8. Laughter and Air

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*meanwhile at Hay Lin's house*

*Hay Lin and Pinkie are walking in*

Hay Lin- *looks around to see the restaurant closed* Hello? Is anybody here?

Pinkie- *singsong* Hello....

*the two start upstairs when they hear two men talking*

Hay Lin- *looks at Pinkie with a concerned gaze*

Pinkie- *looks in concern*

*in the hallway*

Mr. Lin- *concerned* What do you think, doctor?

Doctor- *to Mr. Lin* *concerned* I don't know what to say Mr. Lin...that flu in the last month made her condition much worse...medications can't do miracles. Your mother is very old...and very tired.

Mr. Lin- *sadly* I understand.

Doctor- *to him* We'll continue taking care of her. Spend as much time with her as possible, it's what she needs right now. You know what I mean?

Mr. Lin- Yeah...I know. Thank you.

Hay Lin- *concerned* Dad, I'm home.

Doctor- *sincerely* Is this the same little girl that...

Mr. Lin- *concerned* Your soaking wet, Hay Lin. Put on some dry clothes, so you won't get sick.

Hay Lin- *nods* Ok, Dad. *to Pinkie* Come on, Patricia.

Pinkie- *nods and walks besides Hay Lin*

*in Yan Lin's room the two walk in*

Yan Lin- *in bed* *calmly* A warm south wind will dry you two quicker, dears.

Hay Lin- *concerned* Grandma!

Pinkie- *waves* Hi, Ms. Lin.

Yan Lin- *smiles sincerely* Show me some of your powers, now that your father isn't here.

Hay Lin- *smiles* Ok. *she waves her hands and the air swirls around her and Pinkie drying them off* *beams* What do you think?

Yan Lin- *smiles* Wonderful darling, I think you're going to be very skillful. *sincerely* Get something to eat so that the wind doesn't take you along with it.

Hay Lin: *smiles* Wind is my friend grandma. * How have you been feeling?

Yan Lin: *admits* I've been better. *to them* But how have things been going with the other guardians?

Pinkie: *rubs her arm in concern*

Hay Lin: *admits in concern* Irma's on board with it. Taranee's hesitant, Cornelia's kinda in denial, and Will seems to accept it.

Pinkie: *concerned* My friends are still confused on why we're in your world. Do you know why, Yan Lin?

Yan Lin: *admits* I don't know why, you and your friends have been sent to our world, but as the guardians were chosen, the six of you were sent here for a reason.

Hay Lin: *concerned* Grandma, do you think your going to be healthy soon?

Yan Lin: *smiles* Of course, I sense a great cure. *to them* Girls, could you help me? I have something for you behind the pillow. *she slowly sits up*

*Pinkie helps Yan Lin while Hay Lin fluffs out the pillow and grabs a scroll behind the pillow*

Hay Lin: *concerned* A piece of paper?

Pinkie: *excited* Ooh, what's it say?

Yan Lin: *nods* It's a map. It belongs to you and your friends. Give it to Will, she'll know what to do with it.

Pinkie: *curious* What's it say?

Yan Lin: *explains* It is a map that show's the veil's twelve portals. Through these twelve portals, Metaworld's creatures try to get into our world.

*Hay Lin looks over the map*

Hay Lin: *confused* But it's empty?

Yan Lin: *smiles* Are you sure, Hay Lin?

*the map suddenly shines and reveals locations*

Hay Lin: *looks* But this is Heatherfield! *sees another location lit* And that glowing point is...

Pinkie: *looks* It's the school gym. Where we had our first fight!

Yan Lin: *explains* It's the first portal. Flames closed it, but you all need to close the other eleven. Only Will with the Heart of Kandrakar can close them.

Hay Lin: *looking at the map in confusion* But the other's aren't there. *to Yan Lin* Grandma, what kind of map is this?

Yan Lin: I've already told you and your friends...but later you'll learn everything. *explains* I have been a guardian, once too. Long before you. I was as curious as you and your friends are now.

Hay Lin: *curious* Have you been a witch too?

Yan Lin: A witch. *chuckles* No child, we aren't witches. We are something else. *smiles* But it was a long time ago. Now I'm too old and tired. *sincerely* Next, it's your turn Hay Lin.

Hay Lin: *smiles* I won't let you down Grandma.

Yan Lin: I know you won't, my dear. *looks at Pinkie* Pinkie Pie, make sure you have my Hay Lin as well as the others keep smiling and laughing even through the hardest of times. Promise me, you'll take care of their spirits my dear.

Pinkie: *looks at her and nods sincerely* I will, Yan Lin.

*Hay Lin hugs Pinkie*

*a knock can be heard on the door*

*the three look to see Mr. Lin*

Mr Lin: *with a bottle* Time to take your medicine, Mom and no tricks this time. *sincere* I tasted it, and it's really good.

Yan Lin: *slyly* Why don't you add it to the menu if it's so good.

*Hay Lin and Pinkie chuckle to themselves*

Mr. Lin: *raises a spoon* Don't throw a tantrum in front of your grandchild and her friend.

Yan Lin: *pouts* Years ago, it was me feeding you. *glares* But I never gave you anything that disgusting!

Mr. Lin: *smiles* Open wide.

*Yan Lin takes the medicine*

Yan Lin: *sticks her tongue out* Yuck.

Mr. Lin: *smiles* It wasn't that bad, was it?

*Hay Lin tears up with a smile*

Yan Lin: *sighs and looks at Hay Lin and Pinkie* *sincerely* Remember, what I told you two. Good luck you two. Remember to eat well.

Hay Lin: *sincerely* I promise. *kisses her forehead*

* Pinkie takes her hands sincerely*

Hay Lin: *smiles* Good night, Grandma.

Pinkie: *sincerely* Good night, Yan Lin.

*the three leave Yan Lin's room*

*meanwhile in Kandrakar*

Oracle: The guardians have gotten the map of the twelve portals.

Tibor: *nods* Yan Lin has done good work Oracle.

*the two are looking through a portal at Hay Lin and Pinkie who have the map*

Oracle: *sincerely* She has fulfilled her duty to the end.

Tibor: *nods* I understand.

Oracle: *sincerely* You know what to do, Tibor...I want her to get a reception she deserves...

Tibor: *nods and leaves the room*

*in Yan Lin's room she's peacefully sleeping*

W.I.T.C.H with Ponies: The Twelve Portalsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن