7. Trying to Adjust

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*shortly at Will's house the girls walk in*

Applejack- *to Will* Anybody home?

Will- No. My mom will be back in a bit. Come on in.

Irma- *sits on the couch* I'm beat.

*the girls sit around on the couch*

Will- *admits* Understandable, given everything that's happened...but I wonder if we're taking the whole thing too lightly...I mean we should be terrified! We've got magical powers! *points to the Mane 5* We have classmates who aren't even from our world! We're caught up in something incredible but acting like it's totally normal! We fought a friend who vanished into thin air, and we're here having tea! *looks at them* What's up with that?

*the girls are quiet*

Irma- *admits* Maybe we've got a few screws loose but never just realized it before...

Cornelia- *with crossed arms* Speak for yourself, Irma...

Will- *as she puts the tea kettle on* No, there's a lot more to this! I still don't get what, but there's something!

Taranee- *thinks* As soon as Hay Lin's grandma gets better, we'll ask her a few questions.

*the two go back in the main room*

Cornelia- *looks at the Mane 6 in skepticism* Speaking of questions...

Twilight- *looks at the four* You guys deserve to know the truth about us, so ask away. How you guys take our answers is on you. *starts explaining*

*a short time later*

*the girls are quiet*

Will- *arches eyebrow* So, the six of you are from a world called Equestria, which is a land made up of talking unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies. And you all got called here by a map...*points to Twilight* From your castle...and you're a princess also.

Twilight- *admits* That sums it up.

Irma- *jokingly* Do you wear shiny tiaras and poofy gowns all the time.

Twilight- *admits* No, the majority of the time we don't wear clothes.

*the girls are quiet for a few minutes*

Taranee- *about to speak up but then stops*

Cornelia- *sighs* This is unbelievable. *looks at Twilight* You really expect us to believe all this?

Will- *thinks* It...actually makes sense.

*everyone looks at her*

Cornelia- *arches eyebrow* Come again?

Will- *looks at her* Think about it, Yan Lin said that there are other worlds besides ours and that this veil is slowly breaking...

Rarity- *looks at Twilight* Maybe that's why we were sent here?

Twilight- *sighs* Your guess is as good as mine...but we were sent here for a reason. *looks at Will* We're as much in the dark on why we're here as you girls are when it comes to your powers.

Taranee- *realizes* Wait, Yan Lin talked to you guys. Did she tell you-

*the Mane 5 shake their heads no*

Applejack- *concerned* Sorry...

*the girls are quiet*

Cornelia- *sighs* So we don't know why we have these powers and you guys don't know how you got sent here.

Irma- *concerned* Basically we're all at square one.

Taranee- *concerned* But until we get our questions answered, we better watch our steps and keep our eyes open.

W.I.T.C.H with Ponies: The Twelve PortalsWhere stories live. Discover now