The next day...

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X got up, and lookie lookie.

It was snowing again, but not as much.

As X left his house, Six ran up to him.

"Hi, X!" said Six.

"Hello," X said. "So whatcha doing today?"

"I don't know," said Six. "But I won't be at school on Monday because I'm gonna visit my dad."

"Alright," X said. "Are you gonna be there on Tuesday?"


"'Kay, see you later!"

"Later, X!"

X went over to the church where a Saturday service was going on, and went through the church to the graveyard. He sat by Four's grave for a bit.

He looked around, and didn't see anyone, except for Box over by Nonexisty's grave.

X then walked around the graveyard for a bit.

He saw a mysterious gravestone not far from Four's.

He went over to it.

X thought he heard a little tune coming from the stone.

He shrugged it off and went to the shopping center.

X went to Object Hobby and looked for wrapping paper. It wasn't too early to buy Christmas presents, was it?...

"Nah," he said to himself. "Let's wait until Mom gets a new Christmas tree."

" ♪ A new Christmas tree, you say? Well, I got some Christmas trees here, or if you don't want THESE ones, there's plenty of them at Unnamed Store and Golf Ball's Tools And Stuff! Or maybe you could go somewhere else. But seriously, please buy a Christmas tree. Unless you don't celebrate it. ♪"

"No thanks, Puff Speaker, Mom's gonna get one, so I'm good."

"♪ It better be one with the FAKE SNOW! ♪"

"Leave that to her."

Just then, Pi walked into the store, grabbed one of PB SB's Christmas trees, gave her the money, and before she left, Pi said
"Thank you, pink speaker thingy."
Then they left.

X left Object Hobby and went to Unnamed Store to buy some food. Thank goodness the store wasn't as crowded as yesterday.

He bought meat from Rubber Spatula and bread from Discy and VHSy.

"I hate this job," said Discy.

"Me too," said VHSy.

X left the store and dropped the food off at home.

Then he went over to the treehouse.

Wet from snow. He was surprised the treehouse survived this long.

2015 to 2025...

Ten years. That truly was a lot.

The leaves on the tree that the treehouse was built on were gone.

He then left his backyard.

An Algebralien X-Mas (★ CANCELLED ★)Where stories live. Discover now