6. Seeing is Believing

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As the name suggests, it was once famousfor it's fields of heather...we're there such a field here. A beautiful array of colorful flowers would be on display, but instead, we find only weeds...and silence.

*the eleven girls are overlooking Elyon's house*

Rainbow- *looks* Anybody home?

*the others look in concern*

Cornelia- *serious* Let's face it guys...Elyon's gone!

Hay Lin- *admits* But she couldn't have just vanished into thin air...people don't just disappear like that.

Will- *admits* I'll say we'll see her again.

*everyone looks at her*

Taranee- How can you be so sure?

Will- *admits with a smile* I can feel it, Taranee! *looks at Twilight* It's sort of a hunch...we are magic after all.

Cornelia- *takes off her glove* Right...*bends down and uses magic to make lavenders grow from the grass*

Rarity- *notices* Darling, what are you doing?

Cornelia- *calmly* Don't worry...this way if she decides to come back tomorrow, she'll have a more colorful welcome!

Twilight- *concerned* It's not good to use-

Irma- *glares at Cornelia* What do you think you're doing? Somebody could've seen you!

Cornelia- *glares* Luckily, nobody's around.

Irma- *glares* But there could've been!

Cornelia- *glares back* But there isn't!

*lightning strikes startling the girls*

Rainbow- *concerned* A storm's heading our way!

Will- *concerned* And this time it looks nasty! Let's go!

*the girls all leave as Vathek watches from behind a tree*

*as the girls are walking*

Hay Lin- *admits* Cornelia's gotten really touchy ever since she discovered her powers...

Taranee- *admits* I still can't believe it Hay Lin...this is really happening to us.

Pinkie- *smiles* Magical destinies, save the world stuff, you get use to it after a while.

*one month ago the girls are talking at Sheffield*

Irma- *explaining* ...and in the end the two monsters vanished!

Rainbow- *admits* It was incredible!

Will- *serious* The incredible one is Elyon, she led us straight into a trap!

Twilight- *air quotes* The "date" in the gym was for us.

Cornelia- *looks at them* I talked to Cedric, that guy from the bookshop but he didn't know anything- hasn't seen or heard from her since the party...

Irma- *arches eyebrow* So she made it all up, but why?

Fluttershy- *speaks up* Um...why don't you ask her when she gets back to school?

Hay Lin- *concerned* She hasn't shown up for three days, and nobody answers at her house.

Taranee- *looks at Will* What's going on, Will?

Will- *admits* Don't ask me. *pulls out the Heart Of Kandrakar* The answers here! *looks at Hay Lin* Your grandma's story was true. We really are...magical.

*the Heart radiates with energy*

Twilight- *glances at the Heart and then looks away to the sky*

Cornelia- *puts her hand on a wall of vines* *denies* I don't buy it, Hay Lin!

Hay Lin- *concerned* But you've got to believe, please! If you'd just try...

Cornelia- *glares* Try?! Try what, exactly?

Pinkie- *comes in between them and smiles and points* That, for example.

Cornelia- *looks at where she's pointing and sees vines wrapping around her hands* *screams and pulls her hand away* *rubs it* *shocked* Did I do that?

Will- *nods* You have the power of earth and *looks at Taranee* You have the power of fire, Taranee.

Rainbow- *jokingly* Before you do anything, let me get outta the way!

Taranee- *worried* I'm really scared, you guys! I want to understand all of this.

Understanding yes...but that takes time...

*back in the present the thirteen girls are walking down the street*

Will- *to the others* How about a cup of tea at my house?

Irma- Okay!

Mane 5- *politely nods*

Taranee- *smiles* Sure!

Cornelia- *calmly* Why not.

Hay Lin- No thanks, I can't. *starts walking on the other side of the street with Pinkie following her* See you tomorrow at school!

Pinkie- *waves* Bye!

*the two walk off*

Will- *waves* Bye!

Taranee- Later!

Cornelia- *to Irma* Where's she running off to?

Irma- *concerned* Home. Her grandma's pretty sick, and Hay Lin's worried about her...

*the girls walk to Will's*

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