you about my feeling since that start of practice", he added.

Yamaguchi looked up, shocked at what the blond had just said. "You like me back?", he asked, trying not to get his hopes up but failing miserably at showing it. The blond sighed. "Of course I do", he realised. "Why else would I give you my hoodies all the time and spend all of my spare time with you. I wouldn't do that if I didn't feel this way about you."

While the two first years were confessing to each other, thinking that they were being quiet, they weren't quiet enough, as Suga and Daichi sat their with a smile on their faces. The two had finally got together, they didn't have to worry about confessing anymore, and Daichi owes Suga a yakisoba bun as Suga was right to bet that they would get together before new year.

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